We built a Data Pump Interface in SQL Developer desktop many years ago. It’s time we started moving that into our web interfaces.
And, you know we already built REST APIs for Data Pump, yes?
What’s new for Database Actions/SQL Developer Web 21.3
Yesterday we had our quarterly release for ORDS, and ORDS is what makes SQLDev Web possible. In my announcement post I highlighted some changes for the REST Workshop and our Charting features, but that wasn’t everything new for 21.3.
Our project to bring Data Pump to the web starts in this release.
We’re now able to:
- see jobs – running, stopped, and finished
- drill into logs
- download any resulting DMP files
Obviously there’s much more to Data Pump than this – subsequent releases will introduce wizards for creating EXPORT and IMPORT jobs.
But until then, let’s review…
Monitoring a job, its logs, and downloading files
Point and click, it’s pretty self-explanatory, But I have a moving picture in case you need a better description.
In fact, let’s do that from a REST call to the ORDS DB-ADPI’s endpoint for Data Pump!
Once it’s finished running, I can click on the ‘hamburger’ button in the top right of the card to see my logs and DMP files.
What if you have hundreds of Data Pump Jobs? Well, you could filter your jobs, but even then the Cards visual display might be hard to parse. You can always toggle to the Grid view –
These grids have TONS of features. You can hide or re-order the columns. You can sort. But, more importantly, you can also EXPORT.
So if I want a {json} view of the report, just right-click.