What is Oracle SQL Developer? If you’re brand new to Oracle or are just now discovering the joys of using a GUI over the command-line interface, this video will show you a high level overview of SQL Developer’s main feature areas.

Those include:

  • an IDE for querying, scripting, debugging, and executing statements and programs
  • a database navigation tree and object editors for pointing and clicking your way through database
  • an extensible framework where users can program their own features or add 3rd party plugins
  • database administration tasks including backups and storage management
  • the ability to program, run, and export reports to PDF
  • a fully functional data modeling solution
  • Oracle’s official 3rd party database migration platform for moving objects and data to Oracle
  • A few notes about the video
    This is a revised or 2nd edition of the video. The first version did run in under 5 minutes, but the audio quality was less than acceptable. I produced a new video sans Video Cam (who wants to see me anyway?) and the audio is much cleaner. Unfortunately I found a couple of more features to spotlight and it’s now sitting at 8 minutes. I swear this is mostly not a trick to keep you on my site longer, mostly.

    If you haven’t installed SQL Developer yet, then you’ll want check out my previous post on How To Install SQL Developer in 5 minutes or less.

    I’ll continue this series with 5 minute ‘deep’ dives into the features covered in this tour.

    For advanced tips and tricks, be sure to check out my ‘SQL Developer’ resources page linked at the top of this website.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. Hi Jeff

    Subject: Oracle SQL Developer Data Pump Export Wizard.

    I want to know how to specify the version parameter in the Oracle SQL Developer Data Pump Export Wizard.

    For example, I want to export a schema from a 12.2 database and import the data dump into a 11.2 database.

    Thanks in advance.
    Bengaluru, India.

  2. Is there some sort of ruler that is built into this software? If not, is there some way to select a table and then specify X and Y coordinates so that I can top left align all of the diagrams that I’m creating. Currently, I am zooming in and switching between diagrams to top left align them but I feel that there has to be a better way to do this. Thanks in advance for the help.

  3. Small nitpick at the start of the video when listing the systems SQL Developer runs on, you say “O-S Ex” but Apple pronounces it “Mac O-S ten” http://support.apple.com/kb/TA22541 (‘X’ as a Roman numeral – Steve Jobs pronounced it that way too.
    P.S. Your site is great with so many tips and clear explanations. I’m now a fan of SQL Developer.

    • George, thanks for the heads-up! If anyone calls me on it, I’ll just say that I do it like Steve used to 🙂

    • JeffS

      Sometimes I make it up as I go along, just like in life 😉

      Thanks for the continued support and encouragement!

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