When I’m doing demonstrations of Oracle SQL Developer, I’m frequently asked about our support for datatypes like XML, BLOBS, Timestamp, etc. When I’m put on the spot like that, I have a tendency to forget that I already have tables setup for this. So I end up writing a query to find a table that has a specific datatype. And that just … sucks.
So I’ve written a report to do this for me. AND it will take me to that table so I can quickly demonstrate the datatype feature support.
So the list of datatypes comes back, along with count of columns per, ordered alphabetically. As I click on a datatype, it loads the list of tables and column names so I can see what’s attached.
Note that the table names are hyperlinked – yup, I can auto-open the table editor for those entries. This quickly puts me to the contents of the table so I can browse the data and use the data type editors.
You can also see in my screenshot that the standard ‘Find/Highlight’ data grid feature works for reports.
In my report I’ve also restricted several schemas from the search.
Here’s the report source if you want to beg, borrow, steal…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <displays> <display id="a6f420c6-013d-1000-8001-0a9a6ee4aed4" type="" style="Table" enable="true"> <name><![CDATA[Datatypes – Tables By Type]]></name> <description><![CDATA[]]></description> <tooltip><![CDATA[]]></tooltip> <drillclass><![CDATA[null]]></drillclass> <CustomValues> <TYPE>horizontal</TYPE> </CustomValues> <query> <sql><![CDATA[select data_type, count(*) from dba_tab_cols where owner not in (‘CTXSYS’, ‘SYS’, ‘SYSTEM’, ‘SYSAUX’, ‘SYSMAN’, ‘MDSYS’, ‘WMSYS’) group by data_type order by 1 asc]]></sql> </query> <pdf version="VERSION_1_7" compression="CONTENT"> <docproperty title="" author="" subject="" keywords="" /> <cell toppadding="2" bottompadding="2" leftpadding="2" rightpadding="2" horizontalalign="LEFT" verticalalign="TOP" wrap="true" /> <column> <heading font="Times New Roman" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="FIRST_PAGE" /> <footing font="Times New Roman" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="NONE" /> <blob blob="NONE" zip="false" /> </column> <table font="Times New Roman" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" userowshading="false" oddrowshading="-1" evenrowshading="-1" showborders="true" spacingbefore="12" spacingafter="12" horizontalalign="LEFT" /> <header enable="false" generatedate="false"> <data> null </data> </header> <footer enable="false" generatedate="false"> <data value="null" /> </footer> <security enable="false" useopenpassword="false" openpassword="" encryption="EXCLUDE_METADATA"> <permission enable="false" permissionpassword="" allowcopying="true" allowprinting="true" allowupdating="false" allowaccessdevices="true" /> </security> <pagesetup papersize="LETTER" orientation="1" measurement="in" margintop="1.0" marginbottom="1.0" marginleft="1.0" marginright="1.0" /> </pdf> <display id="null" type="" style="Table" enable="true"> <name><![CDATA[Tables]]></name> <description><![CDATA[]]></description> <tooltip><![CDATA[]]></tooltip> <drillclass><![CDATA[null]]></drillclass> <CustomValues> <TYPE>horizontal</TYPE> </CustomValues> <query> <sql><![CDATA[select owner, ‘SQLDEV:LINK:’ ||owner ||’:’ ||’TABLE’ ||’:’ ||table_name ||’:oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.grid.DefaultDrillLink’ table_name, column_name from dba_tab_cols where data_type = :DATA_TYPE — if you see a smiley here the text should be a COLON directly followed by uppercase D and owner not in (‘CTXSYS’, ‘SYS’, ‘SYSTEM’, ‘SYSAUX’, ‘SYSMAN’, ‘MDSYS’, ‘WMSYS’) order by 1,2,3]]></sql> <binds> <bind id="DATA_TYPE"> <prompt><![CDATA[DATA_TYPE]]></prompt> <tooltip><![CDATA[DATA_TYPE]]></tooltip> <value><![CDATA[NULL_VALUE]]></value> </bind> </binds> </query> <pdf version="VERSION_1_7" compression="CONTENT"> <docproperty title="" author="" subject="" keywords="" /> <cell toppadding="2" bottompadding="2" leftpadding="2" rightpadding="2" horizontalalign="LEFT" verticalalign="TOP" wrap="true" /> <column> <heading font="Times New Roman" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="FIRST_PAGE" /> <footing font="Times New Roman" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="NONE" /> <blob blob="NONE" zip="false" /> </column> <table font="Times New Roman" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" userowshading="false" oddrowshading="-1" evenrowshading="-1" showborders="true" spacingbefore="12" spacingafter="12" horizontalalign="LEFT" /> <header enable="false" generatedate="false"> <data> null </data> </header> <footer enable="false" generatedate="false"> <data value="null" /> </footer> <security enable="false" useopenpassword="false" openpassword="" encryption="EXCLUDE_METADATA"> <permission enable="false" permissionpassword="" allowcopying="true" allowprinting="true" allowupdating="false" allowaccessdevices="true" /> </security> <pagesetup papersize="LETTER" orientation="1" measurement="in" margintop="1.0" marginbottom="1.0" marginleft="1.0" marginright="1.0" /> </pdf> </display> </display> </displays>
How Did You Do the Hyperlink Thingy With the Table Names?
If you tell SQL Developer the data come back is being formatted as a link, it will behave as a link. An earlier blog post on the subject goes into more detail, but basically you need something like this in the SELECT
'SQLDEV:LINK:' ||owner ||':' ||object_type ||':' ||object_name ||':oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.grid.DefaultDrillLink'
So being lazy-PM, I now have a report to save me a few seconds in my presentations so maybe I can cover a few extra questions 🙂
Hi Jeff,
In my SQL Developer I have tablespace report without any gauges. Could you please share your version?
What tablespace report exactly?
Okay – so I guess I need a quick tutorial on how to build and save a report in SQL Developer. I created a User Defined report and copied your code in but get a bizarre error when I run it. Must have missed something…
Check the XML that was copied out from my blog, my SQL has a 😀 in it which might have got interpreted as a ‘smiley’ which may have been replaced with a WP image URL. I have a comment in that XML for that line.
That was it. No error now. But no results either. Will try again tomorrow…