ODTUG’s KScope13 event is just around the corner. This year, as always, we have a ton of Oracle SQL Developer content ready to share in the form of sessions, hands on labs, and symposiums. I’ve noticed a few of our users are also sharing their experience in their own sessions – awesome! If you’re going to Kscope13, you’ll want to make sure to carefully setup your schedule so you don’t miss a thing 🙂

I’ve used their new Kscope13 mobile app for Android to set my schedule. You’ll just need to visit the Google Play marketplace, download the app, and request to set your password – it doesn’t seem to use your existing ODTUG authentication.

It looks great so far!

Just browse each day’s activities, find something you like, and hit the ‘Star’ button at the top of the screen. This will add it to your calendar. No more walking around looking lost with all those conference calendar papers!

You can even see which of your friends and colleagues will be attending. Now what I’m not sure of, is there a way to share your schedule?

If you just want a SQL Developer-themed cheat sheet, then keep reading.

The KScope13 app for Android
The KScope13 app for Android

Sunday Symposiums

The Database and Developer’s Toolbox Symposium

For the second year in a row, Kris Rice, senior director at Oracle Corporation, has put together a fantastic line-up of speakers for those interested in the database. Mike Hichwa, Jeff Smith, Maria Colgan, Tom Kyte, and Kris Rice will all discuss the future of the Oracle Database. This day alone is worth the price of admission.

I’ll be on at 11AM to talk about Oracle SQL Developer version 4.0.


SQL Developer Tips & Tricks
11:30AM – 12:30 PM

I think y’all know what this is all about?

KScope13 Android App
KScope13 Android App


Hands-on Training: SQL Tuning using SQL Developer
8:30AM – 9:30AM
Make sure you register for this. You’ll need to bring your computer with the Dev Days VirtualBox software and image downloaded and installed. We’ll have an hour to go over a self-paced lab for tuning queries in SQL Developer. I and a few friends will be there to help you get started and answer any questions.

Data Modeling 101 with Oracle SQL Developer
2:00PM – 3:00PM
An introductory talk on using our data modeling technology to design and build your data models.

Top Ten Cool Features in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
3:30PM – 4:30PM
Oracle ACE Director and Modeling Guru, Kent Graziano, shares his favorite modeling features in SQL Developer.


The 80’s Called, They Want Their Command Line Interface Back
9:45AM – 10:45AM
This is going to be FUN. I’ll have a certain ‘bullet-proof’ DBA on hand to help me debate the merits of GUIs and CLIs and when it makes sense to use one, the other, or both. Come here to watch the fireworks and don’t be afraid to participate!

SQL Developer for DBAs
11:15AM – 12:15PM
Leighton Nelson, very well known in DBA and the IOUG community as well, will talk about how SQL Developer has become a great tool for DBAs, not just developer and the query folks. He’s told me to expect some live demo too, so I plan to be there with plenty of popcorn (for me!)


Version Control the Database Development
11:00AM – 12:00PM
The folks at dbMaestro have built a source control solution for your database objects and have integrated it with SQL Developer. Caveat: I’m not endorsing dbMaestro or their technology, but if you’re a database developer, I would recommend stopping by and checking out their story.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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