Perfect weather and no fog to cloud the view! Pre-OOW12 bridge run :)
Perfect weather and no fog to cloud the view! Post OOW12 bridge run
Oracle Open World 2012 left me exhausted. Apart from the social and fun stuff like running across the Golden Gate with a few co-workers and keeping up with social and business dinners, we had a ton of presentations, Hands On Labs, and of course the demo pods to man in the Exhibitor Hall.

2013 takes it up a notch or three. We’ll have 8 official SQL Developer-themed sessions, 5 Hands-On Labs, and 3 Demo Pods.

Themes you ask? Think Oracle Database 12c and Cloud stuff probably 🙂

Here’s what you need to know when it comes to Oracle SQL Developer, database tools, modeling, and database migrations:


Hands On Labs

What’s a ‘Hands On Lab?’ We give you a fully-setup VirtualBox image with all of the data, software, and labs you need to learn new, exciting Oracle development features and techniques. We set aside time at Open World with the machine already setup and configured so you don’t even need to bring your own computer. Several of us SQL Developer development team folks will be on hand to help answer questions and take you through one or more labs.

This year we’ll start with about 20 minutes of lecture style-presentation, then set you loose on the labs. Be sure to sign up for these quickly as they were all sold out last year, and there’s no room for ‘extras.’

Our labs are just about ready to be put into the system. I’ll update this post with all of them and links when it goes live. I’ll be on vacation next week, so I wanted to get all of this out there ASAP!

Demo Pods

Oracle SQL Developer Demo Pod
Oracle SQL Developer Demo Pod

In Moscone (West?), you’ll find most of the Oracle Database Demo Pods, along with the rest of the exhibitors. We have the entire far left hand wall of that floor reserved. We’ll have a 3 ‘booths’ setup.

  1. Oracle SQL Developer
  2. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
  3. Oracle Database Migrations

We’ll have developers and product managers on-hand to answer your questions and demonstrate new features, or just show you whatever you’d like to see. Each of the pods will be setup to show anything between the 3 subject areas, so you shouldn’t have to wait long before you can get your face time.

Don’t Be Shy!

This is your chance to interact with the folks that build the tools you use everyday. A majority of our new features and enhancements come directly from user input. I’ve even seen developers code stuff up while they’re on the exhibition floor 🙂


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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