Someone on the Twitters was lamenting they had accidentally clobbered their code when they ‘copied over it’ in their clipboard. So basically you cut your code – it goes to clipboard, you copy something else, the :new replaces the :old.


SQL Developer keeps an Extended Clipboard.

It’s just what it sounds like.

What you copy in SQL Developer, stays in SQL Developer
What you copy in SQL Developer, stays in SQL Developer

We keep a pretty decent Undo history as well.

Oops! Ctrl/Cmd+Z to save the day!
Oops! Ctrl/Cmd+Z to save the day!

Now me, I never make mistakes. But for you good folks, these two things could come in real handy. And don’t forget if you’re working with files, we also automatically keep a local file history.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


    • Pitt, heh? You’ll just have to pretend you didn’t learn something from a WVU grad 🙂

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