A few quick things to remember:

Try to always use statement delimiters

We're confused - this looks like one statement to us.
We’re confused – this looks like one statement to us.

Even before I go to execute this ‘statement’, SQL Devleoper is telling me I have a problem. The grammar check is failing. Notice those red squiggle lines? They actually mean something.

So, add a semi-colon, or do this:

Highlight what you want to run, and hit ctrl+enter
Highlight what you want to run, and hit ctrl+enter

Know the difference between executing a statement and executing a statement(s) as a script

First button executes a query, gives you a grid if it has a resultset. Second button sends the command(s) through our SQL*Plus engine and you get standard text output back.
First button executes a query, gives you a grid if it has a resultset. Second button sends the command(s) through our SQL*Plus engine and you get standard text output back.

I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. Hello Jeff
    What about anonymous blocks?


    select sysdate from dual;

    As soon as I have an anonymous block I cannot execute following sql statements with ctrl-enter
    Is this intended behaviour or am I missing something?
    Regards Erik

    • @Erik,

      Here is what i did in SQL Developer 4.0.2

      dbms_output.put_line(‘Hello World’);

      select sysdate from dual with control – Enter the below sql get executed.

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