I sometimes get a double-take when I do a blog post or tweet or show a picture of SQL Developer running on my Mac. My Macbook is my personal machine: I don’t normally do live-demo’s on it, but I almost always do my blog posts and screenshots from there.

For official webcast stuff and conferences, it’s the old workhorse Win7 machine. And it looks like this for the most part:

You already knew you could compare plans and autotrace output results, yes?
You already knew you could compare plans and autotrace output results, yes?

But you as a user, have a lot of control and say exactly how SQL Developer looks. After I put in my own personal preferences, I think it looks cool. Here’s a few settings to investigate and tweek.

The white text is the preference you want to look for.
The white text is the preference you want to look for.

The ‘Show Whitespace Characters’ – that might not be for most folks. But I like to know when I’m seeing something weird, that it’s because there’s a linefeed or something else going on, so it’s helpful to me.

Now, you can go CRAZY with the Syntax Coloring. But, start with the themes. Find a theme that get ‘close’, and then tweak individual elements if you want.

I went completely custom, but I can't really remember why...
I went completely custom, but I can’t really remember why…

I’ve also settled, finally, on using the native OS X ‘Look and Feel’ over the Oracle LaF. That’s controlled here:

This controls how menus, dialogs, buttons, etc. are drawn.
This controls how menus, dialogs, buttons, etc. are drawn.

For what it’s worth, I HATE the Windows LAF, but maybe it’s better in Win 8 or 10?


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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