You can download it here.

With this VirtualBox Appliance, you can spin up a virtual machine that already has Oracle Database, Application Express, REST Data Services, SQL Developer, SQLcl, and more…all running for you, automatically.

Yes, that’s APEX v18.1 you see running there.

The APEX team has also given you a TON of new APEX 18.1 focused labs. Including one for using REST Enabled SQL from ORDS.

Have 10 minute? Learn how to consume REST Services in your APEX apps!

How to launch SQL Developer

In the terminal/console, run ‘sqldeveloper’

That’ll launch 18.1 for you.

Create a connection for ‘HR’, and remember, the passwords are all ‘oracle’

Don’t need a ‘big, fat GUI?’ Then just type ‘sql’ and you’ll be in our modern command line interface for the database.



I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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