Updated 18 July 2023
I was inspired by Joel’s post on this subject for APEX so much, that I thought I’d copy his idea.
So you’re reading this post on my blog, so you found me – maybe probably via Google. Or you walked into my mom at the grocery store. Either way, so glad you got here.
But did you know, there are LOTS of places you get help or learn about SQL Developer out there?
Let’s cover a few of them.
The Forums
Requirements: to post, you need an Oracle SSO account. To read, you just need a browser.
TONS of information on here, you just need to learn how to effectively search. My tip; use this feature to filter your results to the SQL Developer ‘space.’
Same requirements as the Oracle Forums, you’ll need an account to post your question. But, SEARCH first – most things have already been answered there. And definitely TAG your question as ‘oracle-sqldeveloper’
If you do that, both @krisrice and I will see it within 15 minutes of you posting it. We’re in a race for points, so a good chance you’ll get a response from us, or one of the other 10 zealots on there in the Oracle community.
Include PICTURES of your problem. Include the errors and code. If you do no, we will ask for them, probably.
Fun fact: more than 4,000 questions are here already!
If you are wanting an answer to a question, this requires patience. You might have to watch 5-15 minutes of video to get what you need. Hot tip, fast forward until you see pics of the GUi pop up.
It’s better for general information in a training/passive watching kind of way vs getting help with a very specific question.
I hope you know about My Channel, I have a TON of content there.
But, I also want to introduce you to Manish. He and his videos are awesome. And they will PUMP YOU UP.
There are a lot of bloggers out there.
A few have more than one post when it comes to SQL Developer. So if you see these names show up in your search results, you can trust their content. As always thought, trust BUT verify.
- Kris Rice (Oracle) – he wrote a lot of the code, he’s the last word when it comes to anything SQLDev
- Ric Van Dyke – Ric has been teaching folks how to Oracle for decades. Recently he’s fallen back in love with SQL Developer and has quite a few nice posts.
- Galo Balda – Galo has 2 or 3 ‘goto’ reference posts for SQL Developer, getting ACL going for the debugger is one of them.
- Heli (from Finland!) – Heli literally wrote the book on SQL Developer Data Modeler. She also has tons of free content on her blog.
- So many more – and you can go here to see others I think you should check out.
You can tag @oraclesqldev, @oraclesqlcl, or @oraclerest for help. You can also follow all these people. Try to use this forum for simple/quick queries.
TAG those accounts when you ask a question, that way we’ll see it MUCH faster.
By the way, do you Twitter? If so, can you help me with this poll I’m running – on folks who use or do not use YouTube to learn Oracle – Thanks!
I like to learn #Oracle by watching #video (on YouTube.)
Please answer and RT.
— Jeff Smith 🥃 ☜ (@thatjeffsmith) September 7, 2018
My Oracle Support
You can open a Service Request on SQL Developer! But, you’ll need an account in good standing that has support available ($$$) for at least one Oracle Database license.
Unfortunately, I cannot log in to the Forum, even with a (what I believe to be) SSO account.
Came here to say thank you Jeff, for all you do!
Thanks Glenn! If I’m being honest, it doesn’t feel like work 🙂