Have some SQL in your Java or Python app that needs some work?
try (PreparedStatement p = c.prepareStatement("select sum(salary), department_id \n" + "from employees \n" + "where salary > 2500 \n" + "group by department_id"))
All of those nasty string concatenations and carriage returns and the string assignment itself…
I just want to see the SQL in my SQLDev 🙁
Embed/Expose…in this case we can tell that’s Java code and we’ll automatically EXPOSE the SQL for you.
The Movie
Did you say Python?
Yes, yes I did.
Let’s say I have this code:
CREATE TABLE emps AS SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id FROM employees;
If I invoke the same right-click –
Which will give me –
var sql = "CREATE TABLE emps\n"+ " AS\n"+ " SELECT employee_id,\n"+ " first_name,\n"+ " last_name,\n"+ " hire_date,\n"+ " job_id,\n"+ " salary,\n"+ " department_id\n"+ " FROM employees;";
And if I right-click and do the Embed/Expose thing again…it’ll strip out the string concats, the carriage returns and the var sql bits.
Yes, and PL/SQL.
I can get this code generated (or removed):
SQL VARCHAR2(4000) := 'CREATE TABLE emps '|| CHR(10) || ' AS '|| CHR(10) || ' SELECT employee_id, '|| CHR(10) || ' first_name, '|| CHR(10) || ' last_name, '|| CHR(10) || ' hire_date, '|| CHR(10) || ' job_id, '|| CHR(10) || ' salary, '|| CHR(10) || ' department_id '|| CHR(10) || ' FROM employees;';