An ORDS update is rippling through the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Database Shared fleet…version 21.4.3 to be exact.

The ‘About’ dialog accessible from your USER drop-down.

Ever find yourself in need to getting your Wallet (the Zip containing your mTLS certs, TNSNames, etc files) or perhaps seeing what your current Resource Group allocations are?

Well, that’s now all available in SQL Developer Web, cough, your Database Actions home page..what we call the ‘Launchpad.’

The SQL Developer Web toybox now has all your toys.

A few quick-looks

None of these features are new, but they were previously accessible from your service console, which required logging into OCI. Now, if you have SQL Developer Web bookmarked or that’s where you always go (directly to your Database), you can skip that now.

Doing the needful.

What about actual new features, 22.1?

22.1.1 is also in the release pipelines for Autonomous. Stay tune, you’ll get more database features in SQL Developer Web, soon!


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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