Oracle REST Data Services or ORDS 22.3 is now available for download. At the time of this post, the 22.3 Docs were not LIVE yet, but they should be in the next few hours.

Here’s what you need to know –

  • ORDS: Provide PL/SQL API to force ORDS into debug mode
  • ORDS: Provide Customer Managed ORDS for Autonomous Database installation process in the command line interface
  • SQL Dev Web: new Data Loader in SQL Worksheet
  • SQL Dev Web: Data Pump – Add Import Job Wizard
  • SQL Dev Web: New Explain Plan

All the release notes.

Turning Debug Mode on for ORDS in Autonomous Database

Once ORDS 22.3 is live in Autonomous, using a PL/SQL API, you’ll be able to enable ‘print debug to screen’ on for a database being served by ORDS.

This will come in very hand for those devs needing to debug their REST APIs and other services being handled by ORDS in Oracle Autonomous Database environments.

When that becomes available, I’ll tell you all about it here.

Easier ORDS Installs for Autonomous Customer Managed ORDS

The ORDS guided configuration process with the ORDS script will be setup to help you deploy a customer managed ORDS for your Autonomous Database.

ORDS 22.3 installer for Autonomous Customer Managed
Be sure to also use –config to specify where your configuration files will go.

SQL Developer Web and Data Loading

In the SQL Worksheet, we moved the Data Loading button.

Of course, we did a lot more than this, but hopefully this will be more obvious for our users.

You can now add multiple files to be uploaded to new tables in your database. Here’s a quick demo.

It’s more involved than this, but I did say it was a quick overview.

Data Pump Import Wizard

You can now get a guided interface for creating Data Pump IMPORT jobs. If you’re in Autonomous, you can reference DMP files in your Object Store buckets. If you’re on premises, you’ll be able to specify any DMP file in your database Directories.

Choose your mode of import, what you want to import, apply mappings, filters, and GO.

We’ll of course show you the code…

You could copy and paste this to the worksheet, and change it up, and run that as a script as well! I’ve done that, MANY times.

And yeah, I’ll do a deep dive on this for both Autonomous and On Premises Oracle Database, soon.

And last but not least, we have a new SQL Query Plan Viewer

The old display is still available, so don’t freak out if you prefer it over the new one. This is the default going forward. It offers many features like filtering, access to plan notes, easy navigation of the plan by plan execution step, and much more.

So much to say about this, it deserves its own post.

I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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