The Interactive Installer is now a bit less, interactive.

Download ORDS 24.1.1

And by that, I mean there should be FEWER prompts, less back and forth. Which means you get to your SQL Developer Web/APEX web pages faster, or your REST APIs being served sooner.

./ords --config /opt/ords/conf23ai install

Change #1: we’ll find/use your TNSNames.ora files

I happen to have one, and yes, I would like to use it. So instead of typing in, successively, ‘localhost,’ ‘1521,’ and ‘FREEPDB1’ – I can simply say, hey go use Service #2.

And now I can proceed to providing the administrator credentials for my database.

If you have more than 9 entries, we’ll just show you those first 9, otherwise you can go back to manually specifying your connection details the old-fashioned-way.

Change #2: One big menu of configuration changes

So here are the defaults, more or less, do I want to change any of those?

Actually, yes I do.

I want to specify the password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER, so I’m going to choose option [3], and then provide the password, and then i’ll [A] Accept.

The Logs

We automatically log the installs and upgrade routines, and we’ll tell you where to find those logs in the stdout.

For my machine, it went to /opt/ords/bin/logs

Tail that Log for a nifty trick

We’ll conclude the ords install/upgrade session with the command you would need to use to make the install happen, unattended. That is, non-interactive.

ords –config /opt/ords/config23ai install –admin-user <username> –db-only –password-stdin < <file>

I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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