Wait, is it Cloud World or Database World? Yes! Database World is a little pocket of awesomeness at Cloud World in Las Vegas from September 9 to the 11th.

Myself, Kris Rice, and Chris Hoina will be there doing talks, running LiveLabs, and ‘working the booth’ for a few days. If you see us walking around, feel free to pull us aside and let us know how we can help you be more successful with our kit.

That kit covers a lot, including –

  • SQL Developer / Data Modeler
  • SQLDev VS Code Extension
  • SQLcl
  • ORDS
  • SQL Developer Web/Database Actions
  • Oracle Cloud (OCI) Database Tools Service
  • OCI Pre-built DocGen Function
  • OCI Database Consoles
  • VirtualBox 23ai Free Database appliance

Database Keynote with EVP Juan Loaiza

KEY3607 – Generative Data Dev and App Dev
You’ll want to attend this to see what we’ve done to make 23ai the best database even better, but also because Kris and co. will be bringing some SQL Developer to the show to demonstrate it in its full glory!

Our Talks, Labs, etc

Most of the action is on Wednesday, meaning it will be the easiest to find the 3 of us walking around, hanging out with folks on Tuesday and Thursday morning.


HOL2986 – Hands-On Lab, Oracle Database REST APIs: a Master Class: learn how to AutoREST a table, build your own REST API, and how to secure with an an OAuth2 client. (Chris & me)

LRN2003 – React Applications with Oracle Database 23ai (Kris)

PAN3016 – Accelerate App Development PANEL, Kris joins a few other people to talk about how to utilize Vector Search, AI-generated SQL, and 23ai features to build better applications, faster. (Kris)

HOL2987 – Hands-On Lab, Building a Python Flask Web app powered by Oracle Database REST APIs! Make finding a movie to watch for movie night, that much easier with our sample app that searches a movie database via ORDS web services. (Chris & me)

LRN1572 – CI/CD for the Oracle Database Developer, Kris joins an Oracle ACE Director (Roel Hartman!) as they discuss how you can use things like SQLcl, VS Code, and GitLab to get started building your pipelines. (Kris)


THR3313: Automating Your Database Schema Changes, in this quick theatre talk, I’ll introduce SQLcl with our enhanced Liquibase feature AND our Oracle ACE extraordinaire Rafal Grzegorczyk who helped one of their customers save thousands of developer hours by automating Oracle Database and APEX app installs and upgrades. (Me)

HOL2961: Hands-On Lab, using REST APIs to ensure data consistency multiple microservices spanning your Oracle APEX applications. (Me & Brijesh Deo from the HA/Microservices team)

‘The Booth’

There will be various demo pods in the demogrounds as usual. I’ll be hanging out at the ‘AppDev’ booth. The best time to find me there will probably be Tuesday morning as the event space is officially opened up.

If you’ve been procrastinating getting into our new VS Code extension, I can give you a quick demo or tour! Or we can just chat about anything you want.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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