Nearly 7,000,000 Oracle professionals use SQL Developer on a regular basis. Have a question about Oracle SQL Developer? Searched this blog and couldn’t find the answer? Ask away!
If your question is about Oracle Database, SQL, PL/SQL, etc – go Ask Tom!
Feel free to ask anything you want, but I’ll feel free to send you to Support or our Forums if it goes sideways.
Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.
- I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
- I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
- I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.
How to change the path for storing the for SQL Developer properties?
I work with SQL Developer in a virtualized environment, where all content written to c:\Documents… is purged when logging out?
How can i force sqldeveloper to write its configuration, shortcuts and connections to my home drive attached as H:\
The windows variable userhomepath points to the network share but the variable userhomepath points to C:\
Add this line to your sqldeveloper.conf file
AddVMOption -Duser.home=H:\sqldev
I use last version of SQLDeveloper. When I edit package body, in bottom show me “Calculating breadcrumbs for …. body” in infinitive loop until I exit.
Exactly which version are you running? This was a known issues but is considered ‘fixed’ for version 4.0.2
Oracle SQL Developer
Build 15.21
IDE Version:
Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
Product Version:
Component Version
========= =======
Oracle IDE
Java(TM) Platform 1.7.0_65
Versioning Support
Please contact support or open a thread on the OTN Forums and be prepared so share some code that demonstrates this behavior.
I have a User Defined Report that I created some time ago and have changed it regularly.
Suddenly, i cannot make any changes to it. When I make a change and hit the “Apply” button, nothing happens at all.
Eventually i have to Cancel out just to keep working.
Could the report be locked of similar?
Thanks for that amazingly fast response. I’ll see if we can get this granted to our user groups.
We’re issuing slightly different SQL to get the source from what your other tool is using. Check out the differences, and that will answer your question – I hope.
We moved on to SQL Developer 4.0 and we are continuing our evaluation to exchange TOAD with this product. One stumbling block I have just encountered is that we are not able to see package code in our production instances, apparently because we lack execute permission on the code in the production instance. We do have read permission on just about everything in the production instance, however. Toad does not balk at displaying package code in a production instance. Can you think of any workarounds other than a code change in SQL Developer to address this issue?
Grant select on SYS.DBA_SOURCE to the users. That’s what we query to pull up the package body code.
We found we also needed either “SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE” or select permission on the view sys.dba_plsql_object_settings.
Thanks again for your help!
Hi Jeff,
Where is the best source of PL/SQL videos for someone just getting into it but has experience with another stored procedure language. More complex than the basics but not specific too to a task or tool. Like more complex cursors, collection, exceptions, file handling, XML. Code you’re likely to write on a job and best ways to do it.
These are 3rd party, but Steven Feuerstein recommends them!
They have access to all videos on trial basis. It’s not organized as a tutorial, but there’s lot of good content there.
Hello Jeff!
I use to work with Oracle Designer, and that’s the first time I work with SQL Developer’s Data Modeler, and I have some doubts I hope you can help me with.
One thing I just cannot find out how to do is how to, after removing a table from my relational model (I have no logical model in this project), when I click the button “Synchronize data dictionary with model”, I want it to generate all the necessary DROP statements in the DDL.
Is that possible in Data Modeler? How to??
Oracle Designer did it all for me, including executing the DDL right to the database server (what I know Data Modeler cannot do).
Ugh. That’s a bug. Just logged it. Stay tuned.
Hi Jeff,
A quick question about column groups. Is there a way to show a line separator in the diagram to isolate the columns in a group. Just like how the FKs and PKs are?
Sorry, no way to do that.
I am running SQL Developer with Java 1.8.0_05. I would like to change the default encoding to UTF-8. When I go to Preferences > Environment, ‘Cp1252’ is displayed. If I click the Encoding drop-down, the value changes to ” and hangs there. How can I resolve this issue? Thank you in advance.
The value between the single-quotes above was apparently interpreted as a tag. It should have read (without the spaces) ”.
Let’s try one more time. The text displayed in the drop-down is ‘loading’ enclosed like a standard HTML tag.
Yeah, I see it myself – but the developer does not. I’m on a ‘bad’ JDK, need to update that and try again. He’s also on a ‘dev’ build, so I can test it there to see if we’ve got it fixed for the next version or not.
The problem still exists in v4.0.3, on Windows 7, using jdk1.8.0_20 (64 bits)
It’s working for me now. One more thing, how about 4.1 EA1? Or, when it hangs, run jstack.exe out of your JDK/bin directory, and send the stack dump as a new thread to the OTN Forums/Community
> jstack.exe -l — where PID is the process ID of the sql developer.exe running on your machine
Question: I’m using SQL Developer on Windows7/64 bit. I have one table that’s a problem.
When I open it in the worksheet I am unable to have the Sort button pop-up appear to trigger a sort. If I copy the table I’m able to use the sort button on the copy.
Any suggestions for where to look to correct the issue?
Weird, what data types are involved for the table columns?
Hi Jeff,
It would be wonderful if you could elaborate a bit on writing your own simple Java extension for SQL Developer. I had written my own extension for previous versions, which only displayed relations in the navigator, and the details of the relation in the editor. It was only a handful of easy xml files and some SQL statements, very easy to understand and to modify. Just build it with ant and you’re done. Unfortunately, version 4 uses a different approach, and although the experts say it’s “easy” to modify your extension, it’s only easy for experts. (“Just install JDeveloper and the extension SDK …”)
A minimal extension and a few notes on how to generate it, would be very welcome.
Maybe this would create some life in the SQL Developer extension scene.
I know we can use separate xml files, but that is not a really convenient solution.
thanks for your time!
I’d love to, but I’m not a Java programmer. You’re in luck though. We’re planning on releasing a much better documented SDK with the next version of the tool. Should answer most of the ‘how do I do this?’ type questions.
MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,40983,NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(6468758.873381,1721202.34064864,6468683.96498439,1721203.48032259,6468682.00461773,1721202.50773165,6468679.86144309,1721201.59674938,6468677.96309667,1721200.9299756,6468676.49399452,1721200.62880955,6468675.14749419,1721200.20522941,6468672.33412777,1721200.15352462,6468670.31641565,1721200.28220305,6468668.35950772,1721200.35067616,6468667.13684189,1721200.47672654,6468666.1591903,1721200.60196703,6468665.11994377,1721200.85042006,6468663.89809196,1721201.22148552,6468662.98225795,1721201.59153944,6468661.45560768,1721202.33063903,6468660.23518122,1721203.13073089,6468659.74798014,1721203.68238122,6468658.34598172,1721205.21712648,6468657.37219093,1721206.50443846,6468655.9732426,1721208.95724019,6468654.76033504,1721212.02047124,6468654.3467399,1721216.36515321,6468654.41992383,1721219.73015524,6468655.71477353,1721222.96911015,6468656.9443469,1721224.92218762,6468660.38054049,1721228.52109089,6468329.75606335,1721230.14404258,6468258.04027255,1721230.49612212,6468256.13806152,1721228.66627737,6468254.7277132,1721227.38684663,6468252.94912072,1721225.74060656,6468250.43629955,1721224.3418114,6468247.74227855,1721223.18763289,6468244.00902787,1721222.58792971,6468240.40080448,1721222.29483544,6468236.91480431,1721222.36736364,6468233.85804852,1721222.80549945,6468230.27330555,1721224.16144698,6468227.09820444,1721225.7020538,6468225.33323227,1721228.15506549,6468224.17868758,1721230.42304601,6467671.06292295,1721232.97963231,6467669.71296615,1721231.51598919,6467668.85427437,1721230.72377059,6467667.93477842,1721229.99175732,6467666.83188657,1721229.44536376,6467665.91320481,1721228.95836552,6467664.8109211,1721228.59498317,6467663.58642758,1721228.17100044,6467662.11732525,1721227.8698352,6467660.58903361,1721227.81388337,6467659.12094818,1721227.81873689,6467657.10405038,1721228.19243134,6467656.06460134,1721228.37988108,6467654.47613389,1721228.87416794,6467653.2552992 1397 3756 0 0 301 4 3 0 0 0 0 7 1 195429180 11086297 193389499 11423538 0 2187 3 CA PRI-FDR COVED CU 1/C 4/0 315371 4/0 08904_FLDR0 2349599 1 484772638 139703756 1 301 1301 479963778 89-04 89-04
4908317,6466891.12561828,1721414.01413242,6466890.339111,1721416.58591794,6466889.6219467,1721421.66665487,6466889.51478376,1721426.13333082,6466741.70803428,1721544.21850156,6466739.38369681,1721544.16518242,6466737.12036287,1721544.11166156,6466735.40826363,1721544.11732249,6466733.87958052,1721544.24438575,6466732.16789012,1721544.37305417,6466730.82301492,1721544.43850529,6466729.29453457,1721544.62657226,6466727.21622843,1721544.87846165,6466724.46528879,1721545.25458383,6466720.19462093,1721546.34578197)) how to show the map …
right-click on the table row, and invoke the Map View (it’s on a right-click)
I used the local DB as an example. Here I’ll connect to a remote database, using a traditional connect string. This works in SQL*Plus:
> connect richref/richref@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=parvl7720322)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(service_name=SWD1FRR0)(SERVER=DEDICATED)))
Error starting at line : 16 in command –
connect richref/richref@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=parvl7720322)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(service_name=SWD1FRR0)(SERVER=DEDICATED)))
Error report –
Connection Failed
Does it work if you use the Network Alias defined in your TNSNames.ORA – it does for me.
Hey Stew, I see what you’re saying now…but I need to rule out that I’m doing something wrong first 🙂 Stay tuned.
OK, Thanks. By the way, using a network alias in tnsnames.ora does work, however I can’t count on that if creating a script for others. The foolproof way would be to hard code the connect string.
Got it working – remove all of the spaces from your connect string.
I’m sorry to be so confused, but what spaces? There are none in any of the connect strings I posted here. Could you post an (obfuscated) example of what works for you?
Sorry Stew – this is working for me just fine
You could also use this type of connect string syntax, which i always find easier to read…
connect hr/oracle@//
Hi Jeff,
In the worksheet, I would like to use the (sql*plus-like) CONNECT command to connect to another database. In SQL*Plus I can say
connect user/password@localhost:1521/orcl.localdomain
but not in SQL Developer. I am using Version with the included thin driver.
Thanks in advance and terrific job of helping us out!
We support CONNECT…
connect hr/oracle
select * from employees;
Connected: jdbc:oracle:oci8:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=pdb1)))
———– ——————– ————————- ————————- ——————– ——— ———- ———- ————– ———- ————-
100 Steven King SKING 515.123.4567 17-JUN-87 AD_PRES 24000 90
101 Neena Kochhar NKOCHHAR 515.123.4568 21-SEP-89 AD_VP 17000 100 90
102 Lex De Haan LDEHAAN 515.123.4569 13-JAN-93 AD_VP 17000 100 90
103 Alexander Hunold AHUNOLD 590.423.4567 03-JAN-90 IT_PROG 9000 102 60
104 Bruce Ernst BERNST 590.423.4568 21-MAY-91 IT_PROG 6000 103 60
105 David Austin DAUSTIN 590.423.4569 25-JUN-97 IT_PROG 4800 103 60
106 Valli Pataballa VPATABAL 590.423.4560 05-FEB-98 IT_PROG 4800 103 60
107 Diana Lorentz DLORENTZ 590.423.5567 07-FEB-99 IT_PROG 4200 103 60
108 Nancy Greenberg NGREENBE 515.124.4569 17-AUG-94 FI_MGR 12000 101 100
109 Daniel Faviet DFAVIET 515.124.4169 16-AUG-94 FI_ACCOUNT 9000 108 100
110 John Chen JCHEN 515.124.4269 28-SEP-97 FI_ACCOUNT 8200 108 100
111 Ismael Sciarra ISCIARRA 515.124.4369 30-SEP-97 FI_ACCOUNT 7700 108 100
112 Jose Manuel Urman JMURMAN 515.124.4469 07-MAR-98 FI_ACCOUNT 7800 108 100
113 Luis Popp LPOPP 515.124.4567 07-DEC-99 FI_ACCOUNT 6900 108 100
114 Den Raphaely DRAPHEAL 515.127.4561 07-DEC-94 PU_MAN 11000 100 30
115 Alexander Khoo AKHOO 515.127.4562 18-MAY-95 PU_CLERK 3100 114 30
116 Shelli Baida SBAIDA 515.127.4563 24-DEC-97 PU_CLERK 2900 114 30
117 Sigal Tobias STOBIAS 515.127.4564 24-JUL-97 PU_CLERK 2800 114 30
118 Guy Himuro GHIMURO 515.127.4565 15-NOV-98 PU_CLERK 2600 114 30
119 Karen Colmenares KCOLMENA 515.127.4566 10-AUG-99 PU_CLERK 2500 114 30
120 Matthew Weiss MWEISS 650.123.1234 18-JUL-96 ST_MAN 8000 100 50
121 Adam Fripp AFRIPP 650.123.2234 10-APR-97 ST_MAN 8200 100 50
122 Payam Kaufling PKAUFLIN 650.123.3234 01-MAY-95 ST_MAN 7900 100 50
123 Shanta Vollman SVOLLMAN 650.123.4234 10-OCT-97 ST_MAN 6500 100 50
124 Kevin Mourgos KMOURGOS 650.123.5234 16-NOV-99 ST_MAN 5800 100 50
125 Julia Nayer JNAYER 650.124.1214 16-JUL-97 ST_CLERK 3200 120 50
126 Irene Mikkilineni IMIKKILI 650.124.1224 28-SEP-98 ST_CLERK 2700 120 50
127 James Landry JLANDRY 650.124.1334 14-JAN-99 ST_CLERK 2400 120 50
128 Steven Markle SMARKLE 650.124.1434 08-MAR-00 ST_CLERK 2200 120 50
129 Laura Bissot LBISSOT 650.124.5234 20-AUG-97 ST_CLERK 3300 121 50
130 Mozhe Atkinson MATKINSO 650.124.6234 30-OCT-97 ST_CLERK 2800 121 50
131 James Marlow JAMRLOW 650.124.7234 16-FEB-97 ST_CLERK 2500 121 50
132 TJ Olson TJOLSON 650.124.8234 10-APR-99 ST_CLERK 2100 121 50
133 Jason Mallin JMALLIN 650.127.1934 14-JUN-96 ST_CLERK 3300 122 50
134 Michael Rogers MROGERS 650.127.1834 26-AUG-98 ST_CLERK 2900 122 50
135 Ki Gee KGEE 650.127.1734 12-DEC-99 ST_CLERK 2400 122 50
136 Hazel Philtanker HPHILTAN 650.127.1634 06-FEB-00 ST_CLERK 2200 122 50
137 Renske Ladwig RLADWIG 650.121.1234 14-JUL-95 ST_CLERK 3600 123 50
138 Stephen Stiles SSTILES 650.121.2034 26-OCT-97 ST_CLERK 3200 123 50
139 John Seo JSEO 650.121.2019 12-FEB-98 ST_CLERK 2700 123 50
140 Joshua Patel JPATEL 650.121.1834 06-APR-98 ST_CLERK 2500 123 50
141 Trenna Rajs TRAJS 650.121.8009 17-OCT-95 ST_CLERK 3500 124 50
142 Curtis Davies CDAVIES 650.121.2994 29-JAN-97 ST_CLERK 3100 124 50
143 Randall Matos RMATOS 650.121.2874 15-MAR-98 ST_CLERK 2600 124 50
144 Peter Vargas PVARGAS 650.121.2004 09-JUL-98 ST_CLERK 2500 124 50
145 John Russell JRUSSEL 011.44.1344.429268 01-OCT-96 SA_MAN 14000 .4 100 80
146 Karen Partners KPARTNER 011.44.1344.467268 05-JAN-97 SA_MAN 13500 .3 100 80
147 Alberto Errazuriz AERRAZUR 011.44.1344.429278 10-MAR-97 SA_MAN 12000 .3 100 80
148 Gerald Cambrault GCAMBRAU 011.44.1344.619268 15-OCT-99 SA_MAN 11000 .3 100 80
149 Eleni Zlotkey EZLOTKEY 011.44.1344.429018 29-JAN-00 SA_MAN 10500 .2 100 80
150 Peter Tucker PTUCKER 011.44.1344.129268 30-JAN-97 SA_REP 10000 .3 145 80
151 David Bernstein DBERNSTE 011.44.1344.345268 24-MAR-97 SA_REP 9500 .25 145 80
152 Peter Hall PHALL 011.44.1344.478968 20-AUG-97 SA_REP 9000 .25 145 80
153 Christopher Olsen COLSEN 011.44.1344.498718 30-MAR-98 SA_REP 8000 .2 145 80
154 Nanette Cambrault NCAMBRAU 011.44.1344.987668 09-DEC-98 SA_REP 7500 .2 145 80
155 Oliver Tuvault OTUVAULT 011.44.1344.486508 23-NOV-99 SA_REP 7000 .15 145 80
156 Janette King JKING 011.44.1345.429268 30-JAN-96 SA_REP 10000 .35 146 80
157 Patrick Sully PSULLY 011.44.1345.929268 04-MAR-96 SA_REP 9500 .35 146 80
158 Allan McEwen AMCEWEN 011.44.1345.829268 01-AUG-96 SA_REP 9000 .35 146 80
159 Lindsey Smith LSMITH 011.44.1345.729268 10-MAR-97 SA_REP 8000 .3 146 80
160 Louise Doran LDORAN 011.44.1345.629268 15-DEC-97 SA_REP 7500 .3 146 80
161 Sarath Sewall SSEWALL 011.44.1345.529268 03-NOV-98 SA_REP 7000 .25 146 80
162 Clara Vishney CVISHNEY 011.44.1346.129268 11-NOV-97 SA_REP 10500 .25 147 80
163 Danielle Greene DGREENE 011.44.1346.229268 19-MAR-99 SA_REP 9500 .15 147 80
164 Mattea Marvins MMARVINS 011.44.1346.329268 24-JAN-00 SA_REP 7200 .1 147 80
165 David Lee DLEE 011.44.1346.529268 23-FEB-00 SA_REP 6800 .1 147 80
166 Sundar Ande SANDE 011.44.1346.629268 24-MAR-00 SA_REP 6400 .1 147 80
167 Amit Banda ABANDA 011.44.1346.729268 21-APR-00 SA_REP 6200 .1 147 80
168 Lisa Ozer LOZER 011.44.1343.929268 11-MAR-97 SA_REP 11500 .25 148 80
169 Harrison Bloom HBLOOM 011.44.1343.829268 23-MAR-98 SA_REP 10000 .2 148 80
170 Tayler Fox TFOX 011.44.1343.729268 24-JAN-98 SA_REP 9600 .2 148 80
171 William Smith WSMITH 011.44.1343.629268 23-FEB-99 SA_REP 7400 .15 148 80
172 Elizabeth Bates EBATES 011.44.1343.529268 24-MAR-99 SA_REP 7300 .15 148 80
173 Sundita Kumar SKUMAR 011.44.1343.329268 21-APR-00 SA_REP 6100 .1 148 80
174 Ellen Abel EABEL 011.44.1644.429267 11-MAY-96 SA_REP 11000 .3 149 80
175 Alyssa Hutton AHUTTON 011.44.1644.429266 19-MAR-97 SA_REP 8800 .25 149 80
176 Jonathon Taylor JTAYLOR 011.44.1644.429265 24-MAR-98 SA_REP 8600 .2 149 80
177 Jack Livingston JLIVINGS 011.44.1644.429264 23-APR-98 SA_REP 8400 .2 149 80
178 Kimberely Grant KGRANT 011.44.1644.429263 24-MAY-99 SA_REP 7000 .15 149
179 Charles Johnson CJOHNSON 011.44.1644.429262 04-JAN-00 SA_REP 6200 .1 149 80
180 Winston Taylor WTAYLOR 650.507.9876 24-JAN-98 SH_CLERK 3200 120 50
181 Jean Fleaur JFLEAUR 650.507.9877 23-FEB-98 SH_CLERK 3100 120 50
182 Martha Sullivan MSULLIVA 650.507.9878 21-JUN-99 SH_CLERK 2500 120 50
183 Girard Geoni GGEONI 650.507.9879 03-FEB-00 SH_CLERK 2800 120 50
184 Nandita Sarchand NSARCHAN 650.509.1876 27-JAN-96 SH_CLERK 4200 121 50
185 Alexis Bull ABULL 650.509.2876 20-FEB-97 SH_CLERK 4100 121 50
186 Julia Dellinger JDELLING 650.509.3876 24-JUN-98 SH_CLERK 3400 121 50
187 Anthony Cabrio ACABRIO 650.509.4876 07-FEB-99 SH_CLERK 3000 121 50
188 Kelly Chung KCHUNG 650.505.1876 14-JUN-97 SH_CLERK 3800 122 50
189 Jennifer Dilly JDILLY 650.505.2876 13-AUG-97 SH_CLERK 3600 122 50
190 Timothy Gates TGATES 650.505.3876 11-JUL-98 SH_CLERK 2900 122 50
191 Randall Perkins RPERKINS 650.505.4876 19-DEC-99 SH_CLERK 2500 122 50
192 Sarah Bell SBELL 650.501.1876 04-FEB-96 SH_CLERK 4000 123 50
193 Britney Everett BEVERETT 650.501.2876 03-MAR-97 SH_CLERK 3900 123 50
194 Samuel McCain SMCCAIN 650.501.3876 01-JUL-98 SH_CLERK 3200 123 50
195 Vance Jones VJONES 650.501.4876 17-MAR-99 SH_CLERK 2800 123 50
196 Alana Walsh AWALSH 650.507.9811 24-APR-98 SH_CLERK 3100 124 50
197 Kevin Feeney KFEENEY 650.507.9822 23-MAY-98 SH_CLERK 3000 124 50
198 Donald OConnell DOCONNEL 650.507.9833 21-JUN-99 SH_CLERK 2600 124 50
199 Douglas Grant DGRANT 650.507.9844 13-JAN-00 SH_CLERK 2600 124 50
200 Jennifer Whalen JWHALEN 515.123.4444 17-SEP-87 AD_ASST 4400 101 10
201 Michael Hartstein MHARTSTE 515.123.5555 17-FEB-96 MK_MAN 13000 100 20
202 Pat Fay PFAY 603.123.6666 17-AUG-97 MK_REP 6000 201 20
203 Susan Mavris SMAVRIS 515.123.7777 07-JUN-94 HR_REP 6500 101 40
204 Hermann Baer HBAER 515.123.8888 07-JUN-94 PR_REP 10000 101 70
205 Shelley Higgins SHIGGINS 515.123.8080 07-JUN-94 AC_MGR 12000 101 110
206 William Gietz WGIETZ 515.123.8181 07-JUN-94 AC_ACCOUNT 8300 205 110
107 rows selected
Connection created by CONNECT script command disconnected
“We support CONNECT”. Actually, I knew that…
What about when I want to connect to another server?
That is why I added @localhost:1521/orcl.localdomain
What I want to do is write one script that connects in sequence to different databases to do things in the right order.
Sorry I wasn’t clear enough.
The syntax is the same, we support it. When you try it, what error message do you get?
This works:
> connect stew/stew
Connection created by CONNECT script command disconnected
and this doesn’t:
> connect stew/stew@localhost:1522/orcl.localdomain
Error starting at line : 16 in command –
connect stew/stew@localhost:1522/orcl.localdomain
Error report –
Connection Failed
In my connection properties, I use a “custom JDBC URL”:
not sure that it matters, but why are you using a custom JDBC URL – nothing in that string is something you couldn’t define in a normal connection.
Also, if you want to go to another database/server, connect stew/stew – how would that ever work? That’s going to always take you to the local DB
Thanks for this great resource for SD ideas, tips, etc….
So, how do I get SD to display non-printable (ctl-chars, other odd valued UTF, etc) characters in the data grids? (Just like the sql editor option for displaying whitespace.) I work with a lot of dirty file imports and being able to visually id non-printables would be really helpful. Even a ‘box’ character would help. I suppose a special font with every value as printable might work….
Your font idea is probably where I’d start. I’d also consider using the RAWTOHEX() function to see what’s what with my data.
Thanks Jeff – Sadly, in a string of hex, I can’t visually tell which characters are not printable. (Rats, I knew I should have committed the ASCII7 table to memory!) DUMP() and ASCIISTR() help me track down a lot of the display character issues; I was dreaming of a sweet secret SQL D sauce to visually catch these miscreant characters. 😉
All of the wait events have a pre-defined meanings and ” values” for the P1, P2, P3. So why does the Wait Tab show the interpretations of the P1, P2, P3 instead of having to first find out what the P1,P2,P3 mean for the wait event and then to do another query to get the values. Also would help to know what the possible solution(s) might be
I’ve learned to love SQL Developer from this site and I’m currently working to upgrade to a 64 bit windows 7 environment in my work but there seems to be some kind of problem… I’ve tried so many configs but I just can’t get it to work. I’d settle for 32-bit but it seems to choose and then fail… Any idea what’s going on?
java -Xmx640M -Xms128M
-Xverify:none -Doracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG=true -Dsun.java2
d.ddoffscreen=false -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Dide.A
ssertTracingDisabled=true -Doracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG=true
-Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.conf -Dsqldev.debug=false -Dide.conf=”./
sqldeveloper.conf” -Dide.startingcwd=”.” -classpath ../../ide/lib/ide-boot.jar o
ERROR: You’re trying to run the product with the legacy launcher oracle.ide.boot
.Launcher . Check your .conf file and be sure to include:
AddJavaLibFile ../../ide/lib/fcpboot.jar
SetMainClass oracle.ide.osgi.boot.OracleIdeLauncher
You shouldn’t need to make ANY changes to conf files to get SQL Developer working on 64 bit windows 7.
What happens if you simply download the bundle, extract it, and run the sqldeveloper.exe in the base directory?
I’m assuming you have a 64bit Java 7 JDK already installed? If not, simply grab the bundle with Java already included.
I tried that first. A command prompt (or possibly the splash screen) pops up for a millisecond and then disappears again with no errors.
I downloaded 310mb which apparently has the JDK bundled – ‘Windows 64-bit – zip file includes the JDK 7’
Now run it again from the bin directory – should open a cmd window with console output – and tell me what it says.
Unfortunately the command window opens for about half a second and then closes.
If it fails that fast, it sounds like a problem with the JVM. What does your product.conf file show as to the location of the JDK being used?
I think we’re getting close. Thanks for the help. I found in %APPDATA%\sqldeveloper\ the product.conf which was pointing to the location of Java on my 32 bit PC. After unsuccessfully editing the location I deleted the file and re-ran SQL Developer. It entered # SetJavaHome /path/jdk in the newly created product.conf and stopped as quickly as it did before.
Hi Jeff, I just wanted to let you know we found the issue. In the end it was a lack of write access to the default home dir. We added AddVMOption -Dide.user.dir=… to our product.conf and it’s working a treat!
How to turn on full/debug and etc logging in SQLdeveloper?
Edit the SQLDeveloper.conf file – change out the last line to load the debug.conf vs the nondebug.conf.
How to redirect debug log to a file instead SQLDev interface?
I don’t think that you can. What are you looking to do with it?
Hello Jeff,
first of all thanks a lot for your website and for maintaining this great blog. I just installed Oracle SQL Developer (build 15.21) on Windows 7 32bit but it looks that my SOCKS proxy settings are getting ignored. It was working with version 3 having
AddVMOption -DsocksProxyHost=
AddVMOption -DsocksProxyPort=32000
set in \sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf (using putty and dynamic port forwarding). After installing version 4 I set these option in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper\\product.conf but my database connections do not work anymore. Am I missing any setting?
Many thanks for your help and effort!
KInd regards,
For completeness, here’s the error that I receive:
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
lo exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Vendor code 17002
Hi Jeff,
One question more. All permissions have been lost when I imported schema design (Designer combined with DDL script). I restored permissions to tables by granting to few of them and than by propagating to others. But I cannot do the same with views or sequences – “Permission” is missing from the list of properties that can be propagated. Do I have any alternative to complete this?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Jeff,
I have a shcema with many package, procedure and function objects. I want to find a specific line of code but am unsure of which object it is in. Is there a way of doing a search of all objects for a specific text string. i.e., ” Select myfield from myTable”. I would like to see all instances of this line of code.
Yes! Try this.
View – Find DB Object
Type in your string
Set the search depth to include ALL_SOURCE – and choose the schemas you want to be included. You’ll see the search results with the actual code highlighted with line#/curpos
Hi Jeff,
I cannot find a way to define materialized view logs required in my schema.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance,
I am using SQL Developer Data MOdeler
Those aren’t supported in the modeler today. It comes up every now and then, I’ll add your vote to the list.
You can create those directly in the database using SQL Developer’s Create MV Log dialog…
Say I need to build a script creating my application schema from scratch (export as DDL, etc.). Is there an option to write some rule that will add required few statements (CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG …) to the script under build?
For the data modeler, you can in the table definitions add additional, manually created DDL scripts, that can be included when you generate the DDL for the relational model.
Are the privs missing from importing from Designer, scripts, or both? Those not being included would be a bug and we need to fix that.
Hi Jeff,
I was absent for few days and not saw your question.
I already finished this project – transition of schema design to Data Modeler. So it’s less important for me to fix this and other bugs (I detected several) impacting design import, but the next week I will prepare for you more detailed report on bugs that I faced.
Sorry for the delay
Hi Jeff,
First of all it looks like when importing from Oracle Designer all physical model properties (tablespace, permissions, etc.) are skipped.
When importing from DDL script all permissions are imported as permissions to users (we use to grant all object permissions to predefined roles), although required roles have been previously created or imported from data dictionary.
Additionally all “CREATE MATERAILIZED VIEW LOG” statements are treated as “CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW” and irrelevant materialized view definitions are created.
Please inform me if you need more information or appropriate script example on this issue.
Hello Jeff
I’m use Oracle Data Modeler Version
How i can export my RuleSets and import their on another computer?
Hi Jeff!
I just find out recently about your website. Lot of stuff! Thanks!
I’m a data modeler and my question relates to Supertype/Subtype transformation from Logical to Relational model. I have difficulty to setup my entities correctly in SQL Dev 4.0. I want to create one table with all subtype entities + a discriminator column for TYPE table related to the main one. Can you describe how to do it?
Our developer published a slide-deck on new features in v3.3 awhile back, and this topic was covered there. Try this link and jump to slide #26.
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