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Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.

  1. I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
  2. I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
  3. I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.



  1. Hello, Jeff 🙂

    Yesterday I posted a question about “Meeting some issues when using SQLcl 18.1.1” on the subspace SQLcl – “” on ODC database forum, and my thread is here – “”.

    Please take a moment to notice,thanks in advance!

    Best Regards
    Quanwen Zhao


  2. Hi,

    I’m trying to do the following:
    1. Make a snapshot of the schema
    2. Insert some data (not through SQL scripts but from middle-layer interface).
    3. Make another snapshot.
    4. Do the diffs on the snapshots to see what tables were affected and how (Possibly generate sql Data Objects to re-create the same behavior through SQL scripts?)

    Possible to do this with SQLDeveloper? What to look at?

    • Our schema snapshots do not cover data. So you need a way to log your mid tier calls so you can replicate said data changes after you implement the schema definition scripts (DDL)

    • Thanks for the reply.
      What about exporting table DDLs? Will that work and give me DDLs reflecting the changes made to a table?

  3. Arun S Rajagopalan Reply

    Is there going to be a support for GraphQL similar to REST?

  4. So my question is about SQL Developer Unit Test Suite. I am using a windows machine , SQL Developer version and Java version 1.8. I am creating a unit test for a procedure with ref cursor output, when I run my test which is testing for an exception of NULL input value I get an error: java.lang.NullPointerException:null.. please could you point me in the right direction to work around this error. I was told for earlier version for Java and SQL Developer Unit Test this error does not persist. Thanks.

    • Here is the use case:

      Sample Procedure:
      PROCEDURE get_person(userid IN person.userid%TYPE,
      person_data OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS
      exc_invalid EXCEPTION;
      lower_userid person.userid%TYPE;

      IF userid IS NULL THEN
      RAISE exc_invalid;
      END IF;

      lower_userid :=lower(user_id);

      OPEN person_data FOR
      SELECT *
      FROM person_table
      WHERE lower(user_id) = lower_userid;

      WHEN exc_invalidTHEN
      –code here
      END get_person;

      Unit Test for if Userid is NULL:
      Specify parameter:
      Parameter Datatype in/out input Result TestResult

      Dynamic Value Query:
      select NULL as USERID , NULL as PERSON_DATA$ from dual

      Expected Result Exception 2001 Enter expected error number or “ANY”

      Process Validation:
      Query returning no row(s)
      select * from person_table
      where lower(t_userid) = ‘{USERID}’;

      When I run this unit test I get:
      Implementation – NegativeTestCase_InputIsNull ERROR 89.0 java.lang.NullPointerException: null
      oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatementWrapper.getCursor($1dbtools$1raptor$1proxy$1driver$1oracle$1RaptorProxyOJDBCStatement$2oracle$1jdbc$1internal$1OracleCallableStatement$$$Proxy.getCursor(Unknown Source)
      oracle.dbtools.unit_test.runner.Runner.executeRunnerObject( …
      Operation Call ERROR 89.0 java.lang.NullPointerException: null
      oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatementWrapper.getCursor($1dbtools$1raptor$1proxy$1driver$1oracle$1RaptorProxyOJDBCStatement$2oracle$1jdbc$1internal$1OracleCallableStatement$$$Proxy.getCursor(Unknown Source)
      oracle.dbtools.unit_test.runner.Runner.executeRunnerObject( …
      IN Parameter #1 – USERID Value: [null]
      OUT Parameter #2 – PERSON_DATA

      I tried to replicated my user case the best I can. Please let me know if you can help with this.

    • Thanks, Jeff. I posted the use case to the forum

  5. Jeff,

    I created a cluster in develpment, like:
    create cluster dd_cluster (region number(6),cust number(10),invoice number(10)) size 1028;
    and the tables that use the cluster.

    When I go to use Cart, I find no way to add the cluster. I add the tables figuring the dependent objects will be added. But DDL for the cluster is not generated. Is there something I am missing so I can navigate to clusters and add to cart?

    I am on 18.1. Export database does not appear to generate ddl for clusters either.

  6. Jeff Pryor Reply

    My employer has decided that all staff are moving from SVN to GIT over the next few months. We are also in the process of converting away from Oracle Designer (yes, the old, unsupported one) with the decision to use Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler. I’ve seen in older posts from 2016 that SD-DM doesn’t support GIT. Has this changed over the last two years? Is it possible to use SD-DM with a GIT repository through BIT Bucket?
    Thank you in advance for your insight!

    • SQLD 18.1 has support for GIT in menu.


    • That won’t be an option for Modeler users. Sure, they could use it for their 31,257 design XML files, but in the Modeler SVN kit, you can simply do work on the design itself, and not worry about the underlying file structure.

      This bespoke implementation is why we haven’t had time to re-implement it into Git…also that the nature of Git doesn’t lend itself to what we want to do very easily either

  7. I’m trying to find the option for ‘hiding the Connection Navigator’ until I hover over it; having the extra real estate is good even with a large monitor. I’m using version — it’s working fine some of the time, but other times I’ll launch SQL*Developer and see the Connections pane open and hogging the lefthand-side.

    • It’s not an option. Just click on the ‘pin’ control of the panel. That will undock it from the desktop, and it will be minimized until you mouse over it.

  8. Janko Lupša Reply

    “Hang Proofing” Oracle SQL Developer

    I’m used to working with lots of tabs and going back to reuse queries that I don’t want to save to file. Oracle SQL Developer just freezes up after a few days work. I was searching for a feature that would save all open tabs content and open it after a restart. That way I would close the app more often, because it hangs usually because it uses up too much memory or something else…
    Please make SQL Developer more freeze proof – if it has to be killed because it’s not responding, open the tabs that were open before. I don’t care about result sets, just give me back my Worksheet content. Digging up queries from SQL History is very unpractical. I’m used to Chrome restoring tabs after a restart and most Mac apps usually open back up just the way I left them before a crash.

    • I’ve had instances of SQL Developer going for week. I’m currently on Day4 now, and that’s with repeated Windows sleep/hibernations.

      I have a hunch your issue is connection related.

      Do me a favor and try this next time…

      Once you come back to sqldev tomorrow morning, don’t touch the worksheets.

      FIRST, go to the connections panel and do a ‘reconnect’ on your open ones first.

      Or, when you leave for the day, leave your tabs open but disconnect your sessions first.

      As for SQL History, try the filter. It will make it much more usable.

    • Janko Lupša

      Thanks for a quick reply.

      I agree that connections drop often. Even SQL Developer often opens a message that connection has been reset. I also use shared connections (one query running on connection at a time) and have defined connection for each schema. SQL Developer rarely freezes between days. Most often it freezes while I work with it. I think that Java just eats up resources and doesn’t release then even if I close result tabs or worksheets.
      It might get better if I disconnect, but disconnecting also closes up some edited objects.

      I’m a very visual person and leaving tabs open makes me remember quickly what I was working on and what I want to continue or do next . This is where coming back to environment just as I left it, sparks my ideas how to continue my work. I do a lot of customer support and leaving queries open makes it easier to reuse queries if there is a followup on my support reply. Freezing of SQL Developer makes me “loose the thread”. Saving files and reopening is just too clumsy, because I already have tons of files of saved queries that are hard to manage.

      I really miss that SQL Developer doesn’t have a “Save Workspace” feature.

    • Try increasing the max memory available for the JVM.

      And next time it freezes, grab a jstack – and we can see exactly where the time is going.

    • Our work remote environment uses Cisco VPN and the network team has TCP idle session timeout disconnect set somewhere between 15-30 minutes. When VPN server detects and disconnects an idle SQLDdev db connection, then closing SQLD main window or closing a worksheet attached to the victim db connection will clock forever and forces task manager kill.

      Multiply this times scores of contractors and employees working daily from home or other countries making this phenomena a daily productivity killer at scale.

      Only as a point of reference, I asked the AllRound PL/SQL Developer programmers back in the early 2000’s to add a feature to send a packet ping to each TCP connection every n seconds (configurable). We had everyone using PLSQLDev enable idle connection ping every ‘600’ seconds and db connections stay alive all day until main VPN session times out after 12 hours.

      Worked great for years until the free alternative came on the scene!


    • 3 things:
      1)then closing SQLD main window or closing a worksheet attached to the victim db connection will clock forever and forces task manager kill
      Have you tried right-clicking on the connection and doing a ‘reconnect?’

      2)Your VPN is setup to kill idle sessions. Your asking the tool to fake activity to bypass a network policy. Instead of asking tool to lie for you, why not ask the VPN folks to add a waiver or exception for SQL*Net/JDBC traffic?

      3)You could do this on your own by enabling DBMS OUTPUT polling or by opening a SELECT 1 FROM DUAL with a 2 minute refresh.

      I would go to the network folks, b/c then your solution will work across ALL your db tools. SQL*Plus, SQL Developer, whatever.

  9. Subhabrata Rakshit Reply

    When I am connecting to oracle 11gR2 remote database with Toad version 12.5. , Its getting connected. When trying to connect the same using Oracle sql developer version 3.0 its getting connected . however whenever I am trying to connect using Oracle sql developer higher version ie Greater than 3 its not getting connected. Its giving the error “Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection” .
    I even tried with the latest version 18.1 and facing same problem. Why is it so.


  10. So my question is about sock proxy on mac os. For some time this worked with sqlcl but a recent update may have stopped it but don’t know that for sure. I would also like for this to work in SQL developer also. It can be challenging to set up a tunnel for each connection.

    I have looked at the docs for Java and have not been able to find a solution yet. 🙁
    for some reason
    -DsocksProxyHost=localhost -D socksProxyPort =1080
    are not working

    also it does not look like detect_macosx_proxy function by jmcginni in bin/sql (line 381..415) look for socks connections.

    my network global proxies look like this.

    cat ${scutil_out}
    SOCKSEnable : 1
    SOCKSPort : 1080
    SOCKSProxy : localhost
    __SCOPED__ : {
    en0 : {
    SOCKSEnable : 1
    SOCKSPort : 1080
    SOCKSProxy : localhost

    This is the changes I have made to test.

    diff –git a/bin/sql b/bin/sql
    index 58ff74b..adea77e 100755
    — a/bin/sql
    +++ b/bin/sql
    @@ -295,7 +295,10 @@ DetectSystemHttpProxySetting()

    if [ ! -z “$socks_proxy_tmp” ] ; then
    # jargs=”-Dnetbeans.system_socks_proxy=\”$socks_proxy_tmp\” $jargs”
    – AddVMOption -Ddbtools.system_socks_proxy=$socks_proxy_tmp
    + # AddVMOption -Ddbtools.system_socks_proxy=$socks_proxy_tmp
    + AddVMOption -DsocksProxyHost=$socks_proxy_host
    + AddVMOption -DsocksProxyPort=$socks_proxy_port

    @@ -390,28 +393,14 @@ show State:/Network/Global/Proxies

    – if /usr/bin/grep “ProxyAuto.*: *1” ${scutil_out} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    – if /usr/bin/grep “ProxyAutoConfigEnable.*: *1″ ${scutil_out} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    – http_proxy_tmp=”PAC `/usr/bin/grep ProxyAutoConfigURLString ${scutil_out} | /usr/bin/awk ‘END{print $3}’`”
    – rm ${scutil_out}
    – return 0
    – fi

    – rm ${scutil_out}
    – return 1
    – fi

    – if /usr/bin/grep “HTTPEnable *: *1” ${scutil_out} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    – http_proxy_host=`/usr/bin/grep HTTPProxy ${scutil_out} | /usr/bin/awk ‘END{print $3}’`
    – http_proxy_port=`/usr/bin/grep HTTPPort ${scutil_out} | /usr/bin/awk ‘END{print $3} ‘`
    – http_proxy_tmp=$http_proxy_host:$http_proxy_port
    + if /usr/bin/grep “SOCKSEnable *: *1″ ${scutil_out} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    + socks_proxy_host=`/usr/bin/grep SOCKSProxy ${scutil_out} | /usr/bin/awk ‘END{print $3}’`
    + socks_proxy_port=`/usr/bin/grep SOCKSPort ${scutil_out} | /usr/bin/awk ‘END{print $3} ‘`
    + socks_proxy_tmp=$socks_proxy_host:$socks_proxy_port
    rm ${scutil_out}
    return 0

    – http_proxy_tmp=”DIRECT”
    – rm ${scutil_out}
    – return 0


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  11. Greg Garrison Reply

    Hello. I am currently using Version I currently deal with tables with million + rows. They take several minutes to populate the data tab when opened. Is there a way to preset a table filter on an indexed column so the data tab responds quicker? Or turn off the initial population of the data tab until a filter is entered? Thank you for your time.

    • In advance? No. Also, v4.0.3 is more than several years old now. Consider upgrading if you can.

  12. Hi Jeff,

    I’m using 18.1.0 at the moment and I’ve been trying to export data from a query that can take some time. Twice now I have successfully run the query, gotten back the initial results and when I try to export the data, after some time…I get a error that I’ve never had on previous versions with this particular query.

    Once you’ve read the below, I was hoping you might be able to suggest somewhere to start with my fault finding as I have no idea where to start.

    The error is as follows: The handle is invalid
    at Method)
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implFlush(
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.flush(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.format.ResultsFormatter.checkAndFlush(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.format.ResultsFormatter.write(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.format.DelimitedFormatter.printColumn(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.format.ResultSetFormatterWrapper.print(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.format.ResultsFormatter.print(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.format.ResultsFormatter.doPrint(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.export.ExportAPI.writeExportJTable(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.export.ExportAPI.access$900(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.export.ExportAPI$1.doWork(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.export.ExportAPI$1.doWork(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.backgroundTask.RaptorTaskManager$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

    • Something bad happened while we were writing the file.

      Does this happen with other queries? Or just this one particular one? Is it long-running AND a large data set? What data types are involved? What type of file? Where are you writing the file to, local or network drive?

    • Thanks for the response Jeff. Answers as follows:

      Does this happen with other queries or just this one particular one?
      So far, after about a month of using this version, it has only been this particular query.

      Is it long-running AND a large data set?
      It is usually a long-running query but it depends on certain activities to generate the records over the previous month. It’s usually somewhere between 40 and 55 hours to run.
      Data set usually ends up around 10k rows and 23 columns with average length of 150.

      What data types are involved?
      Types are varchar2, date and number; nothing too outlandish.

      What type of file?
      Exporting to default .csv file

      Where are you writing the file to, local or network drive?
      It’s a networked shared drive. You’re going to suggest I try the local right? You’ve already helped 🙂 I will try this and see what happens.

      FYI – I ended up hitting Ctrl-A to pull all data out instead of just an initial sample and then copied it manually as a workaround which SQL Dev had no issues with.

    • 50 hrs? Yikes.

      Have you looked into getting help for tuning that?

      When you do an export, we rerun the query, so another 50 hrs…I’m not surprised it fails.

      Have you considered creating a MV?

    • ‘Yikes’ indeed. It is a query that has provided some frustration.

      Tuning is something that it probably needs but it is inherited and I know the previous owner refined it a couple of times already. I have been considering it and there are some people I can talk to but there’s just a lot going on right now and it’s not exactly high on the agenda, unfortunately.

      When you do an export, we rerun the query, so another 50 hrs…I’m not surprised it fails.
      Yes, but (and this is the whole reason I posted here) the query has not been an issue in the past, the previous version of SQL Dev it ran on never seemed to have any issues with it. There is probably a myriad of different things that could be impacting but wasn’t sure if this might possibly be an issue with the current build or not.

      Materialised View? No, didn’t even know what it was until you suggested it. I’ve started reading and will see if that is something that might work in this particular situation.

  13. Back in April 2013 you did a blog post titled ‘Die! Or How to Cancel Queries in Oracle SQL Developer’ Very helpful, but SQL*Developer has gotten more mature and I wonder if it needs to be revisited. Back then you had a section titled ‘But Why Won’t My Cancel Work?’ where you install the OCIJDBC and configure by simply clicking on Tools -> Preferences -> Database (expand)->Advanced and then check the ‘Use OCI/Thick driver’. Did that work for all types of connection types (i.e.: Basic, TNS, etc.) or not? Now with 1.8.1 you can’t check the’ Use OCI/Thick drive’r unless you click on ‘Use Oracle Client’ and configure it. Or has the requirement overall changed. Please clarify. And thanks for all that you do for the SQL*Developer community!

  14. Erick Tapia Reply

    After disable SSH, NoSQL and Cloud extensions I’m not able to launch data modeler any longer.

    I’m getting the following errors:

    Product extension oracle.datamodeler could not be loaded. The product cannot start.
    Disabled extensions:
    oracle.sqldeveloper.onsd: Disabled by user Disabled by user
    oracle.sqldeveloper.ssh: Disabled by user
    oracle.datamodeler: Missing dependencies: oracle.sqldeveloper.ssh,, oracle.sqldeveloper.onsd

    PRODUCT=Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

    Though I’ve downloaded the data modeler again, the error persists.
    Is there any way to re enable the extensions without using the IDE, so I can still using Oracle Data Modeler again?


    • Erick Tapia

      By the way, I also tried removing the AppData/Roaming, but still getting the error and not launching SQLData Modeler,


    • Erick Tapia


      Also removed the directory “Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler” within AppData\Roaming dir.
      I didn’t remove that one. Sorry


    • Sorry, you caught me on a plane, glad to hear you got it going.

      There might be a bug here, either it should work w/o those features, or we shouldn’t let you disable them.

  15. Hi Jeff,

    How to add PROFILE in the ddl to create user (or Create Like user) in SQL Developer 17.2?
    It includes, system privileges, and object privileges (when I check the box) but doesn’t include default profile.
    I want to select the same profile of the user which I am using to create alike.

    Thanks in advance.


  16. Juan Jiménez Reply


    When I’m trying to open a table with SQL Developer throw Oracle Client I get this error:

    An error was encountered performing the requested operation:

    ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
    01460. 00000 – “unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested”
    Vendor code 1460

    • >>Oracle 10.2.0
      That’s your problem, we only support 11gR2 and higher.

      You can try an older copy of SQL Developer, maybe 3.0, if not, maybe 2.1.

  17. When I press up arrow in SQLcl to recall history, my terminal just beeps. I think it may not understand the encoding or emulation I’m using? Any suggestions? I’m on Mac High Sierra and using iTerm2. I’ve tried running it locally and on a Linux server with the same results.

    • Status update… it appears to be related to “normal” vs “application mode” cursor keys. Programs like vim will change into application mode and then change back to normal mode when returning control to the terminal. SQLcl appears to require application mode cursor keys to work, but doesn’t set that up for you.

      I tried making a bash script to invoke it as follows:
      tput smkx
      ~/sqlcl/bin/sql “$@”
      tput rmkx

      That works fine until I try to use “edit” within SQLcl, which passes control over to vim, and unsets application mode cursor keys when it exits, at which point my up arrow is broken again.


  18. Sometimes I need to stop a query / procedure running in a sql-worksheet. Then I have to kill the session.
    It would be nice to see SID, SERIAL# of each worksheet session. Is there a way to get that information in the GUI ?

    • By SQL it’s easy

      SELECT sid, serial#, 

      By GUI, the most straightforward way is the Tools – Monitor Sessions page. It has a ‘Kill Session’ feature built in as well.

    • Hi Jeff,
      thanks for your answer. I want to describe the situation more detailed.

      Usually I have mor than one worksheet opened, e.g. ten worksheets. In one or two of that worksheets
      I get a problem and want to kill the sessions. Then it’s too late to start the sql query you suggested.
      Therefore it would be helpful to identify SID, SERIAL# inside the worksheet either in case a process is hanging.
      Another idea would be a configuration which allow to run automatically an sql-statement when I open a new worksheet. Then I can run your sql-stmt initially.

    • The monitor session page shows you the current SQL, so you know for sure which one to kill.

      We have the login feature where you can have a query/script executed at connection time.

  19. Jeff,

    Is there any way to make a SQLDEV:LINK that
    a) drops you right into a table’s editable data grid and
    b) applies a filter to the grid

    I imaging a query result where clicking on a column would take you over to edit that particular row.

    I wish there was just some sort of documentation on creating links in SQLDeveloper!


    • Ummmm, no.

      I think for now it’s gonna be manually done where you copy the WHERE clause, ctrl+click into the table, and paste that into the Data tab filter input area…

  20. In SQL*Developer I can write a statement in a worksheet like ‘SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE’ and see the results in Query Results. I can then right click on a column header and hide various columns from the query results so that I can export the data, except those columns, to an file as insert statements. One of the columns that I want to export is an ‘activity date’ column where each row has a different date. But for the insert statements, I want to substitute ‘sysdate’ instead of the actual date from the record (so when inserted it will reflect the date/time that the statement was executed. But I don’t see in the export wizard where I can modify column values for the export. Is such possible?

    • I want the insert script to reference ‘sysdate’ when it does the insert to get the current date/time when the script is run, not reference ‘sysdate’ for when the data is extracted. If I
      select sysdate activity_date from my_table;
      I get the date/time that the data is being exported. If I
      select ‘sysdate’ activity_date from my_table:
      I get in the script:
      Insert into MY_TABLE (ACTIVITY_DATE) values (‘sysdate’);
      which when executed results in:
      Error starting at line : 5 in command –
      Insert into MY_TABLE (ACTIVITY_DATE) values (‘sysdate’)
      Error report –
      ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was
      So I need to ‘alias’ the data upon export, not when selected into the ‘Query Results’ panel. Or am I missing something?

    • easier just to make the default value for your column definition to be SYSDATE, then when your script inserts a NULL for that value, SYSDATE will be used. will give you exactly what you want.

    • I was also trying to avoid writing a query (or using query builder) that references seventy-nine columns and aliases one for ‘sysdate’ by using a ‘SELECT *’ and then hiding the two columns that shouldn’t be included in the export… while still being able to alias one column.

  21. Diane Alves Reply

    I downloaded the new sql Developer version 18.1. The font is way too small in most of the areas that appear to be unchangeable, examples: titles, help screens, table names, etc. Is there any way to change these fonts? I know where to change the fonts for the code I type in myself.
    I reinstalled version 17.4 which is fine for me.

    • Are you running your OS with extra big fonts or accessibility zoom? Try unchecking the open on startup check box on the welcome page and restart SQLDev.

  22. I’m wondering if the following problem reproduces for anyone using SQLD

    This morning when I logged into a database SQLDev prompted that my password would expire in 4 days. Fine, I clicked Ok and went about my task. Afterwards executing any sql statement returned ‘/ by zero’ and logging window shows the entries below. Changed my password in sqlplus in another session, came back to SQLDev, reconnected, and now all is well.

    SEVERE 139 19 oracle.dbtools.raptor.utils.Connections
    SEVERE 138 0 oracle.dbtools.raptor.utils.Connections / by zero

  23. rajamanickam kainthan Reply

    I have version running on windows 7 64bit. When I open SQL Developer, about 50 files open up in the tab. How do I restrict it to the last 5 ? Thanks.

    • Make sure when you close SQLDev, you only have 5 files open, then we you open it again, you’ll just see those 5 files.

  24. To save time!

    We usually sent many jobs simultaneously in order to update tables, create materialized views, recreate indexes, et al… and ,at the end of all these, with all that done, we generate hundreds of EOM end of month reports for management.
    (We had done this in previous Dev versions without problems).

    • Ok, but that doesn’t explain why you need more than 1 instance of SQLDev to do that.

      Does 2 open?

      Does 3?

    • We severely recommend doing as much as you can in a single instance of the tool, and if you need to run multiple copies, setup multiple installs.

      But you should be able to do everything you need in a single instance, including looking at > 1 object at once, running more than 1 query at once….

      I have no idea why you could run 3 copies but not 4, unless you’ve exhausted the memory on your machine.

  25. I am having an issue to open more than 1 instance of Dev 18.1 I used to open as many of 4 or 5 instances simultaneously on an oldier 4.20 version. Now, I got stuck constantly when opening the next ones (sqldeveloper64w.exe) in the SIGN IN screen and nothing in it functions, not even the X in the upper right corner. Please fix.

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