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Nearly 7,000,000 Oracle professionals use SQL Developer on a regular basis. Have a question about Oracle SQL Developer? Searched this blog and couldn’t find the answer? Ask away!

If your question is about Oracle Database, SQL, PL/SQL, etc – go Ask Tom!

Feel free to ask anything you want, but I’ll feel free to send you to Support or our Forums if it goes sideways.

Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.

  1. I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
  2. I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
  3. I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.



  1. Anton Kwang Reply

    Hi Jeff,
    Does SQL Developer have anything similar to QUICK SQL ?

    • The Data Modeler for folks that want to get serious about designing a schema.

      We have support for Quick SQL on our to-do list.

  2. Hi Jeff, is there a way to define the author or the Id in the changeset when I use the sqlcl command lb genobject table?
    Thanx and best regards

  3. jhonatan Pacheco Reply

    Hi Jeff,
    I created tha next table.
    “NOMBRE” VARCHAR2(100),

    now when I use
    POST: [HOST:PORT]/ords/siniestros/json_bitacora_example/
    Request:{“id”:null,”nombre”:”DANIEL”,”apellido”:”ALEJANDRO”,”telefono”:”9512164719″,”bitacora”:”{\”data\”:[{\”cdbitacora\”:\”\”,\”cdusuario\”:\”ICEEMPL13\”,\”dscambio\”:\”{\\\”id\\\”:\\\”\\\”,\\\”nombre\\\”:\\\”DANIEL\\\”,\\\”apellido\\\”:\\\”ALEJANDRO\\\”,\\\”telefono\\\”:\\\”9512164719\\\”,\\\”bitacora\\\”:\\\”\\\”}\”,\”fefecha\”:\”2020-04-25T01:40:22.307Z\”,\”dstipo\”:\”1\”,\”dsaccion\”:\”CREATE\”,\”dscomentario\”:\”COMENTARIO ORIGINAL\”}]}”}

    The ords engine is returning :
    The request was rejected because it violates a data integrity constraint: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“SINIESTROS”.”JSON_BITACORA_EXAMPLE”.”ID”) ORA-06512: at line 4

    Can you tell me what i´m doing wrong.

    Jhonatan Pacheco

  4. I have installed ORDS 19.4 and Tomcat 9.0.31. I use PL/SQL Gateway. I have tried to config attributs in connector Tomcat, config server.xml to config enabling large file and post data. But they don’t work, I obtain allways the same error when try with large file uploads or large data in form post
    500 Internal Server Error

    2020-04-22T14:19:57.081Z | 7pvIao-S13Az9uIPFD0omw

    Trying upoad large files:

    InternalServerException [statusCode=500, reasons=[An unexpected error with the following message occurred: Stream ended unexpectedly]]
    at oracle.dbtools.http.errors.ServletResponseExceptionMapper.mapError(
    Caused by: org.apache.commons.fileupload.MultipartStream$MalformedStreamException: Stream ended unexpectedly
    at org.apache.commons.fileupload.MultipartStream$ItemInputStream.makeAvailable(
    at org.apache.commons.fileupload.MultipartStream$ItemInputStream.close(
    at org.apache.commons.fileupload.MultipartStream$ItemInputStream.close(
    at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$FileItemIteratorImpl$FileItemStreamImpl.close(
    at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$FileItemIteratorImpl.findNextItem(
    at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$FileItemIteratorImpl.hasNext(

    AND with large POST DATA arrays:
    InternalServerException [statusCode=500, reasons=[]]
    at oracle.dbtools.apex.ModApexContext.handleError(

    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: línea 2, columna 2:
    PLS-00306: número o tipos de argumentos erróneos al llamar a ‘ACTUALITZA’
    ORA-06550: línea 2, columna 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    My tomcat configuration server.xml is:

    PLEASE HELP!!!!! I have done many test, anything works! I NEED IT WORKS!!! :_(
    I suposed is somenthing about timeout, with POST LARGE DATA it depends on the connection speed sometimes it works, depending also which navigator I try.

    • I’m not a tomcat person, sorry. Maybe try a different version of tomcat, or what happens with ORDS when it runs standalone?

    • I upgrade the version of Tomcat to 9.0.34 and the problem was solved!
      Thank you for your time!!!!

  5. Hi Jeff,

    I’m trying to install ORDS via SQL Developer for Demo purposes (ORDS version and SQL Developer version The installation seemed to complete successfully but I get a 404 error whenever I try to test it:

    “The request could not be mapped to any database. Check the request URL is correct, and that URL to database mappings have been correctly configured”

    I ran java -jar ords,war validate and got the following error:

    Connecting to database user: ORDS_PUBLIC_USER url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//act-xsts-
    2020-04-22T16:47:45.204Z WARNING ORA-06550: line 7, column 32:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 5:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 7, column 32:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 5:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

    Having checked the database there are no objects belonging to ORDS_PUBLIC_USER.

    I do not have APEX installed.

    • I should add, I attempted a “Repair” via SQL Developer specifiying database user “ORDS_PUBLIC_USER” but got:

      “Cannot repair the ORDS schema. The ORDS schema must exist and the schema version must be the same as the product version.
      Product version is 19.4.0.r3521226”

      Any assistance would be most appreciated.

      Thank you,

    • I’ve realised now that I need to run the ords.war validate with SYS credentials, so am waiting for the powers that be to provide those and will try again. Thanks.

    • How were you testing it?

      “I’m trying to install ORDS via SQL Developer for Demo purposes (ORDS version and SQL Developer version The installation seemed to complete successfully but I get a 404 error whenever I try to test it:”

      What URL were you hitting?

      If you didn’t rest enable a schema AND publish a rest service, you would get a 404

    • Hi – thanks for the reply.

      I am testing with URL: http://localhost:8089/ords/starcoffee/dept

      I am running ORDS in standalone on port 8089 (because there was a clash on port 8080) and have REST enabled my schema XXORDS_TESTSCHEMA aliased “starcoffee” in which there is a module “ORG” defined as follows:

      p_enabled => TRUE,
      p_schema => ‘XXORDS_TESTSCHEMA’,
      p_url_mapping_type => ‘BASE_PATH’,
      p_url_mapping_pattern => ‘starcoffee’,
      p_auto_rest_auth => FALSE);

      p_module_name => ‘org’,
      p_base_path => ‘/org/’,
      p_items_per_page => 25,
      p_status => ‘PUBLISHED’,
      p_comments => NULL);
      p_module_name => ‘org’,
      p_pattern => ‘dept’,
      p_priority => 0,
      p_etag_type => ‘HASH’,
      p_etag_query => NULL,
      p_comments => NULL);
      p_module_name => ‘org’,
      p_pattern => ‘dept’,
      p_method => ‘GET’,
      p_source_type => ‘json/collection’,
      p_items_per_page => 25,
      p_mimes_allowed => ”,
      p_comments => NULL,
      p_source =>
      ‘SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = :empno OR :empno IS NULL’
      p_module_name => ‘org’,
      p_pattern => ‘desc’,
      p_priority => 0,
      p_etag_type => ‘HASH’,
      p_etag_query => NULL,
      p_comments => NULL);
      p_module_name => ‘org’,
      p_pattern => ’emp’,
      p_priority => 0,
      p_etag_type => ‘HASH’,
      p_etag_query => NULL,
      p_comments => NULL);
      p_module_name => ‘org’,
      p_pattern => ’emp’,
      p_method => ‘GET’,
      p_source_type => ‘json/collection’,
      p_items_per_page => 25,
      p_mimes_allowed => ”,
      p_comments => NULL,
      p_source =>
      ‘SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = :empno OR :empno IS NULL’

      Thank you,

    • Correction: http://localhost:8089/ords/starcoffee/org/dept

      Since running the ords.war validate I am just getting 404 and not:

      “The request could not be mapped to any database. Check the request URL is correct, and that URL to database mappings have been correctly configured”

    • that url looks right

      when you start ords, check the standard out, do you see any error messages when it goes to establish the connection pool?

    • Hi Jeff,

      Nothing obvious no. See output below:


      C:\Users\stevenss\SQLDeveloper\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin\java -Duser.language=en -jar “C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\ords.war” configdir “C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\config”
      2020-04-24T09:35:21.224Z INFO Set config.dir to C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\config in: C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\ords.war
      C:\Users\stevenss\SQLDeveloper\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin\java -Duser.language=en -jar “C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\ords.war” standalone –parameterFile “C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\params\”
      2020-04-24 10:35:28.066:INFO::main: Logging initialized @2811ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
      2020-04-24 10:35:28.204:INFO:oeju.TypeUtil:main: JVM Runtime does not support Modules
      2020-04-24T09:35:28.331Z INFO HTTP and HTTP/2 cleartext listening on host: localhost port: 8089
      2020-04-24T09:35:28.360Z INFO Disabling document root because the specified folder does not exist: C:\Users\stevenss\Desktop\ORDS Demo\ords-\config\ords\standalone\doc_root
      2020-04-24 10:35:28.895:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.4.24.v20191120; built: 2019-11-22T11:09:44.612Z; git: 8b8c80157294e38f81ef8ea2358a0c49bf5db918; jvm 1.8.0_212-b10
      2020-04-24 10:35:28.980:INFO:oejs.session:main: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
      2020-04-24 10:35:28.980:INFO:oejs.session:main: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
      2020-04-24 10:35:28.981:INFO:oejs.session:main: node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
      2020-04-24T09:35:32.274Z INFO Configuration properties for: |apex|pu|

      2020-04-24T09:35:32.277Z WARNING *** jdbc.MaxLimit in configuration |apex|pu| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***
      2020-04-24T09:35:32.277Z WARNING *** jdbc.InitialLimit in configuration |apex|pu| is using a value of 3, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***
      2020-04-24T09:35:34.403Z INFO Oracle REST Data Services initialized
      Oracle REST Data Services version : 19.4.0.r3521226
      Oracle REST Data Services server info: jetty/9.4.24.v20191120

      2020-04-24 10:35:35.248:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@47db50c5{/ords,null,AVAILABLE}
      2020-04-24 10:35:35.346:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@6ee4d9ab{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1, h2c]}{}
      2020-04-24 10:35:35.348:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @10094ms

    • your pool is being created, you should be able to access it

      on your rest enabled schema url, try
      GET /ords/schema/metadata-catalog/

      If you get a 404 on that, it’s time to open a SR with My Oracle Support

    • ok, sorry – was too hasty with my reply then. I’d attempted uninstalling and reinstalling and hadn’t realised I needed to set up my REST objects again. I’ve recreated the objects via the PL/SQL script I pasted below and it all works perfectly.

      Thank you for your assistance!


  6. Hello,

    is there a way to (re)move the “structure” tab of a scheduler job from the first position or to open a tab of choice instead ?
    That tab information is presented in a cool way but, in my opinion, it is not so useful and wastes time because is very slow to open when working with remote and busy databases. For me it is better to open the “run log” tab by default.

    Thank you

  7. Greg McPheat Reply

    Ive downloaded sql developer 19.4, and the Data Modeller it contains doesn’t show the new pink arrow for creating Implied Foreign Keys. Downloading Data Modeller 19.4 alone does. Am I missing a setting somewhere?? In both cases,Ive upgraded from 19.2 and imported preferences.


    • That shouldn’t be happening, it’s supposed to be the same code. Could be a bug, but it’s intended to be the same features.

    • Greg McPheat

      Ive got
      sql developer build 354.1759
      data modeller 19.4.350 build 350.1424
      Should I raise a bug report?

  8. Kaushik Mahida Reply

    Hi Jeff, we are getting a null pointer exception after setting up the ords on tomcat and we’re not sure why we are getting this error. The localhost:\ords also displays null as output along with the logo. Thank you for your help.

    SEVERE: null
    at oracle.dbtools.url.mapping.db.DatabaseURLMappingBase.injectPLSQLGatewayConnection(
    at oracle.dbtools.url.mapping.db.DatabaseURLMappingBase.addServices(
    at oracle.dbtools.url.mapping.URLMappingBase.doFilter(

  9. John Scheibel Reply

    Not sure if you take requests. A couple of things in the UI that might be nice:
    1. A checkbox on the “Enter Bind Variables” dialog that lets you null out *all* variables with one click. On my custom reports I tend to have a lot of filters.
    2. In the filters such as on the Connections tree view, could you add a REGEXP_LIKE option that would allow us to enter a regular expression.

    Small things that don’t hinder my use of the tool.

  10. Manish K Singh Reply

    In my organization many people using SQL developer and when someone randomly do changes in procedure we are not able to track same. Please tell me any way so that I can track who did last changes in procedure.

    • Start using file based source control. Shut off access to devs in DEV and force updates through a change control process.

      Or add some triggers and logging tables.

  11. Alexander Roberts Reply

    Hi, I have just installed “SQL Developer Web” and I note that the built-in drop-downs of “schemas” (Oracle user accounts), the list is limited to 500 entries. – Is there a way I can increase that number? (Say 3000).
    I thought perhaps that adding “3000” to the “defaults.xml” file of the ORDS installation would do the trick. (following a restart of ORDS).

    • I don’t think that’s configurable – do you actually have 500 or more schemas with app objects, or are most of these just user logins?

    • Alexander Roberts

      The database has just under 3,000 Oracle accounts. Most of those map to real users. (In place for legacy reason).
      Only approx 100 accounts (including system accounts “own objects”.

    • Alexander Roberts

      Perhaps there is a way to limit the drop-down contents to only those Oracle accounts that own objects?

  12. I m facing error : enablement disallowed , when enabling ords on schema
    Could you please suggest way forward

  13. Todd Smith Reply

    Is there a way to generate DB Doc for another schema beside the connected schema?

    • Not this way, but if you used SQL Developer Data Modeler, you can import any schema you want and generate HTML data dictionary reports as desired.

  14. Mohammad AlShaabi Reply

    How can I write a stored procedure to run a select statement and save the result in CSV format? I must be able to specify the following in the procedure:
    – destination path where it should save the CSV result.
    – Format: which should be CSV.
    -Left and right enclosure: which will be double qouts “.
    – Encoding: UTF-8.

  15. I want to create the create a model which has 50 odd tables and 1000+ attributes. I want to check if there is a way we can import an excel that can help us save time in creating tables and attributes manually. I am only use oracle data modeler tool.

  16. Hi Jeff,

    We package up SQL Developer and a JDK separately for mass rollout – with the former pointing to the latter. There are plans afoot to update the JDK package quarterly from now on though which means users will get prompted for the new JDK location each time this happens (which we’d like to avoid). Is there a way to make SQL Developer aware via a Windows environment variable that could be reset upon JDK update where the new JDK folder location is for it? Something like:

    JDK_LOC=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162

    We could code up upon an updated JDK package rollout to touch any user’s product.conf file with the new location, but was hoping there might be another way to make the deployed SQL Developer package abstracted from this and not require any direct conf file editing.

    A Unix alias would be perfect but I don’t think Windows has an equivalent that we can use here.

    Thanks in advance!


    • Are you rolling out the JDK specifically FOR SQLDev?

      If so, I suggest you embed the JDK inside the SQLDev package. Then have the java deployments update the sqldev folder, and the base path would never change…

      Or when you roll out the new java home, have it be a generic directory name so the path doesn’t need updated in sqldev.

    • Unfortunately no – the packaged JDK is intended for a few different applications, and machines might have a few installed at any point in time, hence our admin people being keen to retain a version specific folder naming approach.

      I liked your idea of a generic directory and had suggested the same, but couldn’t get it agreed to, so I think we’ll just have to educate the userbase to expect to repoint SQL Dev once a quarter to the new JDK once an updated package has landed.

      Thanks for your reply!

  17. Hi Jeff,

    I am using sql developer 19.4 and the format code of function and procedure is
    apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize (
    user_id => 1804,
    resp_id => 20707,
    resp_appl_id => 201,
    x_resp_appl_id => 44

    but i want it to become

    apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize (
    user_id => 1804,
    resp_id => 20707,
    resp_appl_id => 201,
    x_resp_appl_id => 44


    • that appears to be a bug in 19.4 that’s fixed for version 20.Next

                                         user_id => 1804,
                                         resp_id => 20707,
                                         resp_appl_id => 201,
                                         x_resp_appl_id => 44
  18. Jens Gerhardt Reply

    Hi Jeff,
    I have a small issue with the SQL Developer. When I start a long running query and want to open a new window with a new connection, it will wait until the long running sql has finished before opening the new window and the new connection.
    Is this expected behaviour?

    • I don’t think so, no.

      I was just able to

      on Connection 1, run this:


      As that was running in the UI, open a connection on DB 2.

      This on version 19.4

    • Jens Gerhardt

      Hi Jeff,
      thanks a lot for the fast response. Finally I could find out what causes the issue for me. For some DBs I need to use the Thick driver. If I deselect it it works as expected.

      Tested with and Client and SQLDeveloper 19.4

  19. Kaushik Mahida Reply

    Hi Jeff, When I try to configure ORDS, I get a failure to bind error. It ran successfully for the first time and ORDS was configured but when I try to restart it, it gives me a failure to bind error in the standalone mode. The database is DBCS.

  20. Wrushasen Dakhane Reply

    We are on below database\app server versions.

    SELECT * FROM v$version;
    Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release – Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Solaris: Version – Production
    NLSRTL Version – Production

    WebLogic Server Version:

    I want to enable ORDS on the database, can you please share some pointers.
    1. Do we need to have APEX (mandatory)
    2. once ORDS is enabled I want to use the rest api in my OracleJET app using offline-persistent-toolkit. (Will this approach work)

  21. Dave Campbell Reply

    Hi Jeff/team

    We have an issue when we call a rest service returning a Query – the query is a pipelined function and within that function we are trying to access the CGI env data.

    This works when using a PLSQL type REST, but not via Query.

    Further testing shows any local SQL in the REST code calling the CGI functions within the SQL fails.

    We are using APEX 19.2 to create the calls.

    example tests:
    — this works:
    SELECT ‘TEST’ as “x_apex_base”
    FROM dual

    — this fails:
    SELECT owa_util.get_cgi_env(‘X_APEX_BASE’) as “x_apex_base”
    FROM dual

    any ideas appreciated.

    many thanks

    Dave C

    • Wrushasen Dakhane

      Thanks Jeff,

      Once I install ORDS and it is running on sqldeveloper I do not see the REST Services context menu option on HR schema and Enable REST Services option on table context menu is disabled.

      Followed all steps still unable to solve this.

      $ java\app\dakhanws\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin -jar ords.war validate
      Enter the name of the database server [localhost]:localhost
      Enter the database listen port [1522]:
      Enter the database SID [orcl]:
      Requires to login with administrator privileges to verify Oracle REST Data Services schema.

      Enter the administrator username:sys
      Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:
      Confirm password:

      Retrieving information..

      Your database connection is to a CDB. ORDS will be validated in the CDB and PDBs.
      PDB PDB$SEED – validate ORDS 19.2.0.r1991647 (mode is READ ONLY, open for READ/WRITE)

      Enter 1 if you want to validate ORDS or 2 to exit [1]:1

      Validating Oracle REST Data Services schema version 19.2.0.r1991647 in PDB$SEED
      … Log file written to C:\Users\dakhanws.CALEGIS\ords_cdb_validate_core_PDB_SEED_2020-04-07_070749_00517.log
      Completed validating Oracle REST Data Services version 19.2.0.r1991647. Elapsed time: 00:00:03.966

      Completed CDB validation Oracle REST Data Services version 19.2.0.r1991647.
      Total Elapsed time: 00:00:04.578

    • you’ve already asked this question on the forums, so i’m assuming you can get what you need from over there


      you have to login AS hr and on the HR connection, you enable the schema. and, you do this AFTER you configure ords for the database.

      you can always run ords_admin.enable to enable the HR schema from an admin account if you want, a la

      BEGIN -- this part is so I can login as HR via SQL Developer Web
          ords_admin.enable_schema (
              p_enabled               => TRUE,
              p_schema                => 'JEFF',
              p_url_mapping_type      => 'BASE_PATH',
              p_url_mapping_pattern   => 'tjs', -- this flag says, use 'tjs' in the URIs for JEFF
              p_auto_rest_auth        => TRUE   -- this flag says, don't expose my REST APIs
  22. Hi Jeff, I get in SQLDev 19:* strength characters in script output.
    For example:
    select sysdate from dual;
    select sysdate+1 from dual;
    select sysdate+2 from dual;

    26.03.2020 10:36:12
    ⁦潲捥彰物湴૾＀ഀ਀匀夀匀䐀䄀吀䔀⬀㄀          ഀ਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀഀ਀㈀㜀⸀ ㌀⸀㈀ ㈀  ㄀ 㨀㌀㘀㨀㄀㈀ഀ૾＀ਠ景牣敟灲楮琊
    28.03.2020 10:36:12

    What is wrong ? In older versions it was correct.
    Thank you very much

    • no. here an example:
      CREATE TABLE TAB (COL number(1));
      insert into tab (col) values (1);
      insert into tab (col) values (2);
      insert into tab (col) values (3);
      insert into tab (col) values (4);
      insert into tab (col) values (5);
      Script output:

      Table TAB created.

      ⁦潲捥彰物湴૾＀਀㄀ 爀漀眀 椀渀猀攀爀琀攀搀⸀਀ਠ景牣敟灲楮琊
      1 row inserted.

      ⁦潲捥彰物湴૾＀਀㄀ 爀漀眀 椀渀猀攀爀琀攀搀⸀਀ਠ景牣敟灲楮琊
      1 row inserted.

      ⁦潲捥彰物湴૾＀਀㄀ 爀漀眀 椀渀猀攀爀琀攀搀⸀਀ਠ景牣敟灲楮琊
      Commit complete.


      Best regards,

    • As far as I can tell, yes. Something weird is happening in your system – the first thing I would check is for triggers defined in your db with that text in them.

    • I need a reproducible test case. Check for maybe a login.sql in your newer version. In a worksheet, do a

      show login

      and then if a script comes back, look at it for things that might cause this

    • Wrushasen Dakhane

      Thanks for you reply.

      But don’t know why ORDS related packages are not showing up.

      Dont know where is it getting created.

      Log does show installation successful:-

      INFO: Configuration properties for: |apex|pu|

    • If it’s a multitenant/cdb install, they’re in an ORDS_METADATA schema in each of your PDBs.

      That is true IF those PDBs were open when you did the install.

      You should also have a public synonym called ‘ORDS’ granted to PUBLIC that points to the ORDS package in that schema.

  23. Peggy Van Langenhove Reply

    Hi Jeff,

    When I run a query – with errors – in SQL PLUS I get feedback about the line that’s causing the error

    2 ‘A’ AS a1,
    3 10 AS a2,
    4 ‘B’ AS a3
    5 FROM
    6 dual
    7 WHERE
    8 1 = TO_NUMBER( ‘A1’ );
    1 = TO_NUMBER( ‘A1’ )
    ERROR at line 8:
    ORA-01722: invalid number

    Sql developer (19.4) just tells me something is wrong …

    ORA-01722: invalid number
    01722. 00000 – “invalid number”
    *Cause: The specified number was invalid.
    *Action: Specify a valid number.

    Possible to get the line numbers as in SQLPLUS ?

    Kind regards

    • This is what I get in version 19.4

      ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
      00923. 00000 – “FROM keyword not found where expected”
      Error at Line: 5 Column: 1

    • Peggy Van Langenhove

      He Jeff,

      For errors on a wrong table name we get a guide error message

      eg :
      SELECT 1
      WHERE 1 = 1;

      ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
      00942. 00000 – “table or view does not exist”
      Error at Line: 2 Column: 6

      For others like ORA-01722: invalid number

      SELECT 1
      WHERE 1 = ‘A’;

      ORA-01722: invalid number
      01722. 00000 – “invalid number”
      *Cause: The specified number was invalid.
      *Action: Specify a valid number.

      When the SQL is only a few lines the error is easy to find but on bigger SQL this gives us plenty of search time

      Kind regards

    • We show whatever the jdbc driver and the database gives us… Maybe try a thick connection and see if that helps.

    • Wrushasen Dakhane

      Looks like my ORDS installation happening is multitenant/cdb install.

      How can I control it to get installed into normal orcl schema.

      Retrieving information..

      Your database connection is to a CDB. ORDS will be uninstalled in the CDB and PDBs.
      Root CDB$ROOT – uninstall ORDS
      PDB PDB$SEED – uninstall ORDS 19.2.0.r1991647 (mode is READ ONLY, open for READ/WRITE)

      Enter 1 if you want to uninstall ORDS or 2 to exit [1]:

    • Do you have a PDB? Is it open? The easiest way to get going is to run the installer against your PDB service directory, and skip the CDB.

  24. Steven Hertogs Reply

    Hi Jeff,

    We have a question about the NLS settings in sql developer.
    In our oracle client the setting for NLS_LANG is AMERICAN_AMERICA, but in sql developer it always stays at DUTCH.
    Is there a possibilty that sql developer automatically takes the NLS setting of the oracle client?

    Thank in advance

    With kind regards
    Steven Hertogs

  25. Anibal Lopez Reply

    Hi Jeff,

    This is question is related to Basic authentication.
    Thus just a uername and password in the header os the response request.

    I have cretaed a HTTPS POST webservice.
    Is it possible in Oracle ORDS to add a username and password in the header of response?

    This is without using OAuth2 Client Credentials.


    • Why would you want the password exposed in your response header?

      Adding the user is trivial, the authenticated user is available as a :user bind in your rest handler code block.

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