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Feel free to ask anything you want, but I’ll feel free to send you to Support or our Forums if it goes sideways.
Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.
- I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
- I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
- I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.
Using ORDS 19.4.6.r1421859 we have noticed a connection pool latency (6-10 seconds response time compared to the normal <~ 1 sec) every 60-70 minutes. Even after implementing a curl POST script every 5 minutes, the problem persists. How can we offload this cost from the client completely, as the unlucky ones can query ORDS exactly when the pool is being recreated ?
Hi Jeff,
I’m a big fan of reports, more specifically child reports. However, any newly added child report gets located as last one and I cannot seem to find a way to reorder my child reports 🙁 Any possibility to add functionality to reorder child reports with a click of a button?
Keep up the good work,
You’d have to manually edit the XML.. awkward, but that’s the only way today.
Can we log an enhancement request for such functionality somewhere? Not a big fan of awkward things… 🙂
Hi J€FF, first at all, Thanks for your time and effort to make us happy. I was really happy until today. I couldn’t import connections with encrypted password from a SQL Developer 19.4 to another SQL Developer 19.4 in another Computer. I become NPE failure message:
at oracle.dbtools.connections.db.DatabaseProvider.getReference(
at oracle.dbtools.connections.Storage.convertToJson(
at oracle.dbtools.connections.Storage.addConnectionImpl(
at oracle.dbtools.connections.Storage.addConnection(
at oracle.jdeveloper.db.DatabaseConnections.addConnection(
at oracle.dbtools.raptor.connections.impexp.ImportDestination.commitChanges(
at oracle.dbtools.raptor.connections.impexp.ImportEngine.performAction(
at oracle.dbtools.raptor.connections.impexp.ImpExpEngine$1.commit(
at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.finishImpl(
at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard._validateFSMState(
at oracle.ide.wizard.FSMWizard.doFinish(
Because I’ve searched and readed that you have been changed the encryption algorithms from your comment on 27.03.2020 here
I ask you here. Sorry, if it is not the right place, please let me know how to report this bug. I have a lot of connections! and importing them manually is really awful
on your new computer, what Oracle JDK are you running?
Yep in the new computer. I am using Oracle JDK 1.8.0_172
On Windows 10 both computers
Try exporting one connection only.
Are you able to import that?
Even with only one connection is not working.
I’ve received an invalid key dialog but i am sure I’ve introduced the right password.
I found a downgrade installation as a solution. Exporting the json connections file from SQL Developer 19.4 and installing them in the new computer with SQLDeveloper 19.2.1 was working, importing all the connections with the password but is not working for SQL Developer
I will working with the downgrade version in the new computer until a next release of SQL Developer.
Thanks very much for your time and quick answer.
I will really appreciate if you could share with us a date for the next release version of SQL Developer and SQL Tools.
The new version 20.2.0 solved the export connections problem. Thanks a lot! I am again really super happy! 🙂
Hi Jeff,
Using ORDS 19.4.6.r1421859 on Tomcat 8.5.55, param. config below.
installed on premise Windows VM; how can i avoid “cold” start (nobody using ORDS for 30 min, run some POST commands, get response in ~10 sec , run the same POST shortly -seconds/minutes- afterwards, response is ~1 sec) ?
Thanks for any suggestion,
warm the pools up…have some cURL scripts added that do some calls to establish the connections
Following your advice, i created a tiny endpoint (that returns the current date) to be run every 10 minutes via curl. Here are the (curl) logs so far:
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 09:12:05.434″}]} response_time_total: 0,032913 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 09:13:53.794″}]} response_time_total: 0,037286 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 09:23:13.580″}]} response_time_total: 0,040803 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 09:33:13.599″}]} response_time_total: 0,038769 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 09:43:13.604″}]} response_time_total: 0,038252 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 09:53:13.593″}]} response_time_total: 0,038004 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 10:03:19.628″}]} response_time_total: 6,064031 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 10:13:13.819″}]} response_time_total: 0,272202 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 10:23:13.605″}]} response_time_total: 0,038228 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 10:33:13.593″}]} response_time_total: 0,039939 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 10:43:13.597″}]} response_time_total: 0,039627 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 10:53:13.603″}]} response_time_total: 0,037307 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 11:03:13.607″}]} response_time_total: 0,034132 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 11:13:19.642″}]} response_time_total: 6,070232 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 11:23:13.600″}]} response_time_total: 0,036732 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 11:33:13.603″}]} response_time_total: 0,039148 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 11:43:13.591″}]} response_time_total: 0,031772 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 11:53:13.597″}]} response_time_total: 0,034057 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 12:03:13.617″}]} response_time_total: 0,033515 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 12:13:13.606″}]} response_time_total: 0,035135 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 12:23:19.625″}]} response_time_total: 6,073873 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 12:33:13.600″}]} response_time_total: 0,040145 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 12:43:13.601″}]} response_time_total: 0,032220 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 12:53:13.619″}]} response_time_total: 0,037140 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 13:03:13.593″}]} response_time_total: 0,033933 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 13:13:13.601″}]} response_time_total: 0,034062 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 13:23:13.605″}]} response_time_total: 0,033525 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 13:33:19.640″}]} response_time_total: 6,063862 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 13:43:13.597″}]} response_time_total: 0,035242 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 13:53:13.618″}]} response_time_total: 0,033113 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 14:03:13.591″}]} response_time_total: 0,032648 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 14:13:13.626″}]} response_time_total: 0,032706 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 14:23:13.615″}]} response_time_total: 0,033920 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 14:33:13.618″}]} response_time_total: 0,031947 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 14:43:19.637″}]} response_time_total: 6,062598 sec
{“response”:[{“result”:”20200625 14:53:13.593″}]} response_time_total: 0,034854 sec
Nobody else is using this ORDS endpoint, the beacon is the only one making calls (every 10 min).
10:03, 11:13, 12:23, 13:33 .. i see a pattern here.
So, every 70 minutes (!?) the response comes in 6 seconds (connection pool cold start ?), compared to 0.03 sec the other attempts. So, the keep-alive beacon is NOT working as expected.
Do you have other suggestions ?
I followed your suggestion but i see a pattern here:
10:03, 11:13, 12:23, 13:33..
It looks like ORDS is restarting JDBC connection pools every ~70 minutes.
The keep-alive beacon (running every 10 minutes) is the only one using this ORDS endpoint.
Any other suggestions ?
Version of ORDS? Latest will automatically destroy and re-create a pool connection after it’s been used 1,000x for example.
Hi Jeff, In SQL Developer, while using the Debugger I have set the debugger preference for minimum and maximum port range to be 4000. When the debugger kicks off I get:
Connecting to the database my_database.
Executing PL/SQL: CALL DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP( ‘###.###.###.###’, ‘0’ )
ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger
ORA-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP”, line 68
ORA-06512: at line 1
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database my_database
If I use, say port 4001, for the low and hi range, I get:
Connecting to the database my_database.
Executing PL/SQL: CALL DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP( ###.###.###.###’, ‘4001’ )
ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP”, line 68
ORA-06512: at line 1
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database my_database
I expect this to time out as only port 4000 is opened by our vendor housing the database, but at least I can see that the preference is being honored in this case.
What would be overriding my preference entry only when I use 4000?
I’m running Version
Against DB version
It doesn’t appear to be an issue with SQL Developer as I had another machine running version connecting to the same database and it actually honored the port range of 4000/4000. I copied that folder of SQL Developer to the other machine and tried again, but that other machine still gave the same error.
It makes me feel something is different in the client installation, but I’m not sure what the would be. If you have any thoughts on this, or know what the issue is, I’d appreciate your feedback. Been spinning my wheels on this for days.
This actually did work on the machine it is currently failing on prior to the vendors database being upgraded to 12c and moved to a new AIX server. They opened firewalls to the new AIX server consistent with what was done to the old database server prior to the upgrade.
19.2 is old, but the debugger code hasn’t changed much in this area for years
on my win 10 19.4 install with port range defined as 4000..4000, here’s the request sqldev makes
version 20.2 of sqldev will allow you to use probe debugger (dbms_debug) and this db -> client connectivity requirement goes away completely if that would help
Hi Jeff,
I really like the way which Notepad++ allows us to select block of text or just vertical cursor over several lines.
Is there a way to configure it the same way in SQL Developer (Alt + Mouse1) ?
I tried to configure shortcut for only these two, but I was asked to provide 3rd action.
I know we can turn “block selection” on by some shortcut like “Win+Alt”, it works, but this is not exactly the same.
Best regards,
you can configure mouse actions for block editor/multiple cursors, the default is Ctrl+Shift+Click to add a new cursor
What I want to do it to create cursor from specific line for 50 lines down.
I tested Ctrl+Shift+Click to add new cursor, it is not convenient to click 50 times 😉
Also I tested turning on block selection >>> it works nice.
The thing which I do not know how to do is to enable block selection using Alt + Click + move a mouse.
Is it possible?
enable block cursor, then just shift+arrrow
Thank you! 🙂
Hi Jeff,
I just want to ask about the new release of SQL Developer and Data Modeler.
Is there any planned release date?
Is there special new features we should expect? 🙂
Thank you.
Yeah, June is the target
Modeler has mostly bug fixes, you looking for anything in particular?
Function Hierarchy Diagrams please. Drowning in Use(less) Cases
Actually yes.
for SQL Developer, we need more friendly unit testing UI that lets us create folders and sub-folder for more organized tests.
For Data Modeler, we expect the support of MYSQL. I think you have talked about before.
No plans for MySQL support.
Unit Testing has no major enhancements planned but there is a free utplsql extension you can take a look at.
Hi Jeff,
We are running ORDS behind a proxy (AWS API Gateway). The proxy is needed to integrate with Azure AD for authentication/authorization (via a Lambda function).
The problem that I have is that the links provided by ORDS point to the host where ORDS is running (instead of the proxy). This endpoint is not accessible for end users in my setup.
Is there a way to configure ORDS to use a different base URL when creating links ?
Thank you
Kind regards,
Yes, if you include the Host http header on your request, ORDS will honor that, and your links should come out as expected.
Can I ask what your project is? It sounds very interesting.
Hi Jeff,
Is there any way to configure SQL Developer to inherit the database default NLS settings for Length Semantics? Skip NLS doesn’t do this according to your blog entry, plus it loses custom date formatting.
We have a mixture of single-byte and UTF8 databases and really want to use the database default (single=byte, UTF8=char). The preferences screen is global to all connections, and it’s proving problematic getting all our developers and DBA’s to remember to set their session correctly.
We already prefix our scripts with the correct alter session…command, but it’s not the first time a DBA has gone and recompiled something ad-hoc – with the wrong length semantics. We don’t want to have to go to the effort of retroactively stating char/byte in every pl/sql declaration :-O
Any advice is appreciated – thanks!
I want to run the SQL script as Linux background job like we do in SQLPlus in SQLcl. Is it possible ?
I created the SQL file
# vi employee.sql
select record_id from HR.EMPLOYEE;
nohup sql USERNAME/password@sid &
— I want to pass the sql file like we do in SQLPlus but i was not able to do it hence need to run the job in foreground.
nohup sql USERNAME/password@sid @employee.sql &
Thanks & Regards,
Yes, and it’s working for me.
nohup ./sql hr/oracle @/sqlcl/20.2/sqlcl/bin/script.sql
appending output to nohup.out
Jeffreys-Mini:bin thatjeffsmith$ cat nohup.out
SQLcl: Release 20.2 Production on Fri Jun 19 09:27:59 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Last Successful login time: Fri Jun 19 2020 09:27:59 -04:00
Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
"results" : [
"columns" : [
"name" : "REGION_ID",
"type" : "NUMBER"
"name" : "REGION_NAME",
"type" : "VARCHAR2"
"items" : [
"region_id" : 1,
"region_name" : "Europe"
"region_id" : 2,
"region_name" : "Americas"
"region_id" : 3,
"region_name" : "Asia"
"region_id" : 4,
"region_name" : "Middle East and Africa"
Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
Jeffreys-Mini:bin thatjeffsmith$
Hello! I tried the steps from
and it did not work for me 🙁 I am using Oracle SQL Developer 18.2. Maybe worth mentioning is that I noticed that the Multi-Cursor sub-menu items under the Edit menu are not enabled. Any thoughts to get it to work?
ctrl+shift+click should add a cursor
Hello Jeff,
how can i get sqlcl to connect to a database using my Kerberos SSO Credentials.
I am running on Windows 10 and i use this command to logon using SQLPLUS
sqlplus /@DBID
sqlcl wants username and password but we have all our users setup for kerberos here.
i tried : sql -S -verbose -oci -L
but no luck
Hi Jeff,
Is there a way to change font type to bold in SQL developer tree browser? I searched this archive and didn’t find this information. Thank you
Maybe. You can change the UI Font itself, and some of those are bolded by default.
I have been trying to use a Tomcat JNDI realm (linked with our company’s active directory) to do the authentication for ORDS web services. Though I could get the Tomcat example app working with this setup, when I then link it to a simple ORDS web service protected by an ORDS privilege with no role, ORDS failed to recognize that Tomcat had authenticated the user credentials. Reading this blog post below
It seems that ORDS has different behaviour when working with Tomcat’s “userDatabase” realm verses its “JNDI Realm”. With the latter, it forces you to use a “Security constraint” in order for the authentication to be recognized. Also, according to this blog post, this behaviour differs from running ORDS with the same configuratio under WebLogic.
Assuming this behaviour is known to Oracle, is it considered a bug or expected behaviour? If it is a bug, do you known when a fix would be available? – I am running ORDS v19.4 under Tomcat v9.0.33.
Tomcat should be enhanced…they have two ways to define users.
Seems like an ER to me. More of a bug on Tomcat that is has two ways of representing users. We could add support for GenericPrincipal and you wouldn’t need to write your own valve.
About the web.xml security constraint hacking…We can’t do generically, would make everything protected (even PL/SQL Gateway i.e. APEX calls)
Thanks for your response,
to your point, “More of a bug on Tomcat that is has two ways of representing users”.
I am for sure no expert on Tomcat or Java, but I don’t think this is a bug in Tomcat. I can understand why there would be specific classes for each of the Tomcat realm implementations that extend the “GenericPrincipal”.
Again, re-reading the blog post, the author appears to suggest that ORD’s use of the “UserPrincipal” is in the mistaken belief that it does represent the generic user (regardless of realm) which is not the case.
To your second point, “We could add support for GenericPrincipal and you wouldn’t need to write your own valve”
That would be great if this could be done. For in practical terms, it does make using ORDS, Tomcat and JNDI difficult to implement.
When I run a script in SQL Developer, the csv output is formatted differently than when the same script is run in SQL Plus. How do I get the output to come out the same when using SQL Developer?
Stop using SQLPlus and use SQLcl instead.
This error from SQLcl: Release Production Build:
Error Message = Incompatible version of libocijdbc[Jdbc:193000, Jdbc-OCI:196000
Is it trying to tell my I’m using 19.6 client and I need to be use 19.3? I’m trying to get sqlcl setup with the instantclient, so I grabbed latest version of both. Thinking I needed 19.3, I did a quick look and couldnt find a download link for it.
yeah it’s saying 19.3 and 19.6 won’t play well nice together, which doesn’t seem nice to me to begin with.
I would try grabbing the 18.5 instant client and trying that. Backwards compatibility is always easier than forwards compatibility.
yes, that gets me into a different dependency issue:
Error Message = no ocijdbc19 in java.library.path
Any other options here other than abandoning OCI or downgrading sqlcl?
I’ll take a look Monday.
I just have a question about fonts. Is there any limitation on which fonts can be used with SQL Developer? I installed some fonts (VictorMono, Source Code Pro, Ubuntu font…) on my windows machine that I would like to use, but they are not available from the drop-down menu in preferences, while they are available in other programs.
Thank you very much in advance,
we have code that asks the OS for list of font families that are compatible with Java Swing apps, that’s supposedly what comes back
ill have a go with VictorMono and Source Code Pro fonts and see if I can get them
Hi Jeff,
We have a requirement to generate 10 jsons per second and compare against with other JSON set .
We are proposing ORDS to do regeneration and then put it into file store..
Will this be possible with ORDS API service?If yes what is approx computing resources?
The generation would happen every hour 24 hrs 365 days
Pls suggest
‘put into file store’ – what does that mean?
ORDS will run whatever PL/SQL or SQL you ask it to.
The database is doing most of the work.
10 JSONS…is that 10 relational records saved as 10 json documents?
not very much data, shouldn’t be an issue to return one as a file via CLOB/BLOB.
In one of old post in the last section you said, if you control +select the table it will bring all the relationship along with it in the relational model view browser.
But when I control +select the table, the table gets selected (dark) not like your video(orange border) and when I pull it, it doesnt pull the relations with it.
I am using Version
Trying to go through the 15 minute tutorial on Data Miner using SQLDev 19.4 and Database 19.3 on Windows 10. When I try and do the Run Data Explorer Node => no orageneric11 in java.library.path at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
What do I have to fix? (edited)
Hi Jeff,
I post this question to you because it has been a month & I still can’t get sqldeveloper 19.2 to work on macbook pro ( Mojave )
SQLDeveloper work for a while & then connection freezes and the ‘run icons’ in sqlwork sheets become grey.
Javdetails are : –
java version “11.0.7” 2020-04-14 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.7+8-LTS)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.7+8-LTS, mixed mode)
Hopefully it’s some small tweak that need to be done.
Next time it freezes, grab a jstack
Also, you should be running 19.4.
Hello Jeff,
We are upgrading our ORDS infrastructure and we have setup an apache httpd server for serving the APEX static resources. The idea is to use this server for all our environments, so it will be used from different URLs,,, etc… Trouble is that when we switch from URLs we are getting
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ does not match ‘’)
In the apache conf we have something like this:
SetEnvIf Origin “http(s)?://(.*$” AccessControlAllowOrigin=$
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
Header merge Vary Origin
This should help the browsers to create a cache key per object and URL, but it seems that is not working as we expected, probably we are missing something…
We are thinking in “relax” the configuration and use “*” in the “Access-Control-Allow-Origin”, like [1].
Any thoughts on this?
Thank you very much in advance,
Not an ORDS issue, but I’m sure someone in the APEX community has done something similar – try asking over on their VERY active community
I am trying to use Oracel REST using SQL Developer. I created 3 tables and enabled them for the REST. The URL allows me to use them in browser. However, when i try to create user defined functions in REST DEVELOPMENT under same schema, it is throwing 404 error. I am wondering what is wrong here.
Thanks in advance.
In your connection tree, you can REST enable a function by right click…or in the REST Services tree section you can create a new module, template, GET/POST handler to exec your function.
Where exactly are you getting a 404? What step/url?
Thanks Jeff.
Actually i was using wrong URL and hence it was not working. Thanks once again for your reply
Something is going on, it’s working for me. Are you logged in as someone who has select/read privs on that table?
Is SQLcl actually executing the code you think it is?
SQL> alias sel_hr=select * from hr.employees fetch first 5 rows only;
SQL> sel_hr
______________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _______________ ____________ __________ ___________ _________________ _____________ ________________ __________
100 Suppo0rt King Suppo0rt 515.123.4567 21-AUG-18 AD_PRES 49243.75 90
101 Neena Kochhar NKOCHHAR 515.123.5368 21-SEP-89 AD_VP 34888.29 100 90
102 Lex De Haan LDEHAAN 515.123.4569 13-JAN-93 AD_VP 34888.29 100 90
103 Alexander Hunold AHUNOLD 590.423.4567 03-JAN-90 IT_PROG 18482.04 102 60
104 Bruce Ernst BERNST 590.423.4568 21-MAY-91 IT_PROG 12329.69 103 60
Database 19.3
How do I activate “Invoke Map View for Result Set”
View > Map View
This will activate the Spatial plugin/feature, then the grids should have the Map View context menu available.
Is there a way to then plot the points on polygons onto an actual map of the world? I am trying to mark areas of fishing
Hi Jeff, Love the work you are doing.
I have a stupid question. Is there a way to search for a constraint by name in sql developer? One of the most frequent errors I see is ORA-00001: unique constraint (BLA-BLA) violated, or some other constraint violated.
First step is to determine what table(s) are referred to by the constraint. Is there a way to find the tables involved without running a query against all_constraints? Sometimes a few month go by and I don’t remember the exact syntax and then have to look it up and it takes 10 minutes to find because I am easily distracted. A search in sql developer should take me 2 seconds if it is available. I tried the search for all objects but this does not find constraints.
I would be grateful for any ideas you may have.
Kind regards,
Oops, I realise what my problem was. In the “Find Database Objects” widget, I did not have the correct schema selected. I was able to find the constraint now without having to write some sql.
Only thing I can suggest is if someone can add the ability to favourite or default to a certain schema, it is a pain to do the same thing each time I use the tool.
Is it possible to also show the points on an actual Map?
Yes, but I’m not the right person to ask. My knowledge of Spatial is limited to what I can get to pop out of the Docs. I would recommend you reach out to David Lapp.