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Nearly 7,000,000 Oracle professionals use SQL Developer on a regular basis. Have a question about Oracle SQL Developer? Searched this blog and couldn’t find the answer? Ask away!

If your question is about Oracle Database, SQL, PL/SQL, etc – go Ask Tom!

Feel free to ask anything you want, but I’ll feel free to send you to Support or our Forums if it goes sideways.

Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.

  1. I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
  2. I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
  3. I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.



  1. Three questions
    How do I load column with date like 12/07/2020 17:01:43 and be able to load as date only?
    How do I automate the loader into task scheduler
    How do I load only the latest date?

    • In Oracle a DATE always includes the time as well as the day, month, and year. You can just choose to not show it later in your application if you don’t care about it.

  2. SQLcl sounds like a nice tool, but how can we be expected to use it out in the field due to Oracle Java licensing changes and uncertainties?

    We understand the we can use the Oracle JDK with Oracle products free of charge, however if we create Docker containers for running updates using SQLcl do we need to worry about the Java installed in that? Adoptopenjdk 11 is not officially supported as we understand. The Oracle JDK would be there but we would also run our own code and/or other tools against it for running customer updates.

    Also if we can create such containers can we use a 3rd party Java based tool (e.g. Flyway) running Oracle JDK to instantiate something like SQLcl oracle.dbtools.raptor.scriptrunner.cmdline.SqlCli class and run commands? The built-in Liquibase doesn’t meet our needs as we require pure PL/SQL DDL for object definition export (without all the XML, YAML, JSON based definitions). Also, SQLDeveloper simply takes much to long for exporting our schemas for version control.

    If we are told we need to hire a lawyer to figure all of this out, that is grounds enough to rule out using this potentially wonderful product out in the field. That would be tool bad as the use of the SQLcl, leveraging PL/SQL script along with the Nashorn (and possible now GraalVM) makes for a powerful attractive tool managing customer updates.

    If we could get more clarification without requiring a team of legal experts that would be great.


  3. Hi Jeff,

    I am using SQL Developer and have a question about Materialized View Logs. When I rebuild or fast refresh a materialized view the records are not purged from the related MLOG$_ table when I connect to one database. There is no problem when I use a different database. I know that it is related to Oracle not to SQL Developer, I see the same behavior when I refresh or rebuild the materialized views in SQL Plus.

    However, when I expand “Materialized View Logs” node under connections, the connection to the database with the problem shows the materialized view logs twice. The related MLOG$_ table is listed only once under “Tables” but there are two Materialized View Logs with the same name. Can you tell me how the list of Materialized View Logs is generated in SQL Developer?


    • Sure, we run this

      select S.MASTER as NAME
      where S.LOG_OWNER = :SCHEMA

  4. Hi Jeff, further to my question above, I’m using the latest version of SQL Developer.

  5. Hi Jeff,

    Happy New Year etc,

    I have just installed the latest version of utPLSQL – as seen in a tweet by Philipp Salvisberg. A restart of SQL Developer is needed. Once restart of SQL Developer has been completed, my old connections have been reverted to for some reason. I wouldn’t usually bother you, but I had just done a huge cleanup of all my old conections and created a bunch of new ones – and no I didn’t take a backup/export of the new connections… any ideas?

    • there should be no correlation to your connections and the utplsql extension

      check your AppData or .sqldeveloper folder for connections.json files, maybe you can recover them.

  6. HI Jeff – This is regarding your post – Executing PL/SQL with Array INPUTS via ORDS

    I am trying to pass the json as array in ORDS , however meeting the error always.
    below is the piece of code i am trying to implement.


    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xxords.xx_plsql_table AS
    PROCEDURE ins_c (
    p_name IN vc_arr

    END xx_plsql_table;

    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxords.xx_plsql_table AS

    PROCEDURE ins_c (
    p_name IN vc_arr
    ) AS
    ) VALUES (
    SYSDATE – i


    END ins_c;

    END xx_plsql_table;

    abc xxords.xx_plsql_table.vc_arr := xxords.xx_plsql_table.vc_arr(‘ROW1′,’ROW2′,’ROW2’);


    p_module_name => ‘testposts’,
    p_base_path => ‘testposts/’,
    p_items_per_page => 0);

    p_module_name => ‘testposts’,
    p_pattern => ‘testposts/’);

    p_module_name => ‘testposts’,
    p_pattern => ‘testposts/’,
    p_method => ‘POST’,
    p_source_type => ORDS.source_type_plsql,
    p_source => ‘DECLARE
    abc xx_plsql_table.vc_arr := xx_plsql_table.vc_arr(:pname);
    p_items_per_page => 0);


    “p_name” : [ “ROW1”, “ROW2”, “ROW3”]

    But this giving error after invoking the webservice through SoapUI.

    The request could not be processed because an error occurred whilst attempting to evaluate the SQL statement associated with this resource. Please check the SQL statement is correctly formed and executes without error. SQL Error Code: 17004, Error Message: Invalid column type.


  7. Brett Fields Reply

    Hello Jeff,
    I’m trying to learn how to work with a preexisting query that already has a sub query built in. I can run it from the worksheet side, but it just hangs from the Query builder side. For context, I’m a Paramedic Officer of the Fire Dept of New York currently attached to a group of professional data scientists. I’ve had to teach myself what little SQL I know, and SQL Developer is the only way I can keep my head above water here. For the most part, I cannibalize other people’s queries to get where I need. I’d love to be able to work with this query/subquery, but I just can’t seem to make it work out.
    Any advise appreciated.


    • Version of sqldev that you’re using?

      Can you share your query?

      If not, try taking the subquery out as a standalone piece and get your bearings with that first.

    • Brett Fields

      Hey Jeff,
      It’s version, Build 175.1842

      I have no explanation, but Query builder is now displaying these query/subqueries. I’ll mess around a bit and see what I can make of it. If I start to sink again, I’ll shout out.

      Thank you so much for the response,


  8. Hi Jeff,

    Thank you for this wonderful extension built. I would need a small help regarding port change and use it. Even when i update connection helper port and try to use command line it’s still calling with the default port ‘51521’.

    Kindly let me know if i missed any configuration or any fix or work around.


    • Hi Jeff,

      Still waiting for your valuable inputs. Kindly support.


    • Hi Jeff,

      I’m waiting for long now without any response on my port change issue. Kindly support.


    • I’m not customer support. I don’t start tickets and promise response times here. I do what I can, when I can.

      The relevant info is on this page.

      Is there a problem with using the default port?

      Ok, so you want to try a different port. Exactly WHAT are you doing? Show me?

  9. Hi Jeff,

    I want to know how to connect Informix DB in SQL Developer. If you publish one article here about connecting other database in SQL Developer then it will be very helpful for us.


  10. If you have the following ORDS/REST setup:
    – Module 1 (with 2 handlers)
    — Handler 1 – GET
    — Handler 2 – GET

    Is it possible to use Oauth2 with Roles/privs to ONLY secure Handler 1 and have Handler 2 unsecure?

  11. Hi Jeff, one more message in your pile of questions … Hopefully you will see it

    sqlcl has UNLOAD option – it does not work with VIEW and it does not take WHERE clause..

    Any idea on how to make that work? Help very much appreciated!


    • It was built for tables, not views. Use a select with a where clause and spool the output using the format you want.

    • i asked about view to see if i can address following issue I am facing – I thought if I encapsulate in view error may go away

      SQLcl: Release 20.3 Production on Fri Dec 18 15:25:48 2020
      Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle. All rights reserved.

      SQL> select count(*) from SAMPLE.T where SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(“DMLTIME”)
      to_timestamp_tz(’18-DEC-20 -08:00′,’DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR’);
      Error starting at line : 1 in command –
      select count(*) from SAMPLE.T where SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(“DMLTIME”)>
      to_timestamp_tz(’18-DEC-20 -08:00′,’DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR’)
      Error report –
      ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval

      SQL> quit
      Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production With the Real Application Clusters option

      Now using regular sqlplus –
      $ sqlplus

      SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Dec 18 15:26:19 2020

      Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.

      Enter user-name: ***********

      Connected to:
      Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
      With the Real Application Clusters option

      SQL> select count(*) from SAMPLE.T where SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(“DMLTIME”)>
      to_timestamp_tz(’18-DEC-20 -08:00′,’DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR’);




      Column is:



      View is not working either – so my idea would have failed

      –This is SQLcl

      SQL> create view vv as select count(*) c from SAMPLE.T where SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(“DMLTIME”)> to_timestamp_tz(’18-DEC-20 -08:00′,’DD-MON-RR HH24.MI.SSXFF TZR’);

      View VV created.

      SQL> select * from vv;

      Error starting at line : 1 in command –
      select * from vv
      Error report –
      ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval

      SQL> quit
      Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
      With the Real Application Clusters option

      $ sqlplus

      SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Dec 18 15:35:49 2020
      Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.

      Enter user-name: ***************

      Connected to:
      Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
      With the Real Application Clusters option

      SQL> select * from vv;



      Thank you

    • Hi Jeff,

      it looks like something to do with function based index – the table had fbi based on SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(“DMLTIME”). If I don’t use sys_extract_utc then there is no error. May be the sys_extract_utc has some underpinning with timezone technology thats having issue?

      However, why jdbc based sqlcl has issue and c based sqlplus does not is a mystery

      I couldn’t recreate it though – created a new table and didn’t have this problem. So its possible some data issue – but does not explain how sqlplus likes it … i will update you if i have some happy story


  12. Mike Crittenden Reply

    I just noticed that the post removed my values for HOST INSTANCE and SERVER_NAME – those have valid values and are identical for each ALIAS variant i presented. The are not missing from my TNSNAMES

    a normal entry would have something like this:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (INSTANCE_NAME = instance)

  13. Mike Crittenden Reply

    I have been having an odd problem when trying to use SQLCL 20 .3 relating to my TNSNAMES entries.

    Prior to 20.3 I have always used an alias variation of this:

    EMS408.DEV.COM =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521))

    Note the alias
    Prior to 20.x and specifically using 19.3 right now, these have always worked with no issues. Now when I attempt to use the same entry with 20+ it does not work. This seems to be a problem with the alias as the only way I can get the TNSNAMES to work is by using this alias format:

    EMS408DEV. = (note the single name and a period)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = )(PORT = 1521))

    The TNSNAMES alias has to have the period to work, if I don’t have the period in the TNSNAMES file it does not work.

    connect user/[email protected] <- does not work
    connect user/pword@ems408dev. <- does not work
    connect user/pword@ems408dev <- works

    This is my current error:
    USER = ems
    URL = jdbc:oracle:oci8:@emsdev408.
    Error Message = C:\app\client\mcrittenden\product\19.0.0\client_2\bin\ocijdbc19.dll: Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform
    USER = ems
    URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@emsdev408.
    Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified
    USER = ems
    URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@emsdev408.:1521/emsdev408
    Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified
    USER = ems
    URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@emsdev408.:1521/emsdev408.
    Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified

    It does not matter what follows the period (COM DEV RANDOM) it only seems to work using this Alias format and calling the alias without the period. Once connected if I list the TNSNAMES file all of the entries are there (with the triple segments and single with periods) and i have no errors with reading the file.

    Prior to 20+ in only had the 11g client installed on my machine, no other Oracle products. Yes, I love SQLCL and use it almost exclusively for all of my Oracle work. I have tried installing the 19c client and that only seemed to changed my error messages, not the behavior.

    Any insight into what I am doing wrong or need to fix would be appreciated.

    • Mike Crittenden

      SQLcl: Release 20.3 Production on Fri Dec 18 06:30:08 2020

      Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle. All rights reserved.

      Username? (”?) ems@ems408sdev
      Password? (**********?) **********
      Last Successful login time: Fri Dec 18 2020 06:30:19 -08:00

      Connected to:
      Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release – Production

      EMS@ems408sdev > sho tns
      TNS Lookup locations
      1. USER Home dir

      Location used:

      Available TNS Entries

      EMS@ems408sdev > connect [email protected]
      Password? (**********?) **********
      USER = ems
      URL =
      Error Message = C:\app\client\mcrittenden\product\19.0.0\client_2\bin\ocijdbc19.dll: Can’t load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform
      USER = ems
      URL =
      Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified

      Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
      @ >

    • Mike Crittenden

      Errors when trying the EMS408SDEV. entry:

      @ > connect ems@ems408sdev.
      Password? (**********?) **********
      USER = ems
      URL = jdbc:oracle:oci8:@ems408sdev.
      Error Message = C:\app\client\mcrittenden\product\19.0.0\client_2\bin\ocijdbc19.dll: Can’t load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform
      USER = ems
      URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@ems408sdev.
      Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified

      It will only connect if the alias format is XXXXX. (with a period) and I do not use the period.

    • EW…don’t use the periods.

      even if that’s valid, it looks ‘wrong’

      If you want to file a bug, please contact My Oracle Support and open a Service Request

    • Mike Crittenden


      EMS408SDEV. =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (INSTANCE_NAME = ems408s)

      EMS408S.DEV.COM =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (INSTANCE_NAME = ems408s)

    • Mike Crittenden

      It doesn’t work without the period :(. I would be fine if it was just the one word, but right now the only way I can get it to work is if the Alias has a period, and I don’t use the period when I connect. Any other combination or format does not work. It all works fine with 19.3 – but so far any 20X version has only worked in the way I described.

      Ok – I will try support – thanks for looking.

  14. Hi Jeff, I have made a few posts related to IndexPreferenceTask and I think I found the cause and would just like to share this:

    Under %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\Roaming\SQL Developer\SqlHistory I deleted 2k+ files, some more than two years old (!). This surprised me since I have set [x] Enable Local History to 7 days. After that the IndexPreferenceTask just took a few seconds.

    One suggestion is that when clicking the IndexPreferenceTask to show details, I would like to see files or directories currently being indexed/processed. As it is now there will only be a pop-up window that reads “IndexPreferenceTask” with the same “progress bar” as in the main application window. No additional information is presented.

    I could also question if the SQL History is part of the preferences. Suggestion is to either exclude them from indexing or change the name of IndexPreferenceTask to just IndexTask or Indexing…

  15. Hello Jeff,
    Somehow appeared a carriage return sign behind every line.
    It became visible.
    How do I turn it off?

  16. When I start SQLDeveloper IndexPreferenceTask is executing for several minutes. During this operation nothing is locked in the application but there is a lag in every action that I do of 5-10 seconds making the application not useless but very, very annoying 🙂 during this period. Is there a way to speed this process up? I have had about 20 or so different versions installed on this computer. I have always migrated setting from previous release. I always cleaned up all but the current and previous versions from %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\Roaming and I haven’t found anything SQLDeveloper-related in the registry.

    Also, under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming there are two directories:
    \SQL Developer

    Is there a particular reason for having two directories?

    • one of those directories is maintained by jdeveloper and contains the jvm settings via the product.conf file, the other is maintained by us and has the application settings like SQL History, Connections, etc.

      You can disable the preferences indexing at startup with
      AddVMOption -DIndexedPreferencesCommand=false (add this to your product.conf file)

      You can also try adding memory to the JVM to give the application more resources/breathing room.

  17. 403 Forbidden: The user can not access the ORDS Metadata database objects. Please consult the section in the ORDS documentation titled ‘Troubleshooting ORDS Metadata database objects access’.
    (I also cant find the documentation of ords anywhere except getting started, please also point me towards oracle documentation for ords)

    I have enabled ords authorization on a database schema and database table and getting the above error. Please guide me and am i missing anything

    I am running ords on tomcat.

    • It means you can’t access the metadata-catalog or OpenAPI endpoints on the schema w/o an authorized request – your authenticated user will need this role

  18. John Gallagher Reply

    Hi Jeff,

    We have a requirement to use Kerberos (sso) and LDAP (for role assignment).

    Environment: Linux | ORDS | Jetty (AD domain joined linux Server) talking to APEX 20 in 19c DB
    Users: Small number of AD users who will be doing light forms entry work.

    Struggling a little to find documentation, to vaidate that Kerberos can be integrated with Jetty and how to configure.

    Does the stack sound viable ? and would you have any pointers on SSO related config for this environment.

    NB – have found below link — does this advice still hold.?
    Should I ask this Jetty / Kerberos question via official support channels?



  19. Stephen OGorman Reply

    In SQL Developer 20.2.0, has SNIPPETS been removed.
    I am unable to open or Create a Snippet
    .Please advise ASAP.

  20. Recently switched from Weblogic to ORDS with Apache. Attempting to write a custom error html page to display the url with package and procedure name where the error occurred. Attempted to use jquery document.referrrer but when I get the result it is empty. I check Fiddler and there is no referrer returned and I would believe this is due to the setup with ORDS and Apache. Is there a way to get the referring URL back when we get a 4040 error?

  21. Rohith Thomas Reply

    Hello Jeff:

    A simple (maybe rudimentary) question. Is it possible to setup a connect from SQL developer to the oracle SaaS layer (assume via BI)? I have tried searching high and low for some kind of tool set that allows us to query the FIN or HCM tables within SaaS from SQL Developer but haven’t had any success. I have seen 3rd party tools like claim to have done this ( however i was wondering if this is something we could accomplish using an oracle product instead of 3rd party toolsets.

    • We’ll let you connect to anything you have database access for. If the SaaS offering gives you access to the database, then yes, you can connect. If it doesn’t, then you have to look at other possibilities. Several SaaS offerings have begun offering SQL Developer Web to give their subscribers access to their data in the Oracle Database – w/o giving access to the database itself.

  22. Scott Stegemann Reply

    I downloaded SQL Developer 20.2 and SQL Developer Data Modeler 20.3 for Mac OSX running Big Sur (11.0.1). Both say “JDK 8 or 11 required”. I downloaded and installed Java SE Development Kit 11.0.9. SQL Developer works (after bypassing Mac security to run an app not downloaded from the store), but I get an ‘Unsupported JDK version’ error pop-up which states “You are attempting to run with Java 11.0.9. Running this product is supported with a minimum Java version of 1.8.0_05 and a maximum version less than 1.9 …”

    I’ve then downloaded and installed JDK 8 and SQL Developer doesn’t start. I’ve searched for JAVA_HOME modification advice, uninstalled and reinstalled JDK 8, JDK 11, SQL Developer, and SQL Developer Data Modeler in various combinations and permutations over the last three days and I cannot find a configuration where I can get both products to run. Any advice?

    • Scott Stegemann

      I neglected to finish the sentence

      but I get an ‘Unsupported JDK version’ error pop-up which states “You are attempting to run with Java 11.0.9. Running this product is supported with a minimum Java version of 1.8.0_05 and a maximum version less than 1.9 …” when starting SQL Developer Data Modeler.

    • that dialog should also give you a button that lets you ignore that warning and run it anyway with java 11 – that’s fine

      the next version will have that fixed so it won’t warn you on the 11

    • Scott Stegemann


      Thank you very much – that worked.

      I’ve tried ignoring that message in previous configuration attempts and I was getting a long list of modules that could not be loaded (see warning below) – must have been an issue with the JDK 8/11 combination that I had in place at the time. After ignoring the module warning, SQL Developer Data Modeler didn’t start.

      Thank you for your help and the very quick response. BTW – SQL Developer Data Modeler is a great tool – I’ve been using Oracle data modeling tools since Oracle Designer had to be run on a Sun Workstation.

      Warning – could not install some modules: org.eclipse.equinox.common – org.netbeans.InvalidException: Netigso: /Applications/ Not found bundle:org.eclipse.equinox.common

  23. Hello Jeff:

    I use ver
    This just unexpectedly ocurred:
    With the navigator open I opened a package by double-clicking its node, but it opened in the same window as the Navigator, so that I couldn’t see the navigator tree and the code editor simultaneously. Until now, whenever I open a code editor it opens in a separate pane next to the Navigator, so that I can see both simultaneously, which is what I want.
    I can fix this by right-clicking and choosing “‘New Document Tab Group’”, but that doesn’t make the code editor automatically open that way the next time I open up another package. So how do I get it to do this automatically, as it did until today?
    Thanks very much for your help.

  24. Hi, I just upgraded and I tried to bring over the PL/SQL Syntax Colors I had set up in There, I had an option to define a PlSqlCustom1 color for all of my custom named identifiers (as opposed to the Default Identifiers). This was very handy because the bright pink color I chose would only “pop” once my query code was correct. If I had an error, these particular identifiers would always show up as Default Identifiers. Very helpful for a novice!

    I don’t see an option to define PlSqlCustom1 in the newer version of Developer.

    I tried exporting my PL/SQL Custom Syntax Rules and then importing those in version However, it doesn’t work. I also tried to read the articles referenced in the PL/SQL Custom Syntax window, but I couldn’t follow any of them. All were over my head. How can I bring over my custom named PL/SQL Syntax Color Scheme from version 18 to version 20?

    • Pencraft

      Yes, I was. And I said yes, and everything else came over*. I looked in the dtcache.xml file and saw in the section that the custom Scheme from my Version 18 installation is there. It’s just not showing up in the selection menu in the Tools>Preferences>Code Editor>PL/SQL Syntax Colors menu within Version 20. I also made a new scheme in Version 20 and saved it and this new scheme also shows up within the dtcache.xml file.

      At the next menu level down (PL/SQL Custom Syntax Rules) I can see this code:
      PlSqlCustom1: — The syntax highlighter expects a rule named “PlSqlCustomN”.
      [node) c_alias — Search all the nodes in the parse tree which are column aliases
      | [node) identifier — Or nodes with identifier payload,
      & [node-1) query_table_expression — which younger siblings are labeled with table names

      Which I thought would create ab identifier for me to modify in the prior menu level. But no. I don’t see the choice for plSqlCustom1 there.

      thanks so much for helping. Your information is awesome and the bits I understand are so very useful.

      *Thanks to you 🙂 I have some very handy templates set up and even a few special shortcut keystrokes. Thank you very much!!!! Those all made the migration to the new version with no issues.

    • Hi Pencraft,

      I was just wondering if you ever resolved this. I am having the same issue and it is a huge pain.


    • Hi Pencraft,

      I case you, or anyone else is still trying to find an answer to this…

      My colleague has realised that they have renamed PlSqlCustom1 to PlSqlColTabAlases

      Hope that helps!

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