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Feel free to ask anything you want, but I’ll feel free to send you to Support or our Forums if it goes sideways.

Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.

  1. I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
  2. I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
  3. I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.



  1. Hi Jeff,

    I am running Sql developer Version 4.0.0 and I notice in some of the connections it takes ages to get the query results.

    For ex. there is one table with just one row and it takes 20 mins to retrieve the data from that table. When I run the same query in Sql Plus its gets the result instantly.

    I tried using thick client, but the results are still the same.
    I downloaded the latest version(4.0.3) and its the same.

    Then I had a old version 3.2.2 and connected to the same DB and it returned results in 2 seconds.

    Then I repeated the same thing in my colleague’s computer and same resuts, version 4.0.0 and 4.0.3 simply dont return any data. But 3.2.2 runs like a rocket.

    Any idea about this strange behavior?

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Now that I’ve followed the advice from many of your posts and tweaked a number of SQL Developer preferences, is there an easy way to copy all those preferences to another computer?


    • Zip up your $USER$/AppData/Roaming Profiles/SQL Developer/versionX folder and move it over – that has everything.

  3. Hi Jeff,

    I have recently discovered your web site while trying to learn Oracle DB. Many of my questions have been answered for SQL Developer via your site, and I have learned a lot reading through your posts and answers to other questions.

    As stated, I am wanting to learn Oracle DB. At home, I installed Oracle DB Express 11.2 on a CentOS server under VirtualBox on an Ubuntu host, and SQL Developer 4.0.3 on the host as well. I can connect to the database installed on CentOS, so communication between SQL Developer and Oracle DB Express works well.

    The problem I am having is probably an Oracle SQL privilege problem, but since it manifests itself visible on SQL Developer, I’ll ask it anyway. Please excuse me if this is a newbie question, but I am a newbie to database!

    If I log into the HR schema (as per the 2-day developer document), and create a new table called OFFICERS with some of my favorite fictional characters for data, and populate it with the data via the data pane, I can see it in the SQL Developer table detail table in the data pane tab. I see the columns headers for the columns I created on top, then row numbers for each row I created and the data in each row.

    Now I created my own personal schema, e.g. MYNAME, and then connected to that schema and attempted to repeat the process of above. I can create the table with the columns using the New Table wizard. But once the table exists, and I go to the data pane tab on the Table detail, I see nothing. No column headers. When I hit the Insert Row button in the data pane tab, I see a +1 appear, but I have nothing to click on to enter data like I did with HR.OFFICERS.

    Now if I go to the SQL Worksheet for the troublesome table MYNAME.OFFICERS, and do some INSERTs, e.g.
    INSERT INTO OFFICERS VALUES (‘Captain’, ‘Kirk’, ‘James’);
    INSERT INTO OFFICERS VALUES (‘Lieutenant Commander’, ‘Spock’, NULL);

    I get in the Query Result window:

    ———————————– ——— ———
    Captain Kirk James
    Lieutentant Commander Spock NULL

    But if I go to the Table detail tab for MYNAME.OFFICERS, and look at the data pane, all I see is two row numbers for 1 and 2. No column headers and no data. Just the row numbers.

    Why can I see the data in the data pane of the HR.OFFICERS table detail tab, but I cannot see the data or column headers in the data pane of the MYNAME.OFFICERS?

    Is there a GRANT privilege(s) that has to be set for MYNAME that was already set for HR in order for this to work as expected?

    Thank you.

    • Well, I figured it out eventually. I was going through the 2 day DBA document, and creating an example user “NICK”. When I had used “MYNAME” in the example above, I had actually made the user’s name in the format of “SMITH.NICK” (but actually another name). And I was not seeing data as detailed in my original post. When I created “NICK”, everything worked properly. So I tried creating the user “SMITH_NICK”, and lo and behold, it worked fine!

      Evidently SQL Developer 4.0.3 cannot show data in the data pane if the user name has periods in it. The SQL Worksheet can use the user name with the periods (as long as I put it in double quotes), just not the data pane.

      Is there a rule, recommendation, etc. somewhere documenting the format for a user/schema name?

      Thanks to all who looked at this, and hopefully it will help somebody else learning Oracle DB.

  4. Create following Three Tables.
    table name ARTISTS
    101 KISHORE
    102 RAFI
    103 LATA
    105 ASHA

    table name SIMILAR_ARTIST
    101 102 4
    103 105 3

    table name ALBUMS
    1001 103 ZZZ
    1002 101 LATA
    1003 101 LLL
    1004 102 RAFI
    1005 105 TTT
    1006 104 FFF
    1007 104 CCC

    table name TRACKS
    201 103 AAA 456000
    202 101 BBB 870000
    203 104 CCC 650000
    204 102 DDD 550000
    205 105 EEE 530000

    table name TRACKLIST
    11 1002 21
    12 1001 12
    13 1004 66
    14 1004 51
    15 1003 32
    16 1002 19
    17 1001 07
    Solve following request with the help of SQL query.
    1. List all of your table names in the database

    Ans: select * from tab;

    2. Find name of art_name with ‘A’ in their name.

    Ans: select * from ARTISTS where ART_NAME like ‘A%’;

    3. Find the names of all Tracks that are more than 10 minutes (600,000 ms) long.

    Ans: select * from TRACKS where LENGTH >600000;

    4. Find the names of all Artists who have recorded a self-titled Album (the name of theAlbum is the same as the name of the Artist).

    Ans: ???

    5. Find the names of all Artists who have recorded an Album on which the track is named“EEE”.

    ANS: ???

    6. Find the names of all Albums that have more than 30 tracks.

    ANS: ???

    7. List the name of each Artist, along with the name and average Track length of their Albumthat has the highest average Track length.


    8. Find the average length of the tracks


    9. Find the artist name and the track number for the trackid “204”.


  5. Jeff,

    Thanks for the 30 days Sql developer Tips! Its been great help for quick tips and whats happening in the Oracle World with runs 🙂

    Lately, I have been using a lot of SQL Developer Data Model and recently installed Sql Developer 4.0.3 as well. I have got couple of question.

    1. One of my fellow developer asked me, is there a way to color assign a column in Data Modeler like ERWIN (for calculated fields)?
    2. When I open my data model (which was saved in 4.0.1) in 4.0.3, i keep getting error message as “Some objects are not loaded correctly. See the log file for details.”
    How do I get around and fix this?

    Appreciate your timely help.


  6. Jeff ,

    In my machine I have two version from SQL Developer , “4.0.2” and “4.0.3” .
    In “4.0.2” shortcut key for list “Alt+0” it’s working fine .
    but in “4.0.3” it’s not , I assigned new key , and no hope ! .
    is this shortcut key work with you ?.

    Thanks ,

  7. Hi Jeff ,
    In your “Tips in 30 Days, Day 24: Hiding Schemas That Don’t Own Anything” :
    is there any way , using the DBA panel , to see just “Schemas That Don’t Own Anything” ?
    Many thanks,

  8. Hi Jeff,
    I’m on SQL Developer 3.2 had have a couple of 8i databases that I’d like to connect to … is that possible? If so, how?
    Thank s Jeff

    • Sorry, we no longer support that version of Oracle. The JDBC drivers we use won’t connect to that ancient version.

      If you grab an archived version of the tool, say version 1.2 maybe, you should be able to do some basic stuff with 8i.

    • 1.2.5

      Today I started my VirtualBOx again and now I’m getting this error

      Status : Failure -Test failed: I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded. Check the java.library.path system property.

      When testing the connection to SQL Server…..

      Currently investigating this error. Thought I read something about this….

    • You can use v1.3 if you’re on SQL Developer 4…what exactly do you have running on VirtualBox?

  9. I created a Global Temp table from SQL Developer.
    I then closed the connection, exited, and re-opened it.
    To my surprise, the table was still cataloged !!
    When do these tables get removed ?

  10. Hi Jeff,

    I get error message “svn: E200015: authentication cancelled” in SVN Console Log after my attempt to commit changes.

    But I don’t see any problem in browsing SVN repository from Data Modeler, so it doesn’t look like wrong password problem.

    What can it be?

    Thanks in advance,

  11. Hi Jiff,
    I’m using SQL Developer Version 4.0.*, I always open new worksheet and write many of select query in it :
    Why I cannot put a bookmark in specific line, while I can do that inside (procedure)?.
    Is there shortcut key for collapse/Expand statement/procedure in plsql ?.

    Jiff, what you are doing is a mighty work in every sense of the word.

    Many Thanks,

    • I have a related question. I love the collapse statements feature in SQL Worksheet and code editor screens. Is it or will it be possible to collapse all plain sql statements the same way? I can collapse my sql statements one at a time, not all at once.

      Also, I would like to be able to lock the collapsed view, so that I can edit code without uncollapsing everything.

      Using Version 4.0

  12. Hi Jeff,

    When I try to connect a database using sql developer-, I am getting below error

    An error was encountered performing the requested operation:

    Listener refused the connection with the following error:
    ORA-12520, TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server

    Vendor code 12520

    But to the same database I am able to connect from sql command prompt. What is the problem here.

  13. Jon Hayward Reply

    Hi Jeff: v4. —

    This isn’t a major thing but I notice that the grammar checker gives me a squiggly yellow line with SQL like


    SELECT * from THING;



    it says ‘select list inconsistent with GROUP BY – change GROUP BY to

    If you do as it suggests the query fails of course

    ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here
    00934. 00000 – “group function is not allowed here”
    Error at Line: 4 Column: 29

    but if you take the offending line out of the CTE, the grammar warning goes away …

    Obviously not one of the worst bugs of all time, but meh false positives.

    This happens whether COUNT(OWNER) is aliased or not – the grammar checker seems to have a bit of difficulty parsing CTE’s …

  14. Alex Michael Reply

    When running in SQL developer, its second nature for me to hit Ctrl-Enter (Run Statement). However, I noted an odd behavior when creating triggers.

    When creating a FOR EACH ROW trigger (attempting to use Ctrl-Enter) that references :new or :old, I am prompted to enter values for my bind variables new and old.

    Is that expected behavior and is there a preference I can use that to disable it except when I specifically want to use bind variables?

    Thanks so much!

  15. JDK
    oracle IDE

    I will have her open a ticket. Thanks.

  16. Sql developer hangs when I try to expand the tree for views? Any idea how to resolve this?

    • This is what we run when you go to expand the VIEWS panel in the tree

      select * from ( SELECT ao.OBJECT_NAME, ao.OBJECT_ID, ” short_name,
      FROM SYS.Dba_OBJECTS ao, sys.Dba_views av
      and av.OWNER = :SCHEMA
      and ao.object_name = av.view_name
      and av.editioning_view = ‘N’
      union all
      FROM SYS.Dba_OBJECTS O, sys.user_synonyms syn, sys.Dba_views av
      WHERE syn.table_owner = o.owner
      and syn.TABLE_NAME = o.object_NAME
      and o.object_type = :TYPE
      and o.object_name = av.view_name
      and o.owner = av.owner
      and editioning_view = ‘N’
      and :INCLUDE_SYNS = 1

      Runs with these params when prompted in the worksheet
      “SCHEMA”=”your schema”, “TYPE”=”VIEW”, “INCLUDE_SYNS”=null

      How long does that take to run, and how many views are loaded/retrieved?

    • I am actually working with a person offsite that is having this issue, when I expand the views on my pc, it runs ok, but when I run it on her pc I get the same issue, it just hangs.
      I ran the query on my pc and it was instantaneous and returned 861 rows. I am waiting for her to get in so we can try it on her machine. I will reply when I get further results.

    • Ok- she is able to run the query and get results right back. The issue is just when she exands the tree for views in the connections window. She has version and I have 3.0.4.
      Any suggestions?

    • Let’s fix you first – upgrade to v4 🙂

      It sounds like something isn’t happy on her machine when we go to paint those 804 tree node items. The app PROBABLY isn’t waiting on the database since the query comes back very quickly. But 804 items is relatively a large number of things for the UI to paint.

      I have more questions, but might be easier for her to just open a Service Request with My Oracle Support.

      Questions like, what OS is she running? What version of the JDK? How much memory on her machine? What does she see if she runs a jstack dump when SQLDev freezes?

  17. Hi Jeff,

    I have multiple rows in my table, and i want to generate multiple update queries at once, So i dont have to write that many update queries. Let me know how it is done?

    • You should write an update that touches the multiple rows using a WHERE clause predicate.

      So, if you have employees in dept 10 you want to give a raise, you would run
      alter employees set salary = salary + (salary * 0.15) where deptno = 10;

  18. Hi Jeff
    I’m using sql developer version 4.0.2
    How i can change the equel opertion, from (-) to (=)?
    The defualt display is like that: DEPARTMENT_NAME – ‘Marketing’
    and I would like to change it to: DEPARTMENT_NAME = ‘Marketing’

    Thanks in advanced

  19. I see several useful transformation scripts samples provided by tool. However, I would like to apply the transformation rules to a smaller set of tables present in my sub view. I researched and found the following function.

    mySubview = model.getSubViewByName(“mySubview”);

    Can I use this to get the list of tables in the sub view ? Any examples of how to use this function will help me to understand better.



    • The API is documented here..similar directory for the full data modeler installation.

  20. If in the Query Builder I put multiple statements, like:



    then highlight both statements and click ‘Run Statement’ I get two query results windows. The first is labelled ‘Query Result’ and the second is ‘Query Result 1’. And the result tabs can be re-named.

    The question is: is there a way so that when the statement executes and generates the result tab to have the tab automatically renamed so the user knows which tab is the result of which query? Query one might be renamed ‘Burdell’ (i.e.: after the name of the person it is querying) and the second ‘Aid Year’ (i.e.: after the aid year that it is querying).

    • mouse over the query result tab – it shows you the sql that was used to generate the results

  21. Hi jeff,

    My question is about the Oracle SQL Datamodeler.

    I have some schemas created in my solution on datamodeler, like “Security” and “Person”.

    But when i export the ddl file, my objects that are linked to schemas are generated without schema prefix name. e.g. a table named “User” linked with a schema named “Security” should be exported like “Security.User”, but it is being generated as “User” instead.


    • are you sure you select schema name “Security” or “Person” when you build User table , you should select your “schema name” in schem from “Table Properties”.

  22. I am using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Version
    RDBMS type is SQL Server 2008

    When I “Generate DDL” schema names are not included in the CREATE TABLE, or ALTER TABLE.

    How to add the schema name into the generated DDL?

    Thank you

  23. just corrected my issue just previously posted.

    I changed my connection properties from using a connect identifier to netword alias and the vendor code 0 went away. Nothing had changed in my tnsnames.ora, but apparently something behind the scene had changed (maybe port number .. ?)

    • Doing that forces you from a thin to a thick connection – and that means the jdbc driver and your oracle client version needs to match. If you care to have it work both ways, otherwise, I wouldn’t worry about it.

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