The evolution of Oracle Database REST API development interfaces in SQL Developer, APEX, SQL Developer Web, and SQLcl for ORDS.
Oracle SQLcl version 22.1.1 was released today. Some bug fixes and a Liquibase library update. Plus a quick note on Oracle Cloud Console updates.
How can I build a REST API for my database that just returns a simple array populated from a SQL SELECT query? Easy, write a few lines of PL/SQL and use ORDS!
Release announcement for Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) version 22.1, and you really need to read the README this time.
Oracle SQLcl version 22.1’s new SQL performance code scanning rules, where they came from, and some examples. Find bad SQL before it hits production!
SQLcl 22.1 is now available and we now support Data Guard commands! Also, we now REQUIRE you to upgrade Java to at least version 11 or 17 – no more 8!
How to use the built-in OpenAPI (Swagger) REST client in Oracle REST Data Services to test your POST endpoints for your Oracle Database REST APIs.
How to cURL Oracle Database Data Pump Export job in your Oracle Autonomous Database, via Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) – code & screenshots!