I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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My wife and I are celebrating 20 years married (to each other!!!) , and I will not be here answering questions or posting new content for the next two weeks. However, there is a LOT scheduled to happen in the database tools world while I’m out. So be sure to follow @krisrice for news and updates. Oh, and if you like to torture yourself by watching others having fun, you can find me pretty easily…