I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Slideshare won’t let you update slide decks anymore, so I just uploaded my latest version as a new offering. All of the Performance Tuning Features in Oracle SQL Developer, 2018 Edition from Jeff Smith I’ll be presenting this topic at UKOUG this week. if you’d like me to present this to your group of the developers and administrators, drop me a note, and we’ll setup a webinar. A Custom Design Rule – Do I Have…

SQL Developer

This post won’t show you how to acutally do the scheduling bits – I’m going to assume you know how to use contrab or Windows Scheduler -but I will show you how to get SQL Developer setup so that you can call it from the command-line to do your export. Our requirements – from an AskTom question – I want delimited text output, TABs the numbers need to be quoted I’m running on Windows BUT…

Database Stuff

The 2018 conference season is winding down. Next week is DOAG in Germany – an amazing conference by the way – and a short time after that is the UKOUG Tech 2018 conference in Liverpool, England. This will be my second experience presenting at UKOUG, and I’m looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and meeting new folks – all while talking about ORDS and SQL Developer. The Tuning in SQL Developer talk is a…

SQL Developer

So someone asked us on Twitter this morning about a new Document that opens on an Export of a query result set. How can I prevent the "Export Tool" log in SQL Developer 18.3?I get it whenever I create some DDL over the navigation menu.@oraesque @OracleSQLDev #sqldeveloper pic.twitter.com/8zyfquqxZ6— Tobias Arnhold (@tobias_arnhold) November 15, 2018 The short answer is, that wasn’t intentional – it’s a BUG. Good news – we HAVE cleaned that up for version…

SQL Developer

One of the improvements for version 18.3 was a much improved, performant query builder. Of course, not all things are free. Or in fact, nothing is free. So who paid for these performance gains? We disabled one of its primary features. But first, let’s take a step a back and explain the scenario. How it Was, Pre 18.3 The query builder would allow you to reverse engineer a query in a worksheet to a visual…

SQL Developer

This was one of my 3 sessions at Open World last week. None of them were recorded, but I figured you might find this one interesting, so I ran through the slides again here. If you search this blog for things like ‘18.1’, ‘18.2’, and ‘18.3’, you can find all the blog posts I put together showing some of these features. But a short list would definitely include: SQL Injection Detection Faster Query Builder &…

SQL Developer

Today’s question: I am looking for a way to list out all and count all objects by all schema, any idea? So the connection tree is nice in that it makes it easy to see specific types of objects by schema – but if you want a FLAT view of a schema, it’s not so great. Ok, so what’s a SQL Developer user to do? Try our Data Dictionary Reports The Reports panel is there,…

SQL Developer

In case you haven’t figured this out by now, 90% of my material here is generated by questions from folks like you out there. So thanks for the never ending supply of content! And it gives me an opportunity to keep learning as well! So the question: I believe this json data type in MySQL would probably map to either CLOB or VARCHAR2 in Oracle. Is this something which can be achieved by defining custom…

SQL Developer

Was helping someone on Stackoverflow this morning, and thought you might enjoy seeing this process as well. PROBLEM: You’ve created a schema script, you’ve generated the DDL, and you ran it on your brand-spankin’ new database. Except. Except, you ran that script as SYS, and your schema scripts didn’t have a SCHEMA defined. So you’ve corrupted your SYS schema!!! How to fix that (FLASHBACK!) is a different post. This post is about how to assign…

SQL Developer

Things to know: MANY bug fixes The Windows Embedded JDK is now Version 8 update 181 You can have nested connection folders in the main and DBA connection panels Real Time SQL Monitoring reports can be exported to (non-flash) HTML Connections Some of you out there work with MANY databases, and so of course have tons of connections to work with in SQL Developer. Now you can have as many levels of folders as you…