I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Someone asked about persisting table filters. Quick answer, we don’t. When you leave and come back to table, the filters are no longer active. Don’t know what I mean by filters? So, if you close the table and come back, the filter won’t be there anymore. MOSTLY. It is there, you just have to ask for it. Ctrl+Space. Now scroll down. Down further. Past the column list.


I wrote recently about using REST to upload a file to your table with ORDS. I want to extend that and share more code. I want you to see how to not only load the pics, but then how to get a collection of items, with links to those items, and in this case, also links to the media (pics) which we’ve uploaded. AND IT’S SO LITTLE CODE. What I’ll share: table ddl a few…

Database Stuff

I’m running a week long poll on Twitter. After Google, where do you go for Oracle help, first? Please answer, then RT. If 'other', please specify in your RT.— Jeff Smith 🥃 ☜ (@thatjeffsmith) October 20, 2017 The problem with Twitter is that you’re limited to only 140 characters, so I’m afraid I failed to adequately word the question. My intent is to see where you go to ASK for help…literally. In the form of…

SQL Developer

We released SQL Developer version 17.3 while I was at Oracle Open World, so I didn’t have time to really blog it. Plus, we found this REALLY annoying bug. Obviously this was ‘no bueno’ – so we put out a patch. Version 17.3.1 is available now. What’s New in 17.3? Mostly bug fixes. We identified issues from 17.2 and fixed those – thanks again Community folks! A few improvements. Code Outline It wasn’t working for…

SQL Developer

Some of you are real fast typers, and don’t need this type of help. However, some of you, no matter how fast you can type, have to deal with column names that are long, hard to spell, and to just work with in general. So let’s say you’re working on a report, and the column order is very specific. Now, you could use the INSIGHT/POPUP feature, but those names come back in alpha order. Or…


I have 1,500 rows I need to shove into a table. I don’t have access to the database, directly. But my DBA is happy to give me a HTTPS entry point to my data. What do I do? Let’s look at a Low-Code solution: Oracle REST Data Services & Auto REST for tables. With this feature, you can say for a table, make a REST API available for: querying the table inserting a row updating…


We’ve just released version 17.3 of Oracle REST Data Services – as an Early Adopter (BETA). Go Download ORDS 17.3 Now. There are 2 major new features, and this post is about one of those: Swagger/OpenAPI style JSON for /metadata_catalog/ calls. Wait, why should I care about REST? The Movie Screenshots for Those that Can’t do YouTube at Work It’s fairly simple. Navigate to the /metadata-catalog/ URI for your RESTful Service. Then copy this {…JSON…}…

SQL Developer

You have a schema. Someone else built it. You’ve just inherited it. Now you need to build an application around it. But, tell me more about this schema? No docs? That’s OK, you can build your own! 1. Connect to Your Database, Open a ‘Driving’ Table By driving, I mean one that’s likely to be at the ‘center’ of your business logic. An employees or sales table for example. Now, once it’s open, click on…