I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Want to export a ton of tables, but only get SOME of the records? Want to apply a GLOBAL filter across the tables to only get the records you want? Tools > Database Export. I’m going to export data, NOT DDL. I’m going to write it to a single JSON file. I’m going to grab data from a couple of tables. I ONLY want records from those tables where the CUSTOMER ID is in a…

info command oracle sql developer SQL Developer

Many of you might not know that most of what you can do in SQcl, can also be done in SQL Developer version 4.2. In fact, it’s the same code that handles running statements/scripts in SQLcl as it is in SQL Developer’s SQL Worksheet. Assuming of course, that you use THIS button. There’s one large exception to this. TODAY: we don’t allow you to use the SCRIPT command, yet. And one small exception: you can…

SQL Developer

Reviewing my timeline, I came across this gem from Franc. I hate seeing SQL with keywords in uppercase and identifiers in lowercase. identifiers are case sensitive. Not keywords.— Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot) February 7, 2017 Franck isn’t alone – a lot of people hate it when their code doesn’t look the way they want it to. Many folks know about our formatter, and how to use it to get their IDENTIFIERS UPPER-CASED. But did you know…

SQL Developer

A friend, let’s call her ‘Helen’ for the sake of this post, texted me the other day, wondering why she had all these dozens/hundreds (?) of files in her Windows home directory. She was confused. Where did they come from? Were they safe to delete? I asked her what they were called, and the filename sounded VERY MUCH like what she would have named her SQL Developer connection for a particular database. Now, it might…

oracle rest data services modules ORDS

Let’s say you have some files, stored as BLOBs, in your database, and you want to make them available via REST. So of course you install Oracle REST Data Services, and now you have two options: REST Enable the table or Deploy a custom RESTful service With the first option, I get an ‘automatic’ REST endpoint for my resource, which in this case is my table that has the BLOB, but I don’t want or…

SQL Developer

Remember this fancy do-hickey? It’s the Instance Viewer. We introduced it as a new feature in version 4.1. For version 4.2, we added this – the Top SQL panel. We ask the database every 10 seconds what the most expensive query by CPU is. Maybe that’s a bit too aggressive for you? What if you only wanted to ask every…10 minutes? You can do this. You’ll want the Instance Viewer to be open and running,…

SQL Developer

Dealing with a complex data type? Say, XML? Or, a nested table? If you want to see a ‘flat’ view of the data for that bit or a row when browsing a data set that contains that TYPE of data, you’ll want to check this preference. Using the code sample from OraFaq – thanks folks! – here’s what I mean. But, if we double-click on the cell… And after that click… If we ran this…

SQL Developer

Someone on the Forums (yes, we read and respond!) noticed they couldn’t add Bytes or Time to their plan displays in Oracle SQL Developer. So we just made all of the columns available now, even if a few them might not make sense, i.e. TEMP_SPACE, OTHER. Preferences – Database – Autotrace/Explain Plan New things highlighted/boxed… So let’s look at a plan from V$SQL_PLAN…a la hitting this button – For AutoTraces you can also ask to…

SQL Developer

Happy 2017! Here are your 10 favorite posts from last year. 1. Exporting Multiple Tables to Multiple Excel Spreadsheets Want 6 tables’ worth of data to go to single Excel file? Or one table per file? Here’s how to do that. 2. Oracle SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL Developer Own the Tuning Pack? Have SQL Developer? You should be using that then. BONUS POST: Viewing your automatic SQL Tuning Advisor Job Reports. 3. Can Oracle…

SQL Developer

Tons of bugs fixes based on your feedback, especially with the formatter. A few more changes with the formatter: we added more preferences for more flexibility we let you submit code to ‘shape’ the formatting preferences automatically we exposed the brains of the formatter so you can do pretty much whatever you want An example of the formatter ‘by example’ I’ll talk about the formatting ‘gut’ being exposed in a later post. But we did…