I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Just because you’re in a command line interface doesn’t mean you’re stuck with ugly code! Wait, if it’s my code, you’re stuck with ugly code. But if it’s YOUR code, then you’re not stuck with poorly formatted code. You can of course use the FORMAT command to format what’s in a file or in the SQLcl buffer. I don’t like the formatter default settings! Have no fear. Load up the GUI. Yes, THAT GUI. Set…

SQL Developer

One of the major new features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is Analytic Views. An analytic view is a type of view that can be used to easily extend the content of a star schema with aggregated data, measure calculations and descriptive metadata, and to simplify the SQL needed to access data. Analytic views layer a hierarchical/dimensional model over data. Analytic views are defined over the dimension tables and fact table of a star…

oracle rest data services module parameter resultset ORDS

Yesterday I talked about how to grab the output returned from your stored procedure when executing via Oracle REST Data Services. The example was: INSERT a new record into a table. Return the new employee ID and the total number of employees in the table. So we just needed 2 parameters for our handler to catch the two integers returned, easy-peasy. But, what if we were going to return the entire record? So let’s write…


Update: This post was refreshed on October 14, 2021. I have a very simple, and not very elegant stored procedure. 181293507367b50975e7d1c_000007 Sidebar: Like, I’m not a professional developer. The WHEN OTHERS THEN bit…that’s BAD CODE, don’t do that. You should do something, more like THIS. This stored procedure takes in a name and salary. It inserts a record to my table, and returns the new employee’s ID and the new total number of employees in…

Database Stuff

Want to get started on learning everything there is to know about the latest version of our Database? Don’t want to really have to install or create anything? Well, you’re in luck. Just go download our image. In a few minutes, you’ll be up and running with Database 12c Release 2. And APEX 5.1. And ORDS 3.0.9. And of course SQL Developer. Plus, you’ll get lots of Hands On Labs! Step by step instructions allow…


I have a RESTful Service that accepts a bind value to a query that ORDS will run for me. How do I pass that bind to ORDS? You can do it explicitly be defining it as part of the URI. Or, you can use the classic web ?var=value to pass it. ORDS supports both 🙂 The only difference is the URI itself. Easy, just include it on the call. So, which one to use? I…

info command oracle sql developer SQL Developer

Many of you might not know that most of what you can do in SQcl, can also be done in SQL Developer version 4.2. In fact, it’s the same code that handles running statements/scripts in SQLcl as it is in SQL Developer’s SQL Worksheet. Assuming of course, that you use THIS button. There’s one large exception to this. TODAY: we don’t allow you to use the SCRIPT command, yet. And one small exception: you can…

oracle real time sql monitor sql developer foramtted sql statement SQL Developer

People seemed to like the Instance Viewer we built for version 4.1. So we wanted to use similar technology (Java FX) to build a new interface for the Oracle Database Tuning Pack’s Real Time SQL Monitor. So we did. If you don’t have EM Express or Enterprise Manager available or handy, you can get the report in all it’s live, refreshing glory, in SQL Developer’s DBA Panel. It’s also on the Tools menu. A Quick…

SQL Developer

A friend, let’s call her ‘Helen’ for the sake of this post, texted me the other day, wondering why she had all these dozens/hundreds (?) of files in her Windows home directory. She was confused. Where did they come from? Were they safe to delete? I asked her what they were called, and the filename sounded VERY MUCH like what she would have named her SQL Developer connection for a particular database. Now, it might…

SQL Developer

I’m out on vacation this week, but you’re in luck. I have to do the Southwest 24 hour check-in thing, so that means I’m stuck on my laptop for a few minutes. If you’re a command-line kind of guy or gal, then you know all about SQL*Plus. If you’ve spent any time here, then you also know all about SQLcl – our new, modern CLI for Oracle Database. You’ve probably seen that the tool automatically…