I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

We by default don’t store certain things in your SQLcl HISTORY list – like CONNECTs. For obvious reasons, it’s best not to store certain things, either for convenience or for security. Here’s how that is controlled. SET HISTORY BLACKLIST command1, command2, …, commandN An example: So I previously added ALTER to the list, and just now added DESC. And then I ran a few commands that use those blacklisted commands. Now let’s check our HISTORY.…

SQL Developer

You want to write a query. You want to use a subquery in that query. You don’t want to type so much. What to do? Enter the Query Builder. It’s been part of your worksheet for years. Click on it. Drag a table into it. But I don’t want to see the department_id in the output of my query, so uncheck it in the ‘Output’ column down below. Now right click in its corresponding Criteria…


One of the coolest features of Oracle REST Data Services v3.0 and higher, is the ability to REST enable your Oracle tables and views. You get a full REST api on your table – INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, Select with or without predicates and sorting, and getting metadata. You can also batch load records. I’ve talked about the SELECT and GET bits before. What I’m going to show today is how to POST (INSERT) up a…

SQL Developer

So version v4.2 has been out for Early Adopter testing and feedback since September. We’re still doing work on those new features and improvments, and will also be adding additional features and tweaks in a 2nd Early Adopter update, stay tuned. We’re of course also fixing bugs! You still have time to make a positive impact on v4.2 – so please share your 2 or even 3 cents. Based on feedback, some tweaks to look…

SQL Developer

When using the data modeler, we assume when you add a foreign key, you haven’t already created the ID column. So we create that for you. Here’s what that looks like. I draw the relationship. I don’t want that. I want it to use USER.USER_ID instead. Click on the Column, and toggle it to USER_ID. When I click ‘Apply’ or ‘OK’ – the generated column goes away. If you don’t like being asked, you can…

SQL Developer

I often spend a lot of time on the ‘cool’ and ‘advanced’ tips and tricks when doing talks for SQL Developer. Today, I’m co-presenting with Helen , and she chose to spotlight a bunch of stuff around filtering. Follow @HelenJSanders I love the topic, but I usually short change the subject in my talks. Today, let’s review all (most??) of the ways SQL Developer can help you get past the clutter. Connections You can hide…

SQL Developer

We introduced the Instance Viewer in v4.1. We show you in real time what’s happening in your database. To get there, open your DBA panel. Connect. Then go to the Database Status node. Storage bits are interesting, but maybe you’re more excited about the specific workload. So in version 4.2, we’ve added a Top SQL panel to the screen. It auto-refreshes every few seconds, and you can sort it by several different performance metrics. If…

SQL Developer

For some reason I procrastinated setting up my video software on my new work machine. Big mistake. I put together this animated GIF to show some new things in version 4.2: Updated formatter – better support for ANSI joins Opening objects referenced in your execution plans Inserting Hints Not new but underutilized: how to compare plans/AutoTraces One Last Thing… …don’t forget about the HotSpot feature we added in v4.1.