You may want to audit or ‘journal’ changes to your data. As you update a record, add a record, or delete a record – log that change in a different table. When doing your designs in the Data Modeler, you can ask at the time of DDL generation to have the journaling table and trigger created for one or more of your relational design tables. Step One: Hit the DDL button. For each table, you’ll…
Someone on the innerwebs asked how to show the data inside their user defined TYPE’d column in a table when querying it with SQL Developer. Here’s their code: 85244484067790e61c149e_000001 Run the query. Get the results. Or, in the preferences, enable this: Run the query again.
Kris (no, not THAT Kris) asks… Is there some sort of ruler that is built into this software? If not, is there some way to select a table and then specify X and Y coordinates so that I can top left align all of the diagrams that I’m creating. Currently, I am zooming in and switching between diagrams to top left align them but I feel that there has to be a better way to…
SQL Developer has a DBMS Output panel you can open and add to your desktop. You then add a connection you want to poll, and then you enable polling. It’s about 4 clicks. If you want to increase the default buffer size from 20,000 characters, then that’s a few more clicks and keystrokes. A friend of the blog (Thanks Koen!)… Tweets by @koenlostrie … suggested I share his favorite trick: using a code template to…
Tons of bug fixes, mostly. You can now ask for your working directory via the PWD command. Download is here. Scroll down to the bottom, link is on the right side.
I sometimes get a double-take when I do a blog post or tweet or show a picture of SQL Developer running on my Mac. My Macbook is my personal machine: I don’t normally do live-demo’s on it, but I almost always do my blog posts and screenshots from there. For official webcast stuff and conferences, it’s the old workhorse Win7 machine. And it looks like this for the most part: But you as a user,…
INFORMATION is a new command available in SQLcl, a command-line interface to Oracle Database. 85244484067790e61c149e_000002 It’s available for tables and views, of course. Here’s a table. Note that we show the primary key marked with a ‘*’ in the column list. 85244484067790e61c149e_000003 And here’s a VIEW. 85244484067790e61c149e_000004 You can get the statistics for a table instead of the column comments if you want. Use INFO+ for that. Let’s look at other things you can ‘INFO,’…
I have talked about how to preview BLOBs (Binary Large Objects) as pictures… But someone on Stackoverflow asked how to read a BLOB value if it had text. So I spooled the content of my EMPLOYEES table to a txt file, as CSV, and then loaded that to a table as a BLOB. Then I browsed the table, double-clicked the cell… and voila, the data being stored… Other BLOB posts: setting up external editors (Adobe…
I keep telling people our reporting functionality is probably the most powerful AND overlooked feature in SQL Developer. Today I’m going to share 2 reports that I frequently forget about, that you may enjoy. Finding Unindexed Foreign Keys We all know this should not happen. We all know it eventually happens. Here’s a report to help you quickly find these in your database. You could easily make this a custom report and have a child…
This post is a tease. It’s also a request. Send me your ugly code. In version v4.2 of SQL Developer – to be released in calendar year 2016 – we’ll be offering a new formatter for your SQL and PL/SQL. It’s got a completely new engine under the hood. It’s faster. It’s more efficient. And it sounds really cool too – which is what most gearheads care about most. I’ve taken many, many, many requests…