I talked about using the debugger to inspect a collection in PL/SQL using SQL Developer a few years ago. It’s been so long in fact that when Steven asked if I had a post on it, I said ‘no.’ We had gotten a question from a reader on how to look at collections while you’re debugging them. If you want to read about this topic in general, Steven’s article in Oracle Magazine is a great…
I try to keep my fonts ‘big’ – for folks reading my posts and for folks attending my sessions. I do lots and lots of live demo’s, and there’s a lot of code on the screen to keep track of. But I’ve generally not followed my own advice when working in a cmd shell. Oops! Fixed for next week, when I’ll be doing lots of live demo of our new favorite command line interface to…
We spend a lot of time here talking about tips, tricks, and cool things that you might have missed. These posts generally all assume you’ve been around the Oracle Database block. But many of the folks that ultimately end up here, have NEVER touched an Oracle Database before. This post is for you. You have decided to use SQL Developer, which is good. Because I can think of at least 10 reasons why SQL Developer…
Oracle SQL*Plus has been around since 1985. It does what it does, and it does it well. SQL Developer has been around since 2006. It’s become the de facto IDE and GUI for the Database. There was an opportunity to build something new that could take the command line interface and enhance it to meet the needs of today’s database professional. So really the question that our team was faced with wasn’t ‘Why?’ it was..…
If you know how to edit your code in SQL*Plus, you already know how to do it in SQLcl. But I get asked this a lot, do you support EDIT? Do you support CHANGE? And what does SQLcl offer over those? So let’s tackle the old and then the new… C/Old/New SQL*Plus has the C[HANGE] command. C[HANGE] sepchar old [sepchar [new [sepchar]]] Changes the first occurrence of the specified text on the current line in…
You may want to audit or ‘journal’ changes to your data. As you update a record, add a record, or delete a record – log that change in a different table. When doing your designs in the Data Modeler, you can ask at the time of DDL generation to have the journaling table and trigger created for one or more of your relational design tables. Step One: Hit the DDL button. For each table, you’ll…
You want the create script for a table. AND you want the create script for ALL of your tables. BUT also I want want the tablespace. Forget the constraints. How do you configure this in our tools? SQL Developer: The Preferences & the Wizards Go to the preferences. Database, utilities, export. SQLcl: SET DDL HELP SET DDL SET DDL And now run the DDL command. Don’t want the quoted identifiers? Use the Data Modeler.
Kris (no, not THAT Kris) asks… Is there some sort of ruler that is built into this software? If not, is there some way to select a table and then specify X and Y coordinates so that I can top left align all of the diagrams that I’m creating. Currently, I am zooming in and switching between diagrams to top left align them but I feel that there has to be a better way to…
We already have some pretty Spartan toolbars. We aim for fewer buttons, not less. But maybe you want to go SUPER Spartan. Even fewer buttons! Yeah, you can do that. View > Show Toolbars > Customize Main Toolbar > Customize I’m going to take a few things off the main editor and data modeler toolbars. Now you’ll get a popup window. Simply grab the button you don’t want anymore, and drag it onto the popup.…
Tons of bug fixes, mostly. You can now ask for your working directory via the PWD command. Download is here. Scroll down to the bottom, link is on the right side.