I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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My friend Chet is facing some pretty large bills. They go to pay for therapy for his special needs daughter, Kate. Chet is @oraclenerd. He’s done a lot to help the community, and to help community members in need. We’ve started a fund-raiser to help Chet make sure his kids get the care they need. I try not to ask for much here, and keep this site mostly professional. But it’s my personal site, and…

SQL Developer

Question: I like SELECT *, but I don’t really want ALL the columns. Is there a better way? Side Note: People are giving me crap on the ‘SPLAT’ – it’s perfectly acceptable! To me at least… There’s a few better ways, and with an IDE like SQL Developer, you should expect lots of help in this area. drag and drop cols from the tree * expansion the Query Builder code insight I have how-to’s on…

SQL Developer

DELIMITED text files are popular ways of passing data around. CSV anyone? The C stands for ‘Comma’ – regardless of what your smug European friends may have told you 😉 #TonguePlantedFIRMLYInCheek Anyways, in SQL Developer, when using the export dialog to get a DELIMITED export for your dataset, you can set the delimiter and the string enclosure for your columns. So in the command line interface AKA SQLcl: So you could have BEER emoji separated…

Database Stuff

These were the stories published this year that enjoyed the most readers. Sadly, an article I wrote many years ago on how to import data from Excel to Oracle, remains the #1 post overall. Stupid Excel. 10. SQL Developer version 4.1 Feature Recap So we released version 4.1 of SQL Developer this past May. This post summarizes the new features with detailed stories on each. One of my favorites is the Diagram page we added…

SQL Developer

Since SQLcl is a command line tool, it’s not super helpful to have a huge command history list. How do I mean? Well, in the SQL Developer GUI, we have a History panel. It allows for sorting, filtering, scrolling, etc. So you can go ‘crazy’ and set your History limit to 1000 if you want. But, in SQLcl, we limit the user to their last 100 commands. Now there are many commands you’ll be running…

SQL Developer

Doing the math, SQL Developer is officially 10 years old. Or should I say, 10 years young? I remember VERY clearly when this came out. It was seen as a very disruptive move by Oracle – a company for which I did not work at the time, so this is my personal recollection 🙂 It was also not the first developer tool to come from Oracle. But this one had a lot of people excited.…

SQL Developer

I went to link to this post earlier today, and was shocked to discover I hadn’t actually written it yet. What’s the opposite of ‘bazinga!’ ? SQL Developer stores every query AND script you execute in a worksheet. A query being a single statement, and a script being one or more queries and/or anonymous blocks. A query is stored as a single item. A ‘script’ is stored as a single item. By DEFAULT, we store…

SQL Developer

I hope this post isn’t too cheesy. But it’s Turkey-week here in the USA, and the theme demands that homage be paid. So here are 5 features in Oracle SQL Developer that I use all the time, and am truly thankful for. They help me conserve energy, AND they make my job easier. I want to make sure YOU’RE aware of them too. In no particular order, mostly… 1. The Statements Panel I use this…

SQL Developer

This might sound preachy, but it’s mostly not intentional, mostly. You might really enjoy the flexibility of the PL/SQL APIs the database provides for things like Resource management, the Scheduler, Data Pump. You might even have memorized the PL/SQL function/proc names and arguments required to create a job, or change up a resource. But do you really want to spend that much time typing? So. While I can show DBAs, over and over again, how…

SQL Developer

I’m always looking for things. I love the ALT+G trick in SQL Developer. But what about the command-line? One of the really nice things about SQLcl is that if you can’t do what you want with the available commands, you can just build your own. That’s especially true now that we have JavaScript support. But this is just plain, straight up SQL. To build your own command, use ‘ALIAS’. 1115414175677bb88073534_000004 You can probably guess what…