I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer has 2 client-side logging mechanisms for capturing SQL that is executed: SQL History Statements SQL History This is the SQL that you have executed in a SQL Worksheet. It’s also any scripts you have executed in a SQL Worksheet. Ran something the other day and forgot to save it to your script? No worries, pull it up in the SQL History. It’s limited by the size defined in the preferences. 100 is…

SQL Developer

I tried to reference this post, and couldn’t find it. So apparently I have to write it now. I want to write a query. I want a bunch of column names. I could do this: But I’m very particular. Or maybe my customer is very particular. She wants SALARY then LAST NAME then FIRST NAME then EMPLOYEE ID. And so because I’m a lazy typer, I’m going to give my fingers a break and pick…

SQL Developer

Idiom:in a nutshellIn a few words; concisely: Just give me the facts in a nutshell. Ok, so I used more than a few words, but if I told you that SQL Developer was a GUI version of SQL*Plus – I’d be leaving out a WHOLE LOT of important stuff. If that’s all you’re using it for, you might be missing out. So here are some quick-links to learn more about each of these feature areas:…

SQL Developer

A co-worker asked me for some advice on building a report to view some CLOBs. CLOBs are fun. They let you store an unlimited (basically) amount of text. They’re not as flexible as VARCHAR2s, but they do come in handy. Viewing them in a report can get interesting though. The question came down to seeing a report like this – I suggested to my co-worker to use the SCRIPT type report instead. But then they…

SQL Developer

Virtual columns made their debut in Oracle Database 11g. They are a value that’s not stored with the row, rather they are computed as queried. [DOCS] So I could have a column of type DATE. And I could have a virtual column of type VARCHAR2 that is computed by running a function against the previously mentioned DATE column. How would I model this? In your relational, or even logical design, you can set a column’s…


My friend Chet is facing some pretty large bills. They go to pay for therapy for his special needs daughter, Kate. Chet is @oraclenerd. He’s done a lot to help the community, and to help community members in need. We’ve started a fund-raiser to help Chet make sure his kids get the care they need. I try not to ask for much here, and keep this site mostly professional. But it’s my personal site, and…


Our Database Insider Newsletter folks asked me to share some resolutions I had for 2016. 2015 was a great year for me, personally and professionally. I’m also continuously reminded of the things I don’t do so well and need to get better at. So here goes… Find new ways to reach and help our users. Not everyone gets to attend a conference. Not everyone has time to read blogs. Our team wants our customers to…

SQL Developer

DELIMITED text files are popular ways of passing data around. CSV anyone? The C stands for ‘Comma’ – regardless of what your smug European friends may have told you 😉 #TonguePlantedFIRMLYInCheek Anyways, in SQL Developer, when using the export dialog to get a DELIMITED export for your dataset, you can set the delimiter and the string enclosure for your columns. So in the command line interface AKA SQLcl: So you could have BEER emoji separated…

SQL Developer

Since SQLcl is a command line tool, it’s not super helpful to have a huge command history list. How do I mean? Well, in the SQL Developer GUI, we have a History panel. It allows for sorting, filtering, scrolling, etc. So you can go ‘crazy’ and set your History limit to 1000 if you want. But, in SQLcl, we limit the user to their last 100 commands. Now there are many commands you’ll be running…