I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Had a real fun time showing off a series of tips & tricks yesterday, and we did it all in 15 minutes! I can’t afford Mike Rowe or Morgan Freeman for voice over talent, so unfortunately this video has my voice. The things I show in this video, in blog form: SQL History Recall SQL Code Templates Joining multiple tables in a SELECT Query Builder Code Snippets Completion Insight SQL Text Expansion I hope my…

SQL Developer

Do as I say, not as I do. Because I am like most of you, I am very lazy. Case in point: loading some data from a CSV into an Oracle table. I can use a wizard in SQL Developer and in a few clicks, have it loaded. Usually I’m playing with a hundred rows. Or maybe a few thousand. But this time I needed to load up about 150MB of CSV, which isn’t very…

Database Stuff

Working on some cool demos around JSON, ORDS, Oracle Database, JavaScript apps, etc. and I needed to load up a BUNCH of data to play with. Note the ‘other_tags’ column LOOKS like JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). There are JSON standards – should the key name and value strings be double or single quoted, etc. To ID text as JSON in Oracle it needs to pass our test. Also, you need Oracle 12c, specifically (and…

SQL Developer

How often do you need to build a new table to test something out? How often have you typed CREATE TABLE AS SELECT… If the answer to both of those question is ‘quite a bit Jeff!,’ then continue reading. In SQLcl, we have built a new command simply called ‘CTAS.’ So let’s try it out. What tables do I have to work with? I’m lazy, so instead of typing ‘select table_name from user_tables’ I just…

SQL Developer

This is one of the features I showcased in a webcast yesterday – looking for a particular column definition in your relational model? We make that easy in SQL Developer. And, after you find all of these columns, you can quickly change them, all in one fell swoop. Ctrl+F in a model to open the search. Toggle to ‘Advanced.’ Set your search area and criteria. Hit the ‘Search’ button. Review the results, save as a…

SQL Developer

This post will show how to connect to your Database as a Service environment running in our Oracle Cloud using Oracle SQL Developer. The screenshots below and demonstration steps are written with version 4.1.1 of SQL Developer. We (Oracle) basically have 2 types of Database services you can run in our cloud: Schema – known as Database Schema Service Database – known as Database as a Service (DBaaS) I’ll be talking about the DBaaS offering…

SQL Developer

I’m at the beach! But if you desire fresh SQL Developer-themed content, then you are still in great shape. Check out these blogs: The Data Warrior AKA Oracle ACE Director Kent Graziano Heli from Finland AKA Oracle ACE Director and published author Heli Helskyaho Kris Rice Colm Divilly Barry McGillin Not Enough? I have a YouTube Channel with SQL Developer videos, because reading is boring. Moving pictures are so 1894. I have a SlideShare channel…

SQL Developer

The team just got back from another Oracle User Group Conference, or I should say THE conference. I know most of you don’t get to go to conferences. Or have nice computers. Or use foreign keys. Or have nice things. BUT. One thing you do get to have today, is the same popular Oracle SQL Developer features demonstrated to you, right now. These are things that people ask me to demonstrate to them, the most.…

SQL Developer

Most folks know they can filter their list of Tables. But did you know you can set a global filter across your entire connection? It’s pretty basic, but also pretty powerful: So how would this be useful? Maybe for your project or program module, you have all of the objects starting with the same prefix. You can now filter your database objects to just that module or application feature. These are database side filters -…

SQL Developer

I had a fun conversation with @tmuth today: I attempted to distill my entire tips & tricks ‘sermon’ down to a single suggestion. For productivity, I suggest every user get comfortable with Document Tab Groups. So if you want to work on a stored procedure while you browse a table, right click on your document tab, and add a new document tab group. This allows you to SEE more than one editor at once. You…