I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

What’s a very large script? That’s a subjective question, and the answer will depend somewhat on the hardware specs of your machine. I got this question yesterday: @thatjeffsmith is there a limit to the number of lines I can paste into the code editor in SQL developer? — louise mcscootash (@metalouise) September 12, 2014 I enjoy these questions. They’re 99% of the time, not theoretical. She had obviously ran into some sort of wall. And…

SQL Developer

We try to make comparing things easy to do. When you’re troubleshooting, you frequently need to know why A isn’t quite like B. So let’s look at a few scenarios. Execution Plans or Autotrace Runs Run a plan or autotrace. Pin it. Run another. Right-click on one, and compare with the other. Voila. Looking at Objects, Side By Side So what’s the difference between those two hockey stat tables? Open a table. Pin it. Open…

SQL Developer

You know that thing where you’re sitting shotgun, or the horror – in the backseat – and you notice the driver doing something that drives you crazy? For me it was my best friend in college who refused to acknowledge that his car had 4 gears. He’d never shift out of 3rd gear. Somehow I’m still sane, mostly. Well, there’s something I notice folks doing in SQL Developer that drives me just as crazy. They…

SQL Developer

I have found a lot of users like to tweak this preference without really understanding what it does: Standard JDBC also enables you to specify the number of rows fetched with each database round-trip for a query, and this number is referred to as the fetch size. [DOCS] So if you execute a query and the query returns 1,000 records and your fetch size is set to 100 – we will need to go to…

SQL Developer

A few quick things to remember: Try to always use statement delimiters Even before I go to execute this ‘statement’, SQL Devleoper is telling me I have a problem. The grammar check is failing. Notice those red squiggle lines? They actually mean something. So, add a semi-colon, or do this: Know the difference between executing a statement and executing a statement(s) as a script

SQL Developer

Someone asked the other day, ‘how can I make tables show up in blue?’ In the preferences, find the ‘PLSQL Identifier’ entry in the PL/SQL Syntax Colors entry, and set it to whatever color you’d like. Another example… Grammar Squiggles, They’re Hard to See Sometimes This time, look for the ‘Disconnected Join Graph’ entry. One more… Classic Green Screen The very first entry, ‘Default Plain text’ – set that to background, ‘black,’ and then set…

SQL Developer

For the month of September I’m challenging myself to perform two different feats of strength: Do 5,000 push-ups in the month of September Post a SQL Developer Tip or Trick every day for the next 30 days I’ve noticed my posts are starting to go out once or twice a week, and I like to average three. So hopefully this mini-bootcamp of blog posts will me back on schedule. So, without further ado, Tip #1:…

SQL Developer

I’ve recently spent a few hours debugging some user defined reports. A post on how to add trace/disconnect context menus to a session report required that I figure out what session my worksheet was running under. The code was easy… 508963325678095c61603f_000000 …but I’m lazy. So this: The Setup Open your preferences and go to the SQL Editor Code Templates. As you code these, you recall them from what you label them via the ID, not…