I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Quick and clean, what’s that? Consider the following: 186841178967b5095f6acdd_000000 I call that ‘quick and dirty,’ and I imagine you have used this technique many, many times. But, I wish it would have grabbed column comments, indexes, maybe even the partitions. Partitioning a table after the fact is pretty much a no-go. So what are we to do? Well, if you have SQL Developer v4.0.3, you can simply right-click on a table and… Use as a…

SQL Developer

This post was almost NULL – I was deep in Power Point mode for Open World, and almost forgot to write today’s post! Also, another admission: I said back on Day 1 of this series, that I was planning on doing 5000 push-ups this month as well. Well, I gave up on that a few days ago. I’m still pushing them out, but 5,000 ain’t going to happen – sorry Philip! Ok, conscience clean -…

SQL Developer

So this tip requires you upgrade to version 4.0.3 of Oracle SQL Developer – more on that in a second. Version 4.0.3 is 95% bug fixes. One of those bugs was submitted by my fellow product manager, Maria Colgan. Perhaps you know her on Twitter as… Tweets by @db_inmemory Anyways, she is going to be using our favorite tool to help teach you how to use the new database feature known as ‘In-Memory.’ What…

SQL Developer

In the current issue of UKOUG’s Scene Magazine, you can find a 5 pager on how to get started with the reporting feature in SQL Developer. Now, I could come up with a new tip or topic for today,’s post, or I could just cheat, and link to this other thing I already wrote. I’ll let you figure out which way I went here. Click on the picture to read the article. A few things…

SQL Developer

What’s a very large script? That’s a subjective question, and the answer will depend somewhat on the hardware specs of your machine. I got this question yesterday: @thatjeffsmith is there a limit to the number of lines I can paste into the code editor in SQL developer? — louise mcscootash (@metalouise) September 12, 2014 I enjoy these questions. They’re 99% of the time, not theoretical. She had obviously ran into some sort of wall. And…

SQL Developer

We try to make comparing things easy to do. When you’re troubleshooting, you frequently need to know why A isn’t quite like B. So let’s look at a few scenarios. Execution Plans or Autotrace Runs Run a plan or autotrace. Pin it. Run another. Right-click on one, and compare with the other. Voila. Looking at Objects, Side By Side So what’s the difference between those two hockey stat tables? Open a table. Pin it. Open…

SQL Developer

You know that thing where you’re sitting shotgun, or the horror – in the backseat – and you notice the driver doing something that drives you crazy? For me it was my best friend in college who refused to acknowledge that his car had 4 gears. He’d never shift out of 3rd gear. Somehow I’m still sane, mostly. Well, there’s something I notice folks doing in SQL Developer that drives me just as crazy. They…

SQL Developer

I have found a lot of users like to tweak this preference without really understanding what it does: Standard JDBC also enables you to specify the number of rows fetched with each database round-trip for a query, and this number is referred to as the fetch size. [DOCS] So if you execute a query and the query returns 1,000 records and your fetch size is set to 100 – we will need to go to…