I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

You backup your databases, right? You backup you home computer – your media collection, tax documents, bank accounts, etc, right? You backup your handy-dandy SQL scripts, right? Ok, now that I’ve got your head nodding, I want to answer a question I get every so often: How can I manage my scripts in SQL Developer? This is an interesting question. First, it assumes that one SHOULD manage their scripts in their IDE. Now, what I…

SQL Developer

There’s a nasty rumor going around that you can’t compare database objects and/or code in Oracle SQL Developer. So let’s put that to bed right now. First, here’s how to compare: PL/SQL to PL/SQL or a SQL statement to another SQL statement So now that that’s settled, why don’t we take a look at how to compare a single table, to another table – whether it’s in the same database or a different database. Database…

SQL Developer

What is Oracle SQL Developer? Well, according to this document on OTN… What is SQL Developer? Date: May 2014 Oracle SQL Developer is the Oracle Database IDE. A free graphical user interface, Oracle SQL Developer allows database users and administrators to do their database tasks in fewer clicks and keystrokes. A productivity tool, SQL Developer’s main objective is to help the end user save time and maximize the return on investment in the Oracle Database…

SQL Developer

Running queries, browsing tables – you are often faced with many thousands, if not millions, of rows. Most people are happy with looking at the first few rows. But occasionally you need to see more. SQL Developer doesn’t show you all records, all at once. Instead, it brings the records down in ‘chunks,’ or as-needed. How It Works There is a preference that tells SQL Developer how many records to get in a single request,…

SQL Developer

BLOBs are cool. Optimized such that you can store files basically in the database, with the power of SQL AND no performance hit. That sounds like a pretty good deal. I get asked questions a lot about accessing BLOBs once they’re in the database. And that’s led to quite a few posts here on the subject: Viewing BLOBs as pictures Viewing BLOBs in External Editors (PDFs, spreadsheets, etc.) Including BLOBs in your PDF reports But…

SQL Developer

150 of my closest friends, or some random people on the Internet, joined me today while we talked all about SQL Developer’s reporting feature. Did you miss it? If so, I’m guessing you’re not a member of ODTUG. They put on free webcasts for everyone in the Oracle technology space. If you’re a member, you also get access to the recorded sessions in their archives. You can monitor their Webinar page, OR follow them on-line…

SQL Developer

As of late yesterday afternoon, we have two new updates for you: Oracle SQL Developer v4.0.2 – bug fixes only Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler v4.0.2 – bug fixes and a few tweaks You can read the release notes to see exactly what’s changed. For SQL Developer, the major things are an update to fix some issues with our Data Miner extension, and 5 or so UI bugs in SQL Developer itself. Also, if you…

SQL Developer

A customer wanted to know how they could quickly see what tables were in one database, but not in another. They don’t want to run a DIFF, they just want to click-click-click-BAM! So, we want to go from here: to here: Here’s what I’m doing: Open A Schema Browser Float it Repeat as desired And this is why I love doing customer sessions. I haven’t been asked this question, ever. But today, a very fun…

SQL Developer

I’ve shown you and more than a few customers how to customize your Monitor Sessions page/report. If you need a refresher, that’s here. But basically it comes down to this: Copy the report from the Database Administration section of the Reports panel Paste it to the User Defined Reports section Edit to your heart’s delight But. Some of you have noticed that when you do this, you lose the ability to kill and trace sessions…

SQL Developer

The risk of posting a question here, is that I might take it and turn it into a blog post. And that’s where today’s topic comes from. I imported data dictionary into SQL data modeler and cannot found out how to disable predefined constraint names. Table “T” was created in database without specifying primary key name, so it gained SYS_C0012093 name, but in data modeler constraint is named as “T_PK”. This produces unnecessary statements when…