I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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Database Stuff

I know this sounds like a REALLY weird question for many of you. Let me make one thing clear right away though, I am NOT talking about creating and replacing PLSQL objects directly into a production environment. Do we really need to talk about developers in production again? No, what I am talking about is a developer doing their work from start to finish in a development database. These are generally available to a development team for…

SQL Developer

Everyone knows that SQL Developer has a PL/SQL debugger – check! Everyone also knows that it’s only setup for debugging standalone PL/SQL objects like Functions, Procedures, and Packages, right? – NO! SQL Developer can also debug your Stored Java Procedures AND it can debug your standalone PLSQL blocks. These bits of PLSQL which do not live in the database are also known as ‘Anonymous Blocks.’ Anonymous PL/SQL blocks can be submitted to interactive tools such…

SQL Developer

I’ve answered this question a few times over the past several months, but I’m just now getting around to putting my answer onto ‘paper.’ The common scenario is someone decides to alter a table. Immediately the paranoid – is it really paranoia if someone is actually out to get you? – start to worry about how many programs they’ve just borked. The database does track immediate object dependencies. However, it’s possible that your code is…

SQL Developer

Bequeath is an interesting word. It’s hard to pronounce for starters, or at least it is for me. So if you want to trip me up during a seminar, ask me about how to connect to Oracle sans Listener. Then you’ll get to hear me try to say bi-ˈkwēth, -ˈkwēth, bē- from Merriam Webster Your database hasn’t died (at least I hope it hasn’t, if it has, you’re in the wrong place). Instead, there’s a…

SQL Developer

Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to describe an object in SQL. When you model a table in your relational model using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, you are probably very curious as to the code that is being generated to represent that object. You can peek into this code using your mouse – You can right-mouse-click on an object and choose ‘DDL Preview,’ or you can use the keyboard shortcut, Alt+Shift+I. Here’s trick #1:…

SQL Developer

Incremental find. What is that? It is one of many features in SQL Developer that I have managed to overlook. It has been right there though, staring me in the face. I’m betting that many of you have seen it without really SEEING it, just like I have been doing. Until today that is! Let’s take a look at the word ‘incremental’ first: From http://dictionary.reference.com in·cre·men·tal   [in-kruh-men-tl, ing-] adjective increasing or adding on, especially in…

SQL Developer

It’s easy to forget that many people still have not discovered SQL Developer, or are just getting started. Many of my recent posts have been on advanced topics, hidden tricks, and productivity tips. I want to spend some time in the next few weeks helping the beginners out there. I can’t think of a better place to start than with how to ‘install’ SQL Developer. I’ve been telling anyone who will listen than you can…

SQL Developer

You want to run a query or two against an Oracle database. You want to get the data back into a user-friendly and consumable format, such as a comma separated values file. You can do this in SQL Developer, VERY easily. You can watch the movie… …or read on – your choice! Quick ResultSet Exports as Script Output I’m too lazy to hit execute > SaveAs > Open File. I just want to get my…

SQL Developer

Martin asks – I am searching for any method to pass any table name to a sql statement in a self-written report. My initial response was to quote Lewis’ article in Oracle Magazine where he discusses bind variables, Making the Most of Oracle Developer Reports. So binds work, but what about SQL*Plus Substitution Variables? You’ve seen these before: & – Input value and use once&& – Input value and use for entire session. The answer…

SQL Developer

I’m poking around an unfamiliar schema or environment. I’m not sure what these procedures do. I could open them, but I’m lazy and I don’t want the tool to open another document/window. The ‘mystery’ code: These programs are self-documenting as they have the most awesome names ever! I’m guessing that one package will blast my enemies?, but I’m not sure. If only I could peek into the source without opening it!!! Hmm, what’s this thing…