I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

SQL optimization and tuning is fun for a lot of folks. For others it’s a affirmation that the database is ‘magic.’ I fall somewhere in the middle. No matter where you find yourself on that spectrum however, it’s pretty safe to assume that at some point you will look at an execution plan for insight to your poorly performing SQL statement. Viewing a plan in SQL Developer is pretty easy, just hit the ‘Explain Plan’…

Database Stuff

Want to confuse an Oracle database n00b? Ask them if their query takes into account the time component of a date when they code their WHERE blahDate between … AND … logic. But sir, my dates do not have a time associated with it. You must be confusing this with TimeStamp. See, that has the word ‘time’ in it, so that is where Oracle keeps time stuff. It’s at this point that I seriously start…

SQL Developer

No, not your code. I want you to take a quick look at the visual preferences for SQL Developer. In an earlier post I pontificated on the top 10 options to tweak before starting to use SQL Developer. Now once you have the tool operating the way you want, I think it’s time to make it look the way you want as well. So I suppose this would be #11! If you’re going to spend…


A quick disclaimer: I was inspired to write this post after reading AmberIsMe’s take on why she doesn’t read your blog. It’s not personal. Actually, it is a little personal. That is the point of social media after all, right? Building personal relationships with folks you admire that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to in ‘real life’ Don’t let me put words in your mouth, but that’s one of the primary reasons I spend a…

SQL Developer

Just so you don’t think I’m crazy, you should know that I’m a father to a wonderful two year old daughter. She’s awesome, except when she wants to act her age. When we get desperate, we turn on her favorite show. I have seen about 200 different episodes of Dora the Explorer. My Spanish is getting better, but I’ve got these really bad songs stuck in my head. I’m going to share one of these…

SQL Developer

I’m not sure if I can help with the mind part, but I can definitely add some perspective on the line numbers. Quickly, let’s define just what the ‘gutter’ is in the world of programming and database GUIs. I found a good definition on Quantum Whale, a .NET component developer, and I’m going to quote them: Gutter: The gutter area can be used to display bookmarks, line numbers and outline sections. The gutter is the…

SQL Developer

Updated: April 13, 2015 Reports are great ways to access data on demand without having to write and run the code over and over. Sometimes you want to take the results of a query and feed it to another query as an input or parameter. Wouldn’t it be great if you could fire off a report based on the selected value of another report? This is the basic premise of a Master/Child report. For this…


On February 14-16, I’ll be at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado for RMOUG’s Training Days Conference. This is the largest regional Oracle User Conference in North America and attracts presenters from all around the country and the globe. I’ll be presenting: Presentation Name: SQL Developer Tips and Tricks for Developers Abstract: You use the GUI because you want to be productive, right? Do you ever get the feeling you’re only really using a…

SQL Developer

SQL Developer is built by Oracle, for Oracle. It’s the database IDE. That’s my current elevator pitch, at least. But, SQL Developer is also a fully featured data modeling solution (have you been enjoying my data modeling posts?) AND a 3rd party database migration platform. The migration piece is the Migration Workbench. Since we support migrations from these other database platforms, wouldn’t it be neat if SQL Developer could connect and query those 3rd party…

SQL Developer

Data models sure are handy. They tell a story – how does the information get stored as data? Just what is a ‘customer?’ Sometimes though our applications die and only leave legacy scripts behind. Or maybe you are a DBA and someone has given you a set of scripts to create some new objects in your database. You ask them for their model, and they just look at you with that weird blank stare. “We…